Chapter 143: Illusion Pattern (1/2)
It's already night right now,
The hard-working men and women are already home asleep, it's the time for them to rest and prepare their bodies for the next day.
Many stores and offices are closed, it's currently 11 in the night.
Kyran is wearing an all-black suit he got from Edward, it's Edward's uniform during the USR that is made with light materials and will not hinder Kyran's movement.
After Rex told him to scout three places, he immediately went out.
He's confident in his skill because he can already clear the obstacle course made by Edward easily, in fact, he didn't feel it challenges him anymore.
Kyran is currently near the first place nearest to Rex's house.
Although it's already night, there are still many people walking around and talking doing their night shift.
The first place is an alley just beside a wine store.
Rex told him before the departure that to enter the market he needs to have the password, and Rex didn't know the password to this market.
He has the password for the market but he doubts that it's a universal market, so he didn't tell Kyran.
Because of this, Rex instructed Kyran to keep an eye on it.
Follow anything that looks suspicious and try to find information about how they transfer their goods, this is a crucial part of Kyran's mission.
Rex also said that the customer should be wearing masks to enter it.
Kyran looks around and found two guys smoking in front of a door that he assumed is the guards guarding the market entrance.
He's on the rooftop of the opposite building, he can see the place clearly this way.
The first rule given by Edward that he must follow is that to find a spot for the observation, it's preferably a higher ground because it's more secure.
The second one is to find routes that he will be using as an escape route.
It sounds simple but Edward told Kyran that the second rules are where many fails, he needs to have at least three plan of escape in case he met with a problem.
The third and last one is to secure the places using traps, it's better to be a non-lethal trap.
Edward explains during their training that a scout's objective is to gather information and direct contact has to be avoided.
So rather than using a lethal trap that will alert the enemies, it's better to use non-lethal traps that will notify you if someone enters the building or infiltrate the place he's using as a secure spot.
Because of how much Edward stresses these rules, Kyran does it all with caution.
He puts many strings attached to bells on places that will direct into the rooftop where he's staying, he also calculates every way that a person can go to his place.
Kyran even locked the windows that potentially be used to go to his spot by pinning it with nails he got from the decoration inside the building.
The building he's on is a hotel, so there're many nails he can find.
His objective in nailing these windows is to at least force someone to create noise if they're trying to open it, this will notify him instantly.
With the senses he got and also the enhancement from becoming a Werewolf, his senses are very sharp.
It's not even an exaggeration if he says that nobody can sneak onto him.
This is his first time doing a mission like this alone,
He likes these kinds of missions because Kyran doesn't like to kill humans, it makes him feel guilty and disgusted with himself.
”That must be a customer”, Kyran mumbles as he saw a guy wearing a mask approaching the alley.
The guy talks to the guards.
Kyran can hear their conversation but the guy's mask muffled their voice, it's hard for him to catch their conversation clearly.
After exchanging few words,
Instead of the guards letting the guy in, the guy walks out of the alley as if nothing happened.
The guy walks back to where he came from, but Kyran frowns when he senses something is amiss with the guy that is walking away.
His senses caught something when suddenly he realizes, 'I can't feel the guy's presence anymore'
With his enhanced senses, he should be able to sense the guy's presence just like when the guy came to the alley before.
But now, that presence is gone.
Kyran follows the guy by leaping through building silently,
The guy walks to a T-junction, he turns left and enters another alley.
Seeing this, Kyran thought that the entrance turns out to be in this alley but when he looks at the entrance he found the guy's body started to disintegrate.
Kyran had never seen something like this before, 'Is that an illusion?', he thought.
He then went back to the alley before and found that nothing changes, the guards are still smoking but Kyran can feel their presence.
'Where did that guy go?', He thought in confusion.
After looking at a couple of customers that did the same thing, Kyran finally manages to find their patterns.
Turns out that the ground beneath the guy suddenly opened and sucked the customer in it.
The customers that can be seen walking back to where they came from before disintegrating turn out to be an illusion.
Somewhere around here, there's an illusionist.
Kyran doesn't know this, he just assumes that an Awakened can do something like this.
”So the entrance is just a decoration, that's the real entrance”, Kyran mumbles as he pays close attention to the ground.
He didn't see how the guards did that, they didn't even move from their spots.
Kyran then waits for a few hours,
In these past hours, he saw many customers that manage to get inside the market.
He also notices that the guards use some kind of an earpiece,
Kyran deduces that to enter the market the guard will have to notify the person on the other side and told them to open the entrance on the ground.
He also saw one of the customers said the wrong password,
The customer that said the wrong password was instantly killed, he got a bullet enhanced with mana shot straight into his head.
It makes Kyran frown at how nonchalant the guards do it.