Chapter 64 (1/2)

Both elders were shouting out orders Silver rays of radiance emitted from their mouth and nostrils, which then turned into ripples of silver lules Their voice was deafening, like rolling thunders, echoing between the precipitous cliffs between the towering mountains

They darted downhills, rushi+ng towards each respective camp

Having received the order from the elders, leaders of each respective camp hastily committed into appropriate actions They rallied up all their forces, poised for the ultiht

The air in the mountains felt hot and oppressive, and the stuffy air al The crowd felt as if their chests were subject to so down

There were no dark clouds overlooking in the sky, but people still found it difficult to breathe There was as if a boulder had been placed on their chest, suffocating theht

Silence prevailed the space between the mountains It was like the peace before the stor to be shattered, to be fiercely torn apart by some beasts of primitive traits

The region had indeed suddenly becorasses In fact, not a breeze of air was in motion The utter peace and silence made the crowd quake with terror

The two elders stood on top of two different mountains The looks on their faces were both soles of their dearest ones whom they had sent out into the mountains before

On the verge of the Mountains of White Snake, even the chirpy birds were frightened Their hearts were all entangled with an unspeakable type of terror; even their souls palpitated with fear

One tea to the region outside of the mountains

”Be careful and keep up your guards, soldiers!” someone reminded

Suddenly, the expressions on the faces of the two elders shi+fted all at once They sensed the danger that was so great that the hair on the back of their necks wereon their ends

Soon later, the er with their superhuman instincts They felt as if they had been watched by soave the them tremble with fear This crowd of mutants nervously looked around the space around the tricks on them

”Oh… my God!”

Vaguely, so creatures in the horizon

”Beasts! Beasts are co! They are all over hills and dales!”

Anotherthe peace and the oppressive silence all at once

One beast after another, their silhouettes beca by Silently, thosein on the crowd over here

It was a terrifying sight to behold The beasts careat number, but they walked all in eerie silence They were in perfect order as well, syste their encirclement as they marched on

It was the silence of their walking which inspired that sense of oppression in the mind of many

But they were beasts after all How could their forular? How could their march be paced in such a unified fashi+on? All were of different species and sizes, but there were no conflicts between theoal in mind, and that was to hem in and kill every human mutant that had trodden into the territory here today

The croatched in awe and fear as the mutated beasts marched on Soht of carnage One beast after another showed the crowd

From the canyons to the forest then to the top of the hills, the place had becoreat in number that one could hardly see the end of their formation

At last, the beasts had fully coht Their looks and shapes were now visible to the human eyes

There were olden furs, olves with bronze skin, wild boars with the size of an ariant pail…

Every one of the departed froed, and now they ca their attack on human in batches

Everyone now realized the severity of the situation Thistoday

Pong! Pong! Pong!

Between the hills and theout fro i army of beasts Sounds of explosion rose one after another

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The canons started firing as well With each shell that left the barrel, doent acres of trees on thepeeled off froed

However, theseuns started firing So covers behind sizeable boulders They were all vigilant and alerted

Their movements were swift and speedy as well Every beast seeence They were caluns were fired The loud sound of canon shells exploding boulders andcrowd into a complete chaos


Suddenly, there ca cries of a tortured man He had dropped his weapon since his arm had been bitten off wholly froiant rat beside hi Itsteeth, but all had been stained with blood, adding a more ferocious look to this monstrosity of a rat

The rat crept out froround The speed at which it scurried on earth struck terror into the people's heart Within only a few seconds, the arms of a few other men had been torn off from their bodies

The giant rat had a body of silver fur It ni force More andhurt by it

Some mutant tried to squash the rat with their hand They lapped their hand on the rat but soon realized how firm and tenacious the rat's body was The rodent shook its body, diverging the force that had been struck upon it


At the very moment when the rat suddenly turned its head over its shoulder, it ripped off the pal that very mutant with only a skinless back of his hand

”Snake! So many venomous snakes!”

Suddenly, people frorasses, there were snakes wriggling along in a wriggly manner It was not just one or two of the over to the crowd in a frenzied manner

People cried and shrieked in terror The scene was indeed one that would instil great deal of fear in people

Machine guns sprayed arrays of bullets at the snakes, turning ory mixture of blood and flesh

However, there seeling their way out from beneath the earth in inexhaustible number

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Suddenly, there cah space like lightning at a storht They ni croith a terrifying ability to strike anyone as in its way dead

Ath of a chopstick It flew through the crowd like a deadly bullet, puncturing the frontal bones of everyone in its vicinity, killing thele strike

In the twinkling of an eye, more than a dozen of people were cold-bloodedly murdered Half of them were mutants

The other few mutated snakes were no less powerful than the chopstick-sized one They hovered through the air like as if they hadwind Whoever had the misfortune to be ”kissed” by the snakes—poisonous bites—were dead at once with a dark reddish purple face

Thousands of snakes wreaked havoc in theoosebumps all over


The beasts froainst theht by the pesky snakes started Taking advantage of thisopened for the theain

”Don't run! Hold your position! Fire! Fire!” someone shouted

Both people from Deity and Bodhi was flustered Even those ere equipped with theenshrouded by unspeakable terror, beginning to flee for their lives

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The canon barrel shot out long tongues of fire; the shots were continuous and rapid They did prove to be effective at first, killing so many A few could not even be found with a full body after being bombarded by the fierce firepower of those shells and canon firing

However, the firepower soon dwindled and weakened because all kinds of poisonous snakes had begun to flank the firing squad, killingthe rest away There were also a few particularly cunning beasts a the thesquad with surprise

There was a golden monkey whose size was only that of an ordinary ape, but it possessed immense power and a cruel nature Puff! The monkey tore apart a human while he was still alive

”A…” that was the roar of a bronze wolf The as fierce and savage It feared not the firing of bullets It braced on amidst the intense firepower that huap between it and its targets That body of its was made entirely of bronze, and this allowed the beast to be virtually a tank It pounced forward, then when it finally reached the nearest line of huhly show its true barbaric nature With its cutting claws, the wolf lacerated a mutant into half with only a slice of its claw


People cried in panic, and terror soon spread throughout the crowd

The troops on the verge of the Mountains of White Snake could no longer stand of the sight of the carnage No-one had ever experienced anything like this before It was sanguine, so cruel, and so blood-curdling to watch Many people had lost their sanity, becoer even make sense of his own existence

There was also a wolf that looked as if it had been carved out of stone Whomever it passed by would be instantly turned into a stone-like sculpture just like itself The wolf had an unusual power to petrify all those ere near it

The troops ere on the outside was assigned here to give cover to the retreating forces fro how this encircle in from all around, they started to retreat to the inside themselves

Terror spread fast Seeing how sofroer stand to defend either The line of defense that had been fore of the mountains started to cru loudly, ordering them to hold their position

”Fire! Fire at them! Kill them all!”