Chapter 179: Lightless Mash (1/2)
Rex and Liliya arrives at the Lightless Marsh,
The place is a swamp and just as the name sad, it is devoid of light with ink-black trees that have no leaves can be seen filled the place.
With just a glance, one can tell that this place is not habitable.
Although the Lightless Marsh is moist, dark with shallow water wherever Rex's feet land, the place is full of mutated animals.
Rex can sense many mutated animals around him, and staying here is a task of its own.
”Will you be okay going back alone?”, Rex said to the military man.
He then continues, ”The death of the driver will make you go back alone, are you up for it?”
Hearing this, the military man smiles assuringly and said, ”His name is Gustavo, and yes I will be okay going back alone you don't have to worry”
”Gustavo huh...”, Rex mumbles before he bid the military man goodbye.
The dead driver's name is Gustavo, and Rex will remember him as a true fighter of humanity.
After the military man leaves silently, Rex and Liliya walk into the Lightless Mash with a map in Liliya's hand.
”You don't look surprised”, Rex said.
Liliya look at Rex with a questioning look before Rex continues, ”Seeing that I'm an Awakened”
This is the first time Liliya saw him using his Black Lightning element, and he didn't even try to hide it anymore because the SCO definitely knows about this.
And knowing her, she certainly didn't watch Rex's tournament before.
”The Green Messenger told me”, Liliya said nonchalantly.
Hearing this, Rex slightly widened his eyes in worry.
He wanted to ask for more but then, Liliya added, ”He said that you're an Awakened, but you will still be a member of the SCO organization”
Rex nodded his head,
Liliya seem to also doesn't like Awakened, but thankfully she doesn't act weird around him.
It will break the team more if Liliya becomes weird to Rex, especially after Devan got kicked out of their team after the SCO realizes that he's not a human.
Although Rex looks calm, his head is filled with thoughts, 'Will I be put in a different team? Why did they let me off so easily?'
But soon, Rex shakes his head and focuses back on the mission.
He's currently not in the human territory, so anything could happen and he will not be rescued by anyone if he's in danger here.
”Do you know of these Northern Black Head?”, Rex asks changing the topic.
Back when he's in the university,
He didn't have the time to check on this creature on the internet because of the canyon, and he has never heard of these Northern Black Heads in the university.
It should be a low-ranking one, because Rex has never heard of it.
Liliya look at the map and said, ”All the Green Messenger told me is that, their body is covered with a black hood and their legs are white tentacles”
”Black hood? Is that somekind of clothes for them?”, Rex asks.
Liliya shakes her head, ”It's their skin, their skin somehow mutated and creates a black hood that covers their face”
Hearing this, Rex frowns.
”And we have to get their tears? Without even knowing how their face looks like?”, Rex said with a troubled look.
Rex then continues, ”And what is this creature capable of? Did the Green Messenger told you about it?”
Liliya pause as she's reading the map before she answered, ”The tear is said to have some kind of hallucination properties, but I don't know the details”
Rex then put into thoughts, 'What are they trying to achieve here?'
He also thinks about how to extract their tear,
If these Northern Black Heads have eyes, then it will be easy for them to extract their tears.
Such a way is to rip their tear socket from their eyes or poke their eyes to force the tear out, but that only applies if they have eyes.
So they need to see the creature first before finding a way to extract their tears.
'I'll just ask the system later, the system will probably know', Rex thought.
In these kinds of times, it's okay for him to rely on the system.
So far, the system has never been wrong when it is assessing Supernaturals or even humans so he believes that the system knows of this as well.
Liliya points to the left before she said, ”We'll just have to take a look first, it shouldn't be that hard because they're only a low-ranking Supernatural”
After saying that, both of them walk carefully inside the Lightless Marsh.
Their shoes are already wet and muddy because of the terrain, and it becomes even more slippery the more they go deeper.
Mutated birds with gruesome eyes are hawking at them from the trees,
But Rex and Liliya ignore them because they are unlikely to attack, they're not that dumb enough to attack something stronger than them.
”Hmm?”, Liliya frowns before she looks to her feet.
Her feet felt something under the shallow water, she wanted to take a closer look before suddenly,
Rex looks in Liliya's direction and finds that she suddenly disappears from his sight, something pull her inside the water.
It caught Rex off guard because he thought that the water is shallow,
So there is no way they got pulled inside the water, the water only covers their feet so this situation shouldn't happen.
”LILIYA?!”, Rex shouted.
He tries to jump into the water but before he has the time to,
Liliya came out of the water with heavy breaths, she looks around trying to find Rex before she said, ”I'm okay, the water is deep here and for some reason, it is heavier to swim up”
Hearing this, Rex tries to step closer to Liliya and find out that it's true.