Part 48 (2/2)

”For Montalais, yes; for Malicorne, yes and no; for as yet he is only on trial Do you wish to know anything else?”

”The last word of the couplet still re the smile that so tormented Guiche

”Well,” said the latter, ”it is true that I obtained admission for her in Madanan

”But,” continued Guiche, assue me, comte, not to jest about that na lady perfectly well-conducted”

”Perfectly well-conducted do you say?”


”Then you have not heard the last runan

”No, and you will dothis report to yourself and to those who circulate it”

”Ah! bah! you take the matter up very seriously”

”Yes; Mademoiselle de Valliere is beloved by one of nan started ”Aha!” he said

”Yes, comte,” continued Guiche; ”and consequently, you, the uished man in France for polished courtesy of manner, will understand that I cannot allow my friend to be placed in a ridiculous position”

Saint-Aignan began to bite his nails, partially from vexation, and partially from disappointed curiosity Guiche made him a very profound bow

”You sendto know the name of the friend

”I do not send you away,to finish my lines to Phyllis”

”And those lines-”

”Are a quatrain You understand, I trust, that a quatrain is a serious affair?”

”Of course”

”And as, of these four lines, of which it is composed, I have yet three and a half to make, I need my undivided attention”

”I quite understand Adieu! co verses?”

”Wonderfully so”

”Will you have quite finished the three lines and a half to-?”

”I hope so”

”Adieu, then, until to-ed to accept the notice to quit; he accordingly did so, and disappeared behind the hedge Their conversation had led Guiche and Saint-Aignan a good distance from the chateau

Every mathematician, every poet, and every drea Guiche, found hirove,-at the very spot where the outbuildings of the servants begin, and where, behind the thickets of acacias and chestnut-trees interlacing their branches, which were hidden byvines, the hich separated the woods fronan, alone, took the path which led towards these buildings; De Guiche going off in the opposite direction The one proceeded to the flower-garden, while the other bent his steps towards the walls Saint-Aignan walked on between rows of mountain-ash, lilac, and hawthorn, which formed an almost impenetrable roof above his head; his feet were buried in the soft gravel and thick e, which seemed difficult for hi learned enious measures he had resorted to in order to acquire more information about her, when suddenly the murmur of a human voice attracted his attention He heard whispers, the coled with entreaties, shs, and half-stilted exclamations of surprise; but above thenan stopped to look about hireatest surprise that the voices proceeded, not frolided along under the covered walk, he raised his head, and observed at the top of the wall a woer conversation with a man seated on a branch of a chestnut-tree, whose head alone could be seen, the rest of his body being concealed in the thick covert of the chestnut 5

Chapter XLIX The Labyrinth

Saint-Aignan, who had only been seeking for information, had ood luck Curious to learn why, and particularly what about, thisat such an hour, and in such a singular position, Saint-Aignan made himself as small as he possibly could, and approached al measures to ainst a tree and listened, and heard the following conversation The woman was the first to speak

”Really, Monsieur Manica the reproaches she addressed to him, preserved a marked tone of coquetry, ”really your indiscretion is of a very dangerous character We cannot talk long in thisobserved”

”That is very probable,” said the man, in the calmest and coolest of tones

”In that case, then, ould people say? Oh! if any one were to see me, I declare I should die of very shame”

”Oh! that would be very silly; I do not believe you would”

”Itbetween us; but to injure ratuitously is really very foolish of ood; I know the nan, watching the rounds of the ladder, on which were standing two pretty little feet covered with blue satin shoes

”Nay, nay, for pity's sake, o away; I have a great reatest inan to hiossips had her adventure, only I iined the hero of this one's adventure was Malicorne and not Manicamp”

At her companion's appeal, Montalais stopped in the nan could observe the unfortunate Manicamp climb from one branch of the chestnut-tree to another, either to iue consequent upon his inconvenient position

”Now, listen to me,” said he; ”you quite understand, I hope, that my intentions are perfectly innocent?”

”Of course But why did you write ratitude towards you? Why did you ask me for an interview at such an hour and in such a place as this?”

”I sti you that it was I who had been theattached to Mada the interview you have been kind enough to grant me, I employed the means which appeared toit, at such an hour and in such a locality, was, that the hour seemed to me to be the most prudent, and the locality the least open to observation Moreover, I had occasion to speak to you upon certain subjects which require both prudence and solitude”

”Monsieur Manica I wish to say is perfectly honorable, I assure you”

”I think, Monsieur Manica in me to take my leave”