Part 23 (1/2)
The clock of St Paul was striking seven as Aramis, on horseback, dressed as a simple citizen, that is to say, in colored suit, with no distinctive -knife by his side, passed before the Rue du Petit-Musc, and stopped opposite the Rue des Tournelles, at the gate of the Bastile Two sentinels were on duty at the gate; theyAra, and they pointed out the way he was to go by a long passage with buildings on both sides This passage led to the drawbridge, or, in other words, to the real entrance The drawbridge was down, and the duty of the day was about being entered upon The sentinel at the outer guardhouse stopped Arah tone of voice, what had brought him there Aramis explained, with his usual politeness, that a wish to speak to M Baisemeaux de Montlezun had occasioned his visit The first sentinel then sue, who showed his face at the grating, and inspected the new arrival most attentively Araovernor; whereupon the sentinel called to an officer of lower grade, alking about in a tolerably spacious courtyard and who, in turn, on being inforovernor's staff The latter, after having listened to Araed him to wait a moment, then went away a short distance, but returned to ask his name ”I cannot tell it you, monsieur,” said Aramis; ”I need only mention that I have overnor, that I can only rely beforehand upon one thing, that M de Baisehted to see me; nay, more than that, when you have told him that it is the person whom he expected on the first of June, I am convinced he will hasten here himself” The officer could not possibly believe that a overnor's importance should put himself out for a person of so little i visitor on horseback ”It happens overnor is just going out, and you can perceive his carriage with the horses already harnessed, in the courtyard yonder; there will be no occasion for him to come to meet you, as he will see you as he passes by” Aranify his assent; he did not wish to inspire others with too exalted an opinion of hi upon the saddle-bow of his horse Ten e was observed to ot into the carriage, which immediately prepared to start The saovernor hie advanced as the carriage was about to pass under the arch, and the governor opened the carriage-door, hi the example of obedience to orders; so that, in this way, the sentinel could convince hie rolled along under the archway, but at the ate was opened, the officer approached the carriage, which had again been stopped, and said soovernor, who immediately put his head out of the door-way, and perceived Arae He iot out, or rather darted out of his carriage, running towards Araies He almost embraced him ”What a difficult matter to enter the Bastile!” said Araainst their wills, as for those who come of their own accord?”
”A thousand pardons, hted I a of, ht of a bishop in otten Take this gentleman's horse to the stables,” cried Baisemeaux
”No, no,” said Aras”
The governor's countenance became so radiant, that if the prisoners had seen hiined soht, the horse shall be taken to the governe, my dear M d'Herblay? and it shall take us back to e to cross a courtyard! do you believe I ao on foot”
Baisemeaux then offered his arm as a support, but the prelate did not accept it They arrived in thishis hands and glancing at the horse fro at the bleak bare walls A tolerably handsoovernor's apart-roo prepared, opened a se cabinet, the s of which opened obliquely upon the courtyard and the stables Baisemeaux installed the prelate with that all-inclusive politeness of which a good rateful man, alone possesses the secret An arm-chair, a footstool, a s was prepared by the governor himself With his own hands, too, he placed upon the table, with old, which one of the soldiers had brought up with theleft the room, Baisemeaux himself closed the door after him, drew aside one of the -curtains, and looked steadfastly at Ara further
”Well,up, ”of all men of their word, you still continue to be the most punctual”
”In matters of business, dear M de Baisemeaux, exactitude is not a virtue only, it is a duty as well”
”Yes, in matters of business, certainly; but what you have withme”
”Co this exactitude, you have not been without a little uneasiness”
”About your health, I certainly have,” stammered out Baisemeaux
”I wished to coued,” continued Aramis Baiseuest's back ”But,” continued Aramis, ”I promised myself to co”
”You are really very kind,for me I was punctual, I think”
”What do youout” At which latter re out”
”Then I prevent you,” said Aramis; whereupon the ereater ”I alace upon the poor governor; ”if I had known that, I should not have coine that you could ever inconveniencein search of money”
”No,” sta to-”
”Does the governor still intend to go to M Fouquet?” suddenly called out the major from below Baisemeaux ran to thelike a madman ”No, no,” he exclai of M Fouquet? are you drunk below there? why aed on business?”
”You were going to M Fouquet's,” said Ara his lips, ”to M Fouquet, the abbe, or the superintendent?”
Baisemeaux almost made up his e to do so ”To the superintendent,” he said
”It is true, then, that you were in want of ives it away!”
”I assure you, my lord-”
”You were afraid?”
”My dear lord, it was the uncertainty and ignorance in which I was as to where you were to be found”
”You would have found the money you require at M Fouquet's, for he is a man whose hand is always open”
”I swear that I should never have ventured to ask M Fouquet for money I only wished to ask him for your address”
”To ask M Fouquet forhis eyes in real astonishlance which the prelate fixed upon him,-”at M Fouquet's certainly”
”There is no harm in that, dear M Baisemeaux, only I would ask, why ask ht write to you”
”I understand,” said Ara, ”but that is not what I meant; I do not ask you what you required o to M Fouquet for it?”
”Oh!” said Baisemeaux, ”as Belle-Isle is the property of M Fouquet, and as Belle-Isle is in the diocese of Vannes, and as you are bishop of Vannes-”
”But, my dear Baisemeaux, since you kneas bishop of Vannes, you had no occasion to ask M Fouquet for my address”
”Well, monsieur,” said Baise your pardon most sincerely”
”Nonsense,” observed Aramis calmly: ”how can you possibly have acted indiscreetly?” And while he coovernor, he was considering how Baisemeaux, as not aware of his address, kneever, that Vannes was his residence ”I shall clear all this up,” he said to hiovernor shallarrange our little accounts?”
”I am at your orders, my lord; but tell me beforehand, my lord, whether you will do me the honor to breakfast with ly, indeed”
”That's well,” said Baisemeaux, as he struck the bell before him three times
”What does that mean?” inquired Aramis
”That I have some one to breakfast with ly”
”And you rang thrice Really,ceremoniously with me”
”No, indeed Besides, the least I can do is to receive you in the best way I can”
”But why so?”
”Because not even a prince could have done what you have done for me”
”Nonsense! nonsense!”
”Nay, I assure you-”