Part 14 (1/2)
It was noon: the house was quiet, for Dona Mercedes had retired after breakfast to take her unfailing siesta, leaving us to our conversation
In that spacious, cool roo on the sofa s herself nearyou to sleep with so the further was I fro yet, Richard!” she would say, with a little laugh after each song
”Not yet, Dolores,” I would reply, pretending to get drowsy ”Butwill sendme that sweet favourite---
_Desde aquel dolorosothatany more, and presently we drifted once more into the old subject
”Ah, yes,” she replied to that argument about my nationality, which was ht to believe foreigners a cold, practical, calculating kind of people--so different froner; ah, Richard, ill you make me remember that you are not one of us! Tell me, dear friend, if a beautiful woreat er, would you stop to ask her nationality before going to her rescue?”
”No, Dolores; you know that if you, for instance, were in distress or danger I would fly to your side and risk my life to save you”
”I believe you, Richard But tellpeople cruelly oppressed by wicked n aid in clilishman has drawn a sword in a cause like that? Oh, friend, is not my mother-country more beautiful and worthy to be helped than any woiven her spiritual eyes that shed tears and look for comfort; lips sweeter than any woman's lips, that cry bitterly every day for deliverance? Can you look on the blue skies above you and walk on the green grass where the white and purple flowers smile up at you and be deaf and blind to her beauty and to her great need? Oh, no, no, it is impossible!”
”Ah, if you were a man, Dolores, what a flame you would kindle in the hearts of your country to her feet; ”then I should serve my country not ords only; then I would strike and bleed for her--hoillingly! Being only a oive my heart's blood to win one arm to aid in the sacred cause”
She stood beforewith enthusiasm; then I also rose to my feet and took her hands in mine, for I was intoxicated with her loveliness and almost ready to throw all restraints to the winds
”Dolores,” I said, ”are not your words extravagant? Shall I test their sincerity? Tell ive even asarm for your country?”
She turned cri herself, answered:
”What do your words mean? Speak plainly, Richard”
”I cannot speak plainer, Dolores Forgive race and eloquence have etin mine, still she did not withdraw theely low tone
”Put me to the test, Richard Do you wish me to understand clearly that for such a favour as that you would join us?”
”I cannot say,” I replied, still endeavouring to be prudent, though my heart was on fire and my words when I spoke seemed to choke me ”But, Dolores, if you would shed your blood to win one strong arm, will you think it tooan ar her closer, I touched her lips with mine
But as ever satisfied with that one touch on the lips for which the heart has craved? It was like contact with a strange, celestial fire that instantly kindled ain I kissed her; I pressed her lips till they were dry and burned like fire, then kissed cheek, forehead, hair, and, casting , passionate embrace; then the violence of the paroxys I released her She tre it with her hands, she sank down on the sofa I sat down beside her and drew her head down on my breast, but we re very fast Presently she disengaged herself, and, without bestowing one glance on an to blame myself bitterly for this ier on the old fah-spirited and sensitive a woive my conduct She had not repelled me, she had even tacitly consented to that one first kiss, and was therefore partly to blame herself; but her extreme pallor, her silence, and cold manner had plainly shown me that I had wounded her My passion had overcome me, and I felt that I had compromised myself For that one first kiss I had all but pro, and not to do it now see the Blanco rebels I had proposed the thing myself; she had silently consented to the stipulation I had takennow had ht ofthe price
I went out full of trouble and paced up and down in the orchard for two or three hours, hoping that Dolores ht come to me there, but I saw no more of her that day At dinner Dona Mercedes was excessively affable, showing clearly that she was not in her daughter's confidence She inforrievous headache caused by taking a glass of claret at breakfast after eating a slice of water-ainst which she did not oht that I had pained and offended Dolores made it impossible for me to sleep--I resolved to join Santa Coloma immediately That act alone would salve my conscience, and I only hoped that it would serve to win back the friendshi+p and esteem of the woman I had learned to love so well I had no sooner deteres in it that it seee I had not taken it before; but we lose half our opportunities in life through too much caution A fewspiced with danger, and I would be once rateful friends to start me in so enthusiastic, once this oppressive, scandalous, and besotted Colorado party is sith bullet and steel out of the country, as of course it will be, I shall go to Santa Colo by that act my own nationality, and as sole reward ofthe rebellion, ask for his interest in getting e _estancia_ in the interior There, possibly on one of his own establish ostriches, eating _carne con cuero_, possessing a _tropilla_ of twenty crea up a modest fortune out of hides, horns, tallow, and other native products
At break of day I rose and saddled nified Nepomucino, as the early bird (blackbird) of the establish to spend the day with General Santa Coloalloped out of the village of Molino
Arrived at the camp, which had been moved to a distance of four or five miles from El Molino, I found Santa Coloma just ready to ht or nine leagues distant
He at once asked o with hih not surprised, athi, and the whole of the following day was spent in monotonous cavalry exercises I then went to the General and requested permission to visit the Casa Blanca to bid adieu toto El Molino the nexthe did on our arrival at the village was to send me to the principal storekeeper in the place, a man who had faith in the Blanco leader, and was rapidly disposing of a large stock of goods at a splendid profit, receiving in payood felloho mixed politics with business, provided me with a complete and much-needed outfit, which included a broadcloth suit of clothes, soft brown hat rather broad in the bri back to the official building or headquarters in the plaza, I received my sword, which did not harmonise very ith the civilian costume I wore; but I was no worse off in this respect than forty-nine out of every fifty ether to see the ladies, and the General had a very hearty welcome from both of them, as I also had from Dona Mercedes, while Dolores receivedno pleasure or surprise at seeinga sword in the cause which she had professed to have so much at heart This was a sore disappointment, and I was also nettled at her treat so so to join hiet an opportunity of speaking to Dolores alone, but she studiously avoidedthere were several visitors, ladies from the toith three or four officers fro were kept up till towardsthat I could not speak to her, and anxious about th retired sorrowful and baffled toI threw ued with soabout, I soon fell asleep When I woke, the brilliant light of thein at openand door,up
I had no e living-rooit, Dolores in her white dress sitting beside the openin a dejected attitude She started and rose up when I entered, the extre, raven-black hair hanging unbound on her shoulders