Chapter 135: Test and the Head of SCO (1/2)
Rex looks at the green messenger that is spreading his arms to the side, without even seeing his face Rex can sense that he's smiling under that mask.
The three seats in the middle are black in color, and there're straps all over them.
'Plebe Trial? Is that the trial for new recruits like us have to pass?', Rex thought, he doesn't understand what it is but he got a bad feeling about this.
Both Devan and Liliya also started to sweat, they're also nervous about this trial.
After welcoming the three of them, the green messenger signals the three of them to seat on their designated seats.
There's a different thing on each seat, Rex looks at it with a frown.
'What is the meaning of this?', Rex thought.
There is blood, gold coin, and pills on each seat that makes no sense for Rex and the others.
Seeing their confusion, the green messenger then said, ”Rex sit on the blood seat, Liliya sit on the gold coin seat, and Devan sit on the pill seat”
After hearing that, Rex and Liliya immediately sit in their seats.
They uncomfortable sit on the chair when suddenly they saw Devan froze on his spot, he's looking at the pill and the green messenger back and forth.
His expression is that of disbelief, ”Where did you...”, he said as cold sweat appears on his forehead.
Devan becomes more panicked, he wanted to say something but then suddenly.
The green messenger appears behind Devan like a ghost, he materializes from the green gas behind Devan that fills the place.
He then karate-chopped Devan's neck sending him unconscious.
Rex and Liliya frown, they both look at the green messenger weirdly before he said, ”Don't worry about him, carry on!”
Just after he said that both Rex and Liliya also fall unconscious.
Both of them didn't understand how they fall unconscious, but it just happened.
After a while, Rex blinked his eyes a couple of times.
He's finally awake and saw that the place he's currently in has changed, it's not the SCO's hideout castle anymore but a room.
The inside of the room is made of wood, there are five people in the room.
Rex looks at the people in front of him before his eyes widened in shock, he wanted to dash towards them but he finds out that he's being tied.
His eyes bulge in anger, he can't believe what he's seeing.
In front of him are his mom, Edward, and Adhara that is tied and taped while looking at Rex with teary eyes.
Two masked people beside them, one holding a hammer, and one holding a gun.
Rex struggles to break free seeing his mom's teary eyes, he becomes crazed but he soon finds out that he can't break free no matter how hard he tried.
He even activates his black lightning but he still can't break free.
After using all of his options to no avail, Rex wanted to turn his nails into claws but to his surprise, he can't do it.
He can't use any of his Werewolf abilities, as if he's blocked from it.
”Rex Silverstar, You finally woke up”, a masked guy on the right said while playing with a hammer in his hand.
The guy walks towards Rex leisurely,
He then squats in front of Rex before he opened his mask revealing that he's Duncan Platchi, he's smiling cheekily while looking at Rex.
Duncan paces around the room in triumph, ”You're one hard kid to catch”, he said.
Rex can only listen to him because he just can't break free, he watches desperately as Duncan approaches Edward with a hammer.
”Tell me everything you know, or your dear ones here will die”, Duncan said cheekily.
Hearing this, ”Don't you dare! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!”, Rex shouted desperately.
Duncan points the hammer at Edward's legs intending to smash it, this makes Rex, even more, crazy. He struggles even more trying his best to break free.
Rex's hand even started bleeding because of his struggle, it's a hard scene to watch.
”Woah Woah, Easy there tiger”, Duncan said jokingly.
He then continues, ”If you don't tell me everything you know, I'll start by smashing his legs, and believe me I'll do it”
Seeing that Rex is not answering,
Duncan lifts the hammer up before he slams it to Edward's shinbone,
”Kkkkhh!”, Edward groans as he held the pain in, his right leg got smashed in breaking his shinbone instantly.
”DAMN YOU!! I SWEAR I WILL GET YOU BACK A THOUSAND TIMES MORE PAINFUL THAN THIS”, Rex shouted crazily, seeing his friend got injured because of him greatly hurt him.
Rex looks at Edward with sorry eyes, he doesn't know how did this happen.
He played all the cards against the Platchi carefully, he even makes the Sullivan fight them so they will be busy dealing with the Sullivan.
But now, he woke up with Duncan in front of him.
Adhara and his mom look at Edward's legs in horror, his legs turn into meat paste as they shiver to know their turn will come.
”What do you want to know?! I'll tell you everything!!”, Rex shouted.
Hearing Rex pleading Duncan become even confident, ”I know you will tell me everything, but let me do this first”
Duncan walks towards Rex's mom with the hammer,
”No...Don't you dare!! IF YOU HURT MY MOTHER! I'LL KILL YOU AND SLICE YOU TO PIECES!”, Rex threatened, he can't do anything in this situation and he felt helpless.
The scene when he saw his parents got killed by the Supernatural crosses his mind.
He always felt that he can't forget that scene, so he wanted to be strong to not let that happened again.
But now, it's currently happening again!
Duncan positioned the hammer as if he's playing gold, he looks at Rex with a nasty grin.
Rex's mom, Mrs. Greene looks at Rex reassuringly.
She looks at Rex with a gentle smile telling him that it's fine,
Without waiting for another second,
Duncan swings his hammer but this time he aims it at Mrs. Greene's head crushing it completely, it completely shocks Rex to his core.