Part 2 (1/2)

”Yes, you will; but, at this moment, my dear Aure, I declare to you that I wish for absolutely nothing, so be at ease”

”You are a frightfulthis commission, and thus you quench my joy”

”Good; there is no tione”

”Go, then; and after-”

”So be it; but in the first place, a piece of advice”

”What is it?”

”Resuly when you pout”


”Come, let us tell the truth to each other, while we are about it”

”Oh, Malicorne! Bad-heartedman leant with his elbow upon the -frame; Montalais took a book and opened it Malicorne stood up, brushed his hat with his sleeve, s to read, looked at him out of the corner of her eye

”Good!” cried she, furious; ”he has assumed his respectful air-and he will pout for a week”

”A fortnight,

Montalais lifted up her little doubled fist ”Monster!” said she; ”oh! that I were a le you”

”Ah! very well, then,” said Malicorne; ”I believe I begin to desire so”

”And what do you desire, Monsieur Deer?”

Malicorne was rolling his hat respectfully between his fingers; but, all at once, he let fall his hat, seized the young girl by the shoulders, pulled her towards him, and sealed herto so much indifference Aure would have cried out, but the cry was stifled in his kiss Nervous and, apparently, angry, the young girl pushed Malicorne against the wall

”Good!” said Malicorne, philosophically, ”that's enough for six weeks Adieu, mademoiselle, accept my very humble salutation” And he made three steps towards the door

”Well! no,-you shall not go!” cried Montalais, sta with her little foot ”Stay where you are! I order you!”

”You order me?”

”Yes; am I not mistress?”

”Of my heart and soul, without doubt”

”A pretty property! ma foi! The soul is silly and the heart dry”

”Beware, Montalais, I know you,” said Malicorne; ”you are going to fall in love with your hu round his neck with childish indolence, rather than with loving abandonment ”Well, yes! for I must thank you at least”

”And for what?”

”For the commission; is it not my whole future?”

”And htful,” said she, ”that one can never guess whether you are speaking seriously or not”

”I cannot speakthere,-we are going there”

”And so it was for that motive only you have served me; selfish fellow!”

”What would you have me say, Aure? I cannot live without you”

”Well! in truth, it is just so with me; you are, nevertheless, itman”

”Aure, ain, you know the effect they produce upon , Malicorne drew the young girl a second time towards him But at that instant a step resounded on the staircase The young people were so close, that they would have been surprised in the arms of each other, if Montalais had not violently pushed Malicorne, with his back against the door, just then opening A loud cry, followed by angry reproaches, immediately resounded It was Madary words The unlucky Malicorne al in at

”It is again that good-for-nothing!” cried the old lady ”Always here!”

”Ah, ht long days since I was here”

Chapter III In Which We at Length See the True Heroine of this History


Behind Madame de Saint-Remy stood Mademoiselle de la Valliere She heard the explosion of er, and as she divined the cause of it, she entered the cha, and perceived the unlucky Malicorne, whose woeful countenancewhoever observed it coolly He had proe chair, as if to avoid the first attacks of Mada ords, for she spoke louder than he, and without stopping; but he reckoned upon the eloquence of his gestures The old lady would neither listen to nor see anything; Malicorne had long been one of her antipathies But her anger was too great not to overflow from Malicorne on his accomplice Montalais had her turn

”And you, mademoiselle; youon in the apartment of one of her ladies of honor?”

”Oh, dear mother!” cried Mademoiselle de la Valliere, ”for ue, mademoiselle, and do not uselessly trouble yourself to intercede for unworthy people; that a young maid of honor like you should be subjected to a bad exah; but that you should sanction it by your indulgence is what I will not allow”

”But in truth,” said Montalais, rebelling again, ”I do not know under what pretense you treat reat good-for-nothing,to Malicorne, ”is he here to do any good, I ask you?”