Chapter 6 (1/2)

Here’s the chapter~ Sorry for the wait

Shall's POV

Even if I'm annoyed at the prince of conceitedness, it is still my duty to protect him at all cost My credibility is at stake here

I don't even want to think all the bad things that the nobles will say if I, the great Galatea, failed to protect the highest noble

That bitch vampire raised her eyebrows at me ”You shorty, don't meddle with me okay?”

She pulled the prince towards herself So she really intends to kidnap the fool?

Veins eer With that, I destroyed a portion of the wall beside me

”Do you kno heavy this hand of mine? Maybe you wanted your face to be like this wall beside me?” I threatened her

She doesn't knohose she's dealing with For sure, she will come to her senses later

”NOIR!” I called to my older brother

”—What's the problem Shall?” he halted for a second when he saw us Some vampires also went near him


The power of a Baron just like Noir is to give disturbances on the human minds It doesn't affect a vampire

One by one, all the humans inside the bar fell asleep

”—Noir!” He was captured by the two vampires who look like they are this horrid woman's comrades

”Don't mind me, prioritize Hio!”

When I looked back, the bitch al Hio

I wore gloves before taking out a small crucifix made of silver

Silver is the weakness of a vampire, even I succuht a fellow vampire with

The crucifix grew larger and changes its fored into a spear

It see a probleet out

”Why won't the door open?”

I have taken the chance of her delay and immediately speared her

The spear stabs her at her back and suddenly, s from her

I used the flash step1 and not even a second, I'm already behind her

I pulled the spear and it quickly changed into a sword Not even a moment notice; I stab her at her heart

She's screa into ash

”—You killed Isadora! You'll pay for this!” screae of my brother

I changed the sword into a bow

I quickly fired two arrows that separated and pierce the hearts of the two va my brother

They screeched

I hooked the life out of theed into a chain with a hook at the end of it

I pulled Prince Moron's collar and drag him across the floor towards Noir It's ok anyway he's not even aware of it ”Are you hurt Noir?”

He didn't answer; instead, he immediately went to the moron's side

I glance around and appraised the other vampires around the corridor

”You there, if those vampires I killed earlier still have comrades here, REVEAL YOURSELVES so that I can also punish you!”

They all trembled in fear at what I said

”Have you notice so up as he handled the prince

”—Indeed I have There's a barrier at the door earlier that is why the culprits didn't get away There's a Marquis inside here for sure”

A Marquis is an expert in her in rank from the Counts but are lower than the Dukes

The vampires I killed earlier were considered as barbarians for three reasons One, they were not a noble Second, they do not serve under any nobles Lastly, they did not consider the council as the law

In other words, they just want to cause a pande place to cause a chaos

An idiot suddenly clapped ”Galatea, you have iain”

He's the Marquis that I' about earlier

He went near me and kissed the back of my palm

”Oh, it's you Lord Holic2” Whoever his ine that, his name matches his personality

He's been courtinghi time, but still, he won't leavein this bar, he's alht

Noir whispered to rateful that there's still a noble who fancies you”

I glared at Noir and left them there

I'm not picky Maybe I still haven't met the man ill make my world stop; a man who can own my life

Hio's POV


As much as my back!


”—Are you awake?”

When I openedme I jerked my body and bump our foreheads in the process because ofhim

FCK! Another pain!

I sat properly ”—What happened? What time is it?”

”It's four in theYou fell asleep because of drunkenness”

It's new for e drinker?

I leaned my chin on his shoulder and blown the hair at his sideburnNothing… I just have nothing to do

”I' home ok?”

”—I will send you on your way then” He said

”Ah, no need…The sun will rise soon when you get back here so…”

I know that he didn't like to get shi+ned down by the sun; just like randpa

I thought then, that they're the only ones like that

I patted his shoulder as a farewell ”Ok, I' now”

I walked the way ho from the bar then to our home anyway