Chapter 784 (1/2)


at 22nd of April 2019 02:46:34 PM

Chapter 784

Chapter 784 – New Friend

In suers

“We are here, see those strange stone steles? Underneath theood stuff inside, one of which was the Corpse King Flower…

Huan Qing Yan looked at the stone tablets; each stone stele looked unique and strange, but on a closer look, they looked like human statues as well

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The stone steles cohts and widths, no one kne many years they have been here as solance, there were over a hundred of these stone steles

“Are there zo Yan orried

“You will find out when you enter, are you afraid?” Bai Cheng Feng incited

Over the past two days, Bai Cheng Feng has been acting very properlyHis actions had never been overly intimate while his tone was also not forceful, he was indeed taking the ‘route’ of a new friend

This was fine as well as Huan Qing Yan was then less pressured

At that moment, a shadow suddenly flashed past them

“There see Yan saw a bushy tail trailing behind that shadow

Along the way, she had seen her fair share of si Feng saw it too

He held Huan Qing Yan’s hand, Huan Qing Yan i it away but it was held firerous e enter the Corpse King Tole step away from me”

“I will just make sure to follow closely behind you”

“No, you don’t know this yet, but the Earth Layer was the Layer that the deht have already occupied the Corpse King To would not have it any other way

Huan Qing Yan did not know if he was exaggerating the danger or not, since her objection was overruled, she could only endure itShe would just have to get away from him after she obtained the Peerless Spirit Plant

Bai Cheng Feng held her hand and headed towards a large stone stele before pressing a certain indent on it

A series of ru was heard before a dark tunnel appeared underneath the stone stele…

Bai Cheng Feng pulled her inside

Huan Qing Yan quickly used Clear Sight

Her surroundings instantly brightened up, her vision has becoh it was in the day

The basic skills and Ice Shatter Beads that her Master gave her were truly practical beyond words

Only allowed on Creativenovelsco and was sloped doards; both alking very lightly and cautiously,but she could still hear the faint echoes co Yan estiround by now

At that moment, she saw they had turned a corner and reached a wider tunnelThe tunnel was not as moist or damp as expected, but it was filled with a dry and airy scent instead

In front of her was an extrereat underground palaceEven an ordinary stone pillar has engravings carved into it

On the stone walls were also la PearlsHowever, the pearls have been there for unknown eons and were covered in a layer of dustAlso, some had been removed, likely stolen by someone

She followed Bai Trash for another period before they caIt was quite dilapidated as the building has collapsed in many places

Above the palace door, were some words; Lateral Mausoleum Palace

The words seereen glow

It gave off a rather frightening look

“DingDiscover Serene Blue Night Fire, special Fire-TypeIt could be used for cookinghost to harvest it…”