Chapter 84 - Wielding With Primordial Spirit (1/2)
Zhong Yue and the monster ox were both wounded, but the latter's injuries were decidedly more severe. Their eyes turned red as they lunged towards each other. The black dragon king behind extended its claws in an attempt to grab for Zhong Yue's head. At the same time, the Great Sun Golden Crow flew out from Zhong Yue's psyche ocean; the little crow that was less than an inch tall pounced at the dragon claw.
The air around quivered vigorously, but the seemingly equal strength of the two spirits was simply incongruous with the massive disparity between the huge form of the black dragon king and the rather petty and small frame of the Golden Crow. The black dragon king could not advance further and it reached for the broken spear, intending to spike the broken spear fragments into Zhong Yue's head.
All of a sudden, the Xiang Dragon Sword Qi lunged out from his glabella, the sharp and incisive Sword Qi slashed horizontally and the monster ox cried out a roar of pain as another front hoof was slashed off.
Zhong Yue clenched the blade in his hand and swung it fiercely. As both of his front hooves were slashed away, the monster ox's heart thumped in fear, he quickly fluttered his wings and landed down to the ground.
Zhong Yue swiftly followed behind, the two Jiao Dragons beneath his feet plummeted down in pursuit of the monster ox.
Just right when the monster ox landed on the ground and was trying to run away, all of a sudden, a little tree emerged from the soils. One after another, the Wooden Sword Qi flitted in the air surrounding him in the middle.
The monster ox boasted superior defense, he did not die even after getting mangled by the Wooden Sword Qi; he forcefully broke out from the encirclement of Wooden Sword Qi and decisively headed right towards Gu Xia City.
"Brat from the dragon race, I'm not your match, I've lost two of my legs to you, let me live!"
The monster ox's two front legs were sliced away, he was now running with only his rear legs, but he was still swift as the wind; with but a mere few steps, he had broken through the sound barrier, propelling himself away like a flash of lightning. But all of a sudden, he could see a thread of silk standing vertically upright in front of him.
And the next moment, he saw himself getting severed in half, ironically killed by the speed he himself had built up in his efforts of escape.
Even after his death, his body muscles continued to drive him dozens of steps for the next few miles before the residual spasms subsided and the dead body crumpled onto the ground.
Zhong Yue kept the zither string as it coiled around the blade hilt, there were no traces of blood on it. It was Zhong Yue that had placed the zither string in front and sliced the monster ox into halves.
"Killing made easy like mowing grass, I'm afraid Senior Martial Sister Jun's zither string will turn into a Malefic Soul Weapon in the future!"
Time slipped past them without anyone's notice. Jun Sixie slowly regained her consciousness to be met with the dark and gloomy ambiance of the sky and the sight of the young Qi Practitioner of the Zhongshan Clan sitting atop the Jiao Dragon's back. The Jiao Dragon was still slithering backward in the air heading back to Swords Gate, while there was a huge hole on Zhong Yue's shoulder – a hole bored by the ox's horn.
His wound was suppressed by his muscles, his psyche sealed the blood veins and stemmed the bleeding.
"Senior martial sister, please do not misunderstand, I've only said those words to lull him." Zhong Yue's smile was bright and sunny, it was as if he was oblivious to the pain in his shoulder.
Jun Sixie had slowly regained her conscious entirely, she could tell that her wounds continuing to alleviate and the poison in her body diluting and its efficacy getting weaker. She covertly checked her body and heaved a breath of relief, Zhong Yue did not take advantage of her.
He may be lulling the monster ox or he might be true about it … Hmph-hmph, that ox wanted my body, but he wanted my heart….
Just when Jun Sixie was thinking about it, her face blushed red, she lowered her head and even her earlobes reddened. Moments later, the sounds of a stomach growling echoed out, Zhong Yue turned and look at her, Jun Sixie's face turned shy, right at this moment, she did not look like the successor of Swords Gate but rather, she seemed like a little girl. She whispered, "I'm hungry … I deliberately wanted to be hungry! But if there are any medicinal pellets to restore my energy, then my stomach will not growl anymore…."
Zhong Yue raised his hand, a clump of bloody, raw beef fell into her hands, he said, "Quickly eat."
Jun Sixie yelled in anger, "It's raw!"
"I salvaged it from the dead monster ox."
Zhong Yue cast his gaze into the endless darkness, he then retrieved his sights back and said gravely, "You can only eat raw food for now, I…."
The young man was ashamed, he said, "...I don't know any fire style visualization art."
The young lady in green was staring at him in round-eyed disbelieve, she was lost of words; A Qi Practitioner and yet he did not know any fire style visualization art, no one would ever believe such a ridiculous story.
"My prowess increased too rapidly and my training was haphazard, I didn't have the time to learn a fire style or water style visualization art." Zhong Yue explained to her.
"Brazen! Self-praising!" Jun Sixie twitched her mouth in disdain.
Zhong Yue ignored her comments, he raised his head up and gazed afar as he whispered, "In addition, behind us, there are hyenas and wolves following our tracks. If we cook the beef, the aroma will get heavier and allow them to catch up to us quicker."
Upon hearing the words, Jun Sixie quickly turned back and look behind. The darkness blanketed the Savanna Wasteland. Within the endless darkness, the glow of faint and dim flares could be discerned and she could vaguely hear howls of hyenas and wolves.
Those were huge hyenas and wolves, the beasts followed the scent they left behind and traced them all the way here; judging by the glowing flares, the hyenas and wolves came in packs, and their numbers were great!
Jun Sixie furrowed her brows, she clenched her teeth and raised the bloody beef to the side of her mouth; all of a sudden, she opened her mouth and gnawed right at it.