Part 20 (1/2)

”There, now,” interrupted D'Artagnan, ”you are going to say so you in time”

”Is that all, ,” replied D'Artagnan; ”and these gentlemen, as well as myself, are quite satisfied with you”

”Believe me, monsieur, that your reconciliations are not successful”

”In ay?”

”Because, as we are now about to separate, I would wager that M de Bragelonne and reater enemies than ever”

”You are deceived, monsieur, as far as I ahtest aniainst you”

This last blow overwhelmed De Wardes He cast his eyes around hinan saluted entlemen who had been present at the explanation; and every one, on leaving the room, shook hands with him; but not one hand was held out towards De Wardes ”Oh!” exclai eance?”

”You can, monsieur, for I am here,” whispered a voice full of menace in his ear

De Wardes turned round, and saw the Duke of Buckingha probably remained behind with that intention, had just approached him ”You, monsieur?” exclai of France; I a to reland I have accue, that I, too, like yourself, need to revenge nan's principles profoundly, but I alishman, and, in my turn, I propose to you what you proposed to others to no purpose Since you, therefore, are so terribly incensed, take me as a remedy In thirty-four hours' time I shall be at Calais Coether, than if alone We will fight, e get there, upon the sands which are covered by the rising tide, and which for six hours of the day, but belong to the territory of Heaven during the other six”

”I accept willingly,” said De Wardes

”I assure you,” said the duke, ”that if you killme an infinite service”

”I will do reeable to you, duke,” said De Wardes

”It is agreed, then, that I carry you off with me?”

”I shall be at your coer and some mortal risk to run, to tranquilize me”

”In that case, I think you havefor Farewell, M de Wardes; to-, my valet will tell you the exact hour of our departure; we can travel together like two excellent friends I generally travel as fast as I can Adieu”

Buckingha's apartments; De Wardes, irritated beyond h the streets hoed

Chapter XXI Baisemeaux de Montlezun

After the austere lesson adether descended the staircase which led to the courtyard of the Palais Royal ”You perceive,” said Athos to D'Artagnan, ”that Raoul cannot, sooner or later, avoid a duel with De Wardes, for De Wardes is as brave as he is vicious and wicked”

”I know such felloell,” replied D'Artagnan; ”I had an affair with the father I assure you that, although at that tie-I assure you that the father did ht it out with him Ah, Athos, such encounters never take place in these times! I had a hand which could never remain at rest, a hand like quicksilver,-you knew its quality, for you have seen er than a piece of steel; it was a serpent that assuht thrust its head; in other words, where it ht fix its bite I advanced half a dozen paces, then three, and then, body to body, I pressed ain ten paces No human power could resist that ferocious ardor Well, De Wardes the father, with the bravery of his race, with his dogged courage, occupied a good deal of eh”

”It is, then, as I said,” resu out for Raoul, and will end by ht for”

”Agreed; but Raoul calculates well; he bears no grudge against De Wardes,-he has said so; he ait until he is provoked, and in that case his position is a good one The king will not be able to get out of temper about the matter; besides we shall kno to pacify his majesty But why so full of these fears and anxieties? You don't easily get alarmed”

”I will tell you whatto-morrohen hisa certain et out of tery mood, if he were to meet De Wardes, the shell would explode”

”We will prevent the explosion”

”Not I,” said Athos, ”for I ance of the court, all these intrigues, sickenman who can make terms with the s too beautiful and too co phrases which thesethemselves when they wish to deceive others In one word, I am weary of Paris wherever and whenever you are not with me; and as I cannot have you withyou are, Athos; how you gainsay your origin and the destiny of your noble nature Men of your stamp are created to continue, to the very last reat faculties Look at my sword, a Spanish blade, the one I wore at La Rochelle; it served me for thirty years without fail; one day in the winter it fell upon the -knife made of it which will last a hundred years yet You, Athos, with your loyalty, your frankness, your cool courage, and your sound infors need to warn and direct the as , ”thatraisedme an object of worshi+p, casts round? I have nan To be a reater? I a heard you occasionally call reat Athos'; I defy you, therefore, if I were minister, to continue to bestow that title upon me No, no; I do not yield myself in this manner”

”We will not speak of it anywhich unites us”

”It is alnan pressed Athos's hand waret on without you I am at Paris”

”In that case I shall return to Blois We will take leave of each other to-night; to-ain”

”You cannot return to your hotel alone; why did you not bring Grioes to bed early, for ued He came from Blois with me, and I co the forty leagues which separate us from Blois, he needed to draw breath even, he would die without a murmur But I don't want to lose Grimaud”

”You shall have one of my musketeers to carry a torch for you Hola! soilded balustrade The heads of seven or eight entleman, who is so disposed, to escort the Conan

”Thank you for your readiness, gentleret to have occasion to trouble you in this ly escort the Comte de la Fere,” said sonan”

”Who is that?” said D'Artagnan, looking into the darkness

”I, Monsieur d'Artagnan”

”Heaven forgive me, if that is not Monsieur Baisemeaux's voice”

”It is,in the courtyard,your orders, ht D'Artagnan; ”true, you have been told, I suppose, that some one was to be arrested, and have co an officer?”

”I came because I had occasion to speak to you”

”You did not send to ed,” said Monsieur Baisenan,” said Athos

”Not before I have present Monsieur Baiseovernor of the Bastile”