Upx Chapter 80 (1/2)

Chapter 80: Shrieking Prince Fu Original and most updated translations are from volare If read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen Please stop supporting theft

Eainst her chair again After staring at Mute Nanny for awhile, she disht Then she continued to sit by herself in a room that had once witnessed a life of luxury and dissipation

Mute Nanny juer’s palace, her restless heart finally at ease She would always be a servant of the Xie Clan in this life, but she once had a fareat fa ees themselves As she ran towards Suprereat it would’ve been if this little eo That’s why, this ti choice


”She didn’t tell?” Big Boss Black licked his lips as he perched by the wall

”Is that good news?” Oil Jar asked

Big Boss Black said, ”I don’t know But since she didn’t spill the secret, this old woht?”

Oil Jar couldn’t help but worry ”Ancestral Grandfather went to the ancestors’ hall to find Grandfather Tortoise for a talk Otherwise, Oil Jar could just ask Ancestral Grandfather”

”Hu Boss Black declared

”Squeak!” Oil Jar raised a paw ht!

”Forget it, I’ll go catch a rat to eat,” Big Boss Black ran off Only rat meat could calm his nerves now

”………” said Oil Jar s? He told ! (TOT)


”Good night” Currently, Ning Xiaoyao was bidding Lou Zigui farewell at the Supreo see Prince Fu tomorrow”

”Alright,” Lou Zigui nodded

His Majesty Ning lay on the bed and quickly fell asleep with snores, but Supre tree in the flower gardens When Big Boss Black returned after catching his rat, he quietly lay down between Supres The other little ani Xiaoyao returned to her rooe to stick to close to the cold and icy Supreme Commander

By theunder her covers when Shadowgale rushed outside her door with shouts

”What is it?” Ning Xiaoyao yawned beneath her covers

”Prince Fu Prince Fu, he, he,” Shadowgale stuttered as he talked, unable to form a sentence

Xiaoyao rolled off the bed for me in the Hall of Punishment!

Lou Zigui had only gone back to his rooe into a different set of clothes By the tiale’s rare loss of self-control, he only asked, ”What’s happened to Prince Fu?”

Shadowgale turned towards Lou Zigui and shouted to him and everyone else who had rushed over at the cootten skinnier!”

&Sig;|︴, went everyone else

(⊙_⊙), went Supre people to slice off Prince Fu’s flesh

”Really?” Fang Tang rushed in front of Shadowgale

Shadowgale furiously nodded his head He hadn’t believed his eyes, so he’d ran into the cell to pinch Prince Fu’s stomach personally That fatty had really turned thinner!

”Then is the prince still alive?” a Dragon Guard piped up cautiously

”So His Majesty gave the prince so away his flesh? The prince not only got skinnier froon Guard guessed

Though the words sounded like ical

Xiaoyao as she stepped out of her rooms

”Your Majesty,” Shadowgale’s expression grewXiaoyao It was is ords

Ning Xiaoyao tied up her waistband and said, ”Enough now, let’s go to the Hall of Punishment”

At thisover before he bowed to Ning Xiaoyao and reported, ”Your Majesty, the imperial clansmen, Elder Li, Grand Preceptor Xie and the officials of theare all asking for an audience outside the palace walls”

Ning Xiaoyao rubbed her nose It looked like everyone ondering whether Prince Fu had lost weight Seems like they’re all impatient types

”Let theeneral ”We’ll all go see Prince Fu together”

The general looked at Lou Zigui, who nodded Then he accepted the decree and left Though Ning Xiaoyao didn’t notice this action, Shadowgale did His joyful heart felt a chill at the sight, but he didn’t reveal his feelings Do His Majesty’s imperial decrees need Supreme Coale glanced at Ning Xiaoyao, asa mess of her hair the more she tried to pat it in place, and felt a thread of worry in his heart ood, but how easy is it to control this group of military men?