Part 18 (2/2)
The four descended the stairs De Guiche's carriage aiting at the door, and took theaged in devising his scheme of action The sole depositary of two secrets, he did not despair of concluding soement between the two parties He knew the influence he exercised over Buckingham, and the ascendency he had acquired over De Guiche, and affairs did not look utterly hopeless On their arrival in the gallery, dazzling with the blaze of light, where the most beautiful and illustrious women of the court moved to and fro, like stars in their own atetting De Guiche in order to seek out Louise, who, aazed long and fixedly upon the royal circle, which glittered with jewels and gold All itsseated Raoul perceived Buckingharoup of French and English, ere adnificence of his costu seen his father, but their recollections were not prejudicial to the son
Buckingha with him aloud about Belle-Isle ”I cannot speak to him at present,” said Raoul
”Wait, then, and choose your opportunity, but finish everything speedily I am on thorns”
”See, our deliverer approaches,” said Raoul, perceiving D'Artagnan, who, nificently dressed in his new uniform of captain of the allery; and he advanced towards D'Artagnan
”The Co for you, chevalier,” said Raoul
”Yes,” replied D'Artagnan, ”I have just left hiht you would have passed a portion of the evening together”
”We have arranged to ain”
As he answered Raoul, his absent looks were directed on all sides, as if seeking so in the roole on its prey Raoul followed the direction of his glance, and noticed that De Guiche and D'Artagnan saluted each other, but he could not distinguish at wholance was aimed
”Chevalier,” said Raoul, ”there is no one here but yourself who can render me a service”
”What is it, o and interrupt the Duke of Buckingham, to who with M Fouquet, you understand that it would not do for me to throw myself into the middle of the conversation”
”Ah, ah, is M Fouquet there?” inquired D'Artagnan
”Do you not see hireater right than you have?”
”You are a ht; I am captain of the , and have enjoyed it for so brief a period, that I anity”
”You will do me this service, will you not?”
”M Fouquet-the deuce!”
”Are you not on good terood terms with me; however, since it must be done so at you; or is it likely that it ht be-”
”No, no; don't deceive yourself, it is indeed me for whoood one, then?”
”Do you think so?”
”Pray go”
”Well, I will”
De Guiche had not ren to hiht up to the group, and civilly saluted M Fouquet as well as the others
”Good evening, M d'Artagnan; ere speaking of Belle-Isle,” said Fouquet, with that usage of society, and that perfect knowledge of the language of looks, which require half a lifetihly to acquire, and which so all their study, never attain
”Of Belle-Ile-en-Mer! Ah!” said D'Artagnan ”It belongs to you, I believe, M Fouquet?”
”M Fouquet has just told us that he had presented it to the king,” said Buckingham
”Do you know Belle-Isle, chevalier?” inquired Fouquet
”I have only been there once,” replied D'Artagnan, with readiness and good-hu?”
”Scarcely a day”
”Did you see much of it while you were there?”
”All that could be seen in a day”
”A great deal can be seen with observation as keen as yours,” said Fouquet; at which D'Artagnan bowed
During this Raoul ham, ”I leave the captain with you, he is more learned than I am in bastions, scarps, and counter-scarps, and I will join one of haroup, and advanced towards Raoul, stopping for aqueen, and the king were playing together
”Now, Raoul,” said De Guiche, ”there he is; be fir made some complimentary remark to Madame, continued his way towards Raoul, who advanced to h he followed hi men roups of players and the gallery, where they walked, stopping now and then for the purpose of saying a feords to so there At the moment when the two lines were about to unite, they were broken by a third It was Monsieur who advanced towards the Duke of Buckingha smile on his red and perfumed lips
”My dear duke,” said he, with the most affectionate politeness; ”is it really true what I have just been told?”
Buckingham turned round; he had not noticed Monsieur approach; but had merely heard his voice He started in spite of his coht pallor overspread his face ”Monseigneur,” he asked, ”what has been told you that surprises you so much?”
”That which throws me into despair, and will, in truth, be a real cause of hness is very kind, for I perceive that you allude to my departure”
Guiche had overheard the conversation fro, and started in his turn ”His departure,” he murmured ”What does he say?”
Philip continued with the saracious air, ”I can easily conceive,of Great Britain recalls you; we all know that King Charles II, who appreciates true gentlemen, cannot dispense with you But it cannot be supposed we can let you go without great regret; and I beg you to receive the expression of my own”