Part 5 (1/2)

”Hein!-you have a handso?” said Malicorne, putting his watch quickly back into his fob

”Ah! true; I was offering to lay you twenty pistoles against these you have lent me, that you will have the Coht hours”

”Have you a winged horse, then?”

”That is no matter Will you bet?”

”I shall have the coht hours?”


”In hand?”

”In hand”

”Well, be it so; I lay,” said Malicorne, curious enough to kno this seller of clothes would get through

”Is it agreed?”

”It is”

”Pass me the pen, ink, and paper”

”Here they are”

”Thank you”

Manica on his left elbow, in his best hand, traced the following lines:- ”Good for an order for a place of maid of honor to Madame, which M le Coht DE MANICAMP”

This painful task accoain

”Well!” asked Malicorne, ”what does this mean?”

”That means that if you are in a hurry to have the letter froer”

”How the devil is that?”

”That is transparent enough, I think; you take that paper”


”And you set out instead of me”


”You put your horses to their best speed”


”In six hours you will be at Etampes; in seven hours you have the letter fro from my bed, which suits me and you too, at the same tireat man”

”Hein! I know that”

”I am to start then for Etao to the Coive you a similar one for Monsieur”

”Monsieur will approve?”


”And I shall have my brevet?”

”You will”


”Well, I hope I behave genteely?”


”Thank you”

”You do as you please, then, with the Co ?”

”Diable! the exception is annoying; but then, if instead of asking hi important”

”What do you call important?”

”Well! suppose one of your friends asked you to render him a service?”

”I would not render it to him”

”Selfish fellow!”

”Or at least I would ask hie”