Chapter 9 (1/2)

Chapter 9

The darkest hour was the time before dawn It was only minutes until daybreak, but the world was still an abyss of darkness Nothing seeht, especially as the fog continued to thicken

The atmosphere itself was suffused with tension, then the tension reached a breaking point as that sudden yelp of fear itated state of mind of the others' finally collapsed

One of the few that ca for the brief expedition almost succumbed to the startle as he teetered and stumbled The shock went beyond the capacity of his endurance, causing hi hysterically

”What on earth are you screahten us to death?” Zhou Quan cursed in rage He was quite stunned as well The startle really made his hair stand on the end

”What did you see?” Chu Feng asked He had been walking beside Zhou Quan and kept a relatively short distance with the rest of the crew The dense fog had hindered hie of a few meters

”Frrrr” The teeth in that ether relentlessly and uncontrollably His lips could not stop tree to run, but he was not in control of his faculties His legs were paralyzed

”A shadow of so shaped like a ball There! I see it!”he said in a trilled voice

At this exactlast broken So beast, while the others dementedly broke out in tears

This area was an ancient battlefield Decades of endless war had claied to thousands Centuries later, here and now, as dense fog curiously rolled in aers; its uncanny presence seemed to have served as a screen that had hindered more than just people's vision, but also their hope, their will, their confidence, their sanity and their beliefs

Some people screamed out of terror, but hty higher power They screamed because for the first ti to those anted change However senseless or absurd it ht be, those in poould nonetheless enforce their policy on those beneath theoats were then arbitrarily chosen to lay the path to ensure the coe

”Everyone, stay calure still suspended inmade it seem all the more inconspicuous and o voice of that man fro directly underneath it Previously, his limbs had all been locked up and paralyzed as fear overtook him, but now, as control over his body restored, he heavily sluround, then in a hurry, he tumbled away

”Blood! Blood! I saw him!” he cried as he hurried away

”This blood on ht had clearly overcoory about that hovering shadow

Zhou Quan strode directly towards the shadow He realized that it was a hanged body, soaked in blood and sluggishly swaying in host!” shouted thata dart for the train car

Zhou Quan felt a shi+ver run down his spine He sue and braced hi


”So there's someone dead here Do you reckon it's a murder?” asked Zhou Quan as he looked up

There was a dark pool of so into the fluffy soil underneath; presumably, it must have been blood

Inin the wind It was a body, and blood was dripping froed in mid-air?” Despite his braveness, what appeared before hi to the e indeed Just look at it There's absolutely nothing there that has used to hang hiled his eyes in disbelief He drew himself back from the scene a fewhe had ever seen

People who stayed hidden in the train overheard their conversation They becahtened Some women shrieked in jitters while others huddled on the corner of their seat, weeping

”Ghost ghost it's a ghost trust host” Thediscovery made it back to the train Clearly, this poor old chap still had not freed hiibberish while he hopped and skipped in a rather peculiar fashi+on His face was as pale as a sheet, but it was e his pale face a e look

His ht that had suffused the entire carriageafter, a horde of well-built and vigorous youngthat swinging corpse

Chu Feng climbed on top of the train car There he could have a better look At the same time, he also had realized that there was no better way than to reach for the corpse froet it down

But as he stood there, his heart almost dropped and skipped a beat The apparel the corpse had was an ancient costus that reflected its ti code of the pre-industrialized era; its for would certainly seem odd to any modern eyes

And as of this ly lost its life just recently, was clothed in a costume so unusual to the current era Undoubtedly, it would pro spirit that had risen froth of his unruly thatch of hair was also an uncanny piece of evidence suggesting the corpse's ancient root

Zhou Quan cli Despite his chubbiness, his stamina was rather impressive None of hiswitnessed the bravery of the two, those young volunteers soon followed Fear had dissipated as this expedition crew becaer

”What the Were they shooting for a costu?” The sudden realization of the peculiarity of this scene almost proht

”What who is he? Why is he here wearing clothes like that?” One of the few volunteers seemed also a bit at unease

”Why do I have this funny feeling that this guy ht be an ancient I hope he isn't one of those as buried here after the war And and why is he now just suspending there in mid-air?” said another person

These were so words They sent shi+vers and chills up and down the spines of the witnesses

”Is that an iron chain on his body? How did it hang inon the other end? How how is this even possible?”

Zhou Quan could no longer stay unperturbed He pulled Chu Feng's sleeves and then whispered, ”Hey ood idea to provoke this Everything seeo!”