Chapter 18 (1/2)

Atelier Tanaka Buncololi 46060K 2022-07-20

Volume 1

Atelier Tanaka Chapter 12.3

Dragon Extermination 2 (3/3)

The noble mage was battling against three wyverns.

Right when I arrived, he was just in the midst of killing one of them. He summoned a cold and brilliant looking icicle with his magic and threw it at the wyvern that was preparing to attack in the sky, rendering it incapable of fighting and fell to the ground as is.

Are you alright!? [Tanaka]

Who do you think I am! [Fahren]

True. Then, shall I back you up? [Tanaka]

The way the noble mage was using barrier-like magic to defend against the wyverns breath attack looked cool.


Magic formations that were formed several meters in front, floated up into the air and dispersed all the fire breath attacks. If only I could use that, I wouldnt have ended up getting my back fried earlier.

I gazed at his back admiringly as his mantle fluttered with the wind.

Anyway, first of all recovery, recovery. [Tanaka]

Upon a closer look, I noticed that the ossan was bleeding from the area around the joint of his right shoulder.

Was that wound caused by the wyverns claw? The scratch was approximately a few centimeters long. I should cure it quickly with my recovery magic. Standing several meters behind him, I casted the recovery magic on his shoulder. In the twinkling of an eye, the laceration repaired itself and the bleeding subsided.

Mu, chantless magic as usual I see. [Fahren]

He seemed to have said something but, whatever.

In the meantime, one of the two remaining wyverns suddenly started flapping its huge wings, keeping its distance from ossan and flew below the airship. Was it thinking of escaping since the number of enemies had increased? In addition to that, its own companion was taken down too. This wyvern appeared to have different awareness than the energetic ones that I have fought earlier. I guess it was natural that there are individual differences among wyverns too.

However, just when I thought that the situation was taking a turn for the better, an unexpected development ended up betraying my expectation.

The whole airship shook violently.

Mu! Damn that wyvern! Is it planning to make the airship crash!? [Fahren]

It appeared that it had never planned to flee.

Wha.. [Tanaka]

Arent you a smart one, wyvern?

It is definitely different than the orc.

But, what should we do now?

Ill leave this place to you. Ill go after that guy! [Fahren]

Eh? Aa, yes. [Tanaka]

How is he going to do that? That very question was soon answered when the noble mages body suddenly rose into the air.

Amazing. This ossan flew.

Shall I let that wyvern have it!? [Fahren]

After shouting out a somewhat cool line, he flew off to the bottom of the airship to chase after the wyverns. However, the appearance of a middle-aged oyaji flying with both hands forward like a Superman was so surreal. I almost laughed unintentionally at that sight.

Aa-, co, comi.. [Ester]

Looking at where she was staring at, the other wyvern could be seen in the midst of descending towards us.

Recognizing us as its enemies, the wyvern glided through the air and charged at us with its jaws opened wide.

!. [Tanaka]

This is bad.

If we were to receive a direct attack from such a huge guy, we would be killed before I could even use my healing magic.

Ill be crushed flat along with the non-virgin1beside me. It might have been better if it was a breath attack instead. If I dont defend against it somehow, it would be bad.

Just as I was thinking so, I sensed someone approaching us from the back out of a sudden.

Just eat this knights sword!! [Mercedes]

The lesbo lady knight has come to help.

She rushed towards the blonde haired loli and me, simultaneously slicing off the wyverns head with the sword in her hand. Owing to her swift action, we managed to escape death by the skin of our teeth. The wyverns body passed by us and crashed into the deck.

That crash has created a huge hole in the floorboard now but, well lets put that aside for the time being.

Ester-sama, are you alright!? [Mercedes]

Right after Mercedes-chan killed the wyvern with one hit, she went over to the blonde haired loli.

Eh, eethank you. Youve saved me. [Ester]

I am undeserving of your gratitude. My heart trembles at your words. [Mercedes]

The gaze that the lesbo lady knight was giving when she answered resembles a sex crazed middle-aged man.

I understand it well if I were to compare it with her usual look. There were strong impurities that can never be revealed to people, swirling deep inside those pure eyes of hers. If she were to save her in the moment of peril, it would definitely lead her to homosexuality. That was what she was hoping for.

By the way, what is with this persons appearance [Mercedes]

Mercedes-chan stared at me with a scowl on her face.

I guess it must be really unpleasant to see a middle-aged oyaji dressed in something similar to a straw skirt.

I find it unpleasant too myself.

T-The wyvern had burnt my clothes to a crisp with its breath attack. [Tanaka]

I see..but isnt that Ester-samas robe? [Mercedes]

It doesnt really matter. Sacrificing one or two robes is better than exposing the eyes to such filth. [Ester]

.aa, you poor thing. [Mercedes]