Chapter 15 (1/2)

Atelier Tanaka Buncololi 106130K 2022-07-20

Volume 1

Atelier Tanaka Chapter 11.3

Dragon Extermination 1 (3/3)

Part 3

After acquiring the group sex team, we returned to the airship.

Upon returning, someone who claimed to be a mayor seemed to be interacting and was giving a warm welcome to the noble mage at the deck but they ended their conversation as soon as we got up the steps.

After putting an end to all the flattery greetings, the airship took off to the sky once again.

Even though there was a look of regret on the mayors face, the noble mage paid no mind to his state and raised the altitude of the airship. The other crew members could only remain silent the entire time when they were sent off. Although the partys hierarchical relationship was extremely intense currently, I have yet to think of dealing with it, even a little.

Well, Ill just keep it in mind and handle this issue in near future. Unfortunately, the degree of difficulty will be high.

After taking off to the sky, I am presently in the cabin, attending a live theatre on the love triangle trouble between one man and two women. In a private room that looks similar to a ferrys first class western room with two beds installed, sat the performers on the sheets, making their exchanges.

Allen and Sophie were on one of the bed, side by side while the blonde haired loli and I were sitting on their opposite a little further from there. By the way, there was a tray of sandwiches that was made in the kitchen earlier, placed on my lap.

.E-Ester, will you listen to my side of story? [Allen]

The question from Allen resounded through the room.

The blonde haired loli who was replying to him was in constant bad mood the entire time.

In addition to her airsickness, her boyfriend was also having an affair. That double punch seemed to be considerably hard for her.

I dont want to. Theres nothing more to talk about between the both of us. [Ester]

Would you please somehow listen to me? Please Ester! [Allen]

No! Definitely not! I will not believe in anything you say anymore! [Ester]

Ester [Allen]

While watching Allen and Esters trouble scene unfolding before me, I partook of the lip-smacking sandwiches prepared by Sophia-chan. The juicy sandwiches that were stuffed with chicken-like meat and basted with an abundance of butter gradually satiate my hunger that resulted from skipping breakfast this morning.

Aa, this meal is tasty.

I deliberately brought them here all the way from the dining room just for this.

It was truly delicious, to be able to enjoy a meal made by a beautiful girl while watching another beautiful girl engaged in a jealous lovers quarrel. This is one of the fieldwork that I would like to carry on hereafter.

By the way, w-why are you here!? [Ester]

I got rebuked by the blonde haired loli.

However, how could I leave a schadenfreude space like this?

(Rinkage: Original text is meshiuma which is a shortened version of [The misfortune of others taste like honey] or [Another persons misfortune makes the food tasty] )

I have gone as far as to delay my meal time just to explain the circumstances to you all. Nevertheless the situation this time is still a situation so I will not refute your exchanges. However, I think it would be better for you to get this over with as soon as possible. [Tanaka]

.So-Sorry. [Allen]

I could feel his sense of guilt. His sense of guilt was overflowing.

I have a feeling that he was feeling extremely sorry about it.

But, it felt good. This situation felt good.

We have a big job ahead of us so I would be really grateful if both of you can steer clear of any future trouble. While it might be slightly too forceful, you guys should draw a firm conclusion when youre in the presence of a third party. [Tanaka]

C-Certainly, this was all due to my infidelity. [Allen]

As long as I matched the story with an appropriate excuse, I would still have the upper hand.

What do you mean by this was all due to my infidelity? I have asked you this before, havent I? How many times has it been now? [Ester]

Th-That. [Allen]

If it was just once or twice then, I-I would still be able to permit it. Its a mans resourcefulness so it couldnt be helped. Women will naturally flock to charismatic man. I always believe that nothing can be done in that situation. [Ester]

.. [Allen]

Nevertheless, the number of times this has happened now is out of ordinary! Even if I were to count it using both hands and feet, it still wouldnt be enough! How much do you actually yearn for sex!? You pervert! [Ester]

.I-Im sorry. I certainly cant refute that. [Allen]

And the worst part of it was that youre doing it with Sophie behind my back! Am I actually the most important one to you!? I found that I couldnt believe in your words more and more now! [Ester]

That is. [Allen]

The blonde haired loli got teary-eyed.

This ikemen. He was being lovey-dovey with Sophie-chan more than what I expected. I had always thought his number one to be that blonde haired loli but it appears that, there is a possibility that her position might drop to number two in future.

Aa, could the reason be related to this girls house?

On the other hand, this blonde haired loli was quite open-minded with her boyfriend. I would definitely be mad with jealousy if I were to see the woman I like being cozy with another guy. When you think of it this way, Ester-chan can be considerably big hearted. That aspect of her is something I can honestly respect.

But well, the situation in which the same case of adultery was repeated beyond two digits would bring even her to tears.

I will, I will not believe in Allen anymore! [Ester]

Ester please. Could you listen to my side of story, even just a little? [Allen]

I will not! I will definitely not listen to you anymore! [Ester]

I wonder why. For some reason, a mysterious sense of defeat could be felt swirling inside me.

Despite experiencing a sense of schadenfreude, I had a feeling that I was receiving damage at the same time.

Just because he was permitted to have a harem, this ikemen has found the composure to commit infidelity over and over again. My meal has turned bad now. The first-rate meal prepared by Sophia-chan is now ruined. The juicy sandwich tasted strangely bad in my mouth when I chewed it.

I wanted it to be tastier.

I will not permit it this time! Ive reached my limits! This will be a goodbye! [Ester]

(Rinkage: Waiwai! Someone getting dumped (^ ^))

P-Please wait! I love you! More than anyone else in this world! [Allen]

! [Ester]

The ikemen whispered words of love.

The effect is outstanding.

The blonde haired lolis shoulder appeared to be trembling slightly from shock.

Even if you tell me that, I-I will definitely not be fooled again! [Ester]

Its the truth! Please believe me. It was just as Sophie has said! [Allen]

The ikemen spoke with an air of composure when the conversation shifted to Sophie-chan, the person in question beside him. Although, even when she was dragged into the conversation for query all of a sudden, all she did was just exchange look with him in silence. But, near, youre too near, Sophie-chan. The distance between you and Allen was so close that even your thighs were touching.

Youre the only number one for me! I love you! [Allen]

D-Didnt I just say so? R-Regardless of how many times you said it [Ester]

The ikemens love attack was so effective that it was dangerous.

There was a change in the blonde haired lolis tone.

It was plain obvious that her feelings wavered.

Is this the power of an ikemen?

My feelings were swayed as well.

Even a straight guy would be swayed if an ikemen said something like this.

Damn it Allen. You looked quite cool there.

His eyes were glittering making him look like a true gentleman.

Thats how my feelings are, Ester. Even if I have to cast away all that I have, the only person whom I want to be with is you! [Allen]

!.. [Ester]

The ikemens decisive line has dealt the final blow.

The blonde haired lolis eyes were wide opened.

However, she endured it, albeit at the last moment.

H-Hmph! How many times have I heard of the same thing now? Why dont you just use that line on Sophie as much as you want instead? I will not believe in anything you said anymoreWill not believe it, will not believe it. Th-Thats all! [Ester]

E-Ester!? [Allen]

The blonde haired loli got up from the edge of the bed.

Her complexion didnt look too good, probably due to her airsickness.

Goodbye! [Ester]

She casted a glance at Allen as she said so and left the room as it is.

The door was opened and closed with a small bang that resounded through the place.

Goodbye. Even if she said so, I dont think they will break-up that easily. Not only are they currently in the same airship flying above the sky, they will also be spending the next few days together. The blonde haired loli seems oblivious to her surroundings now. Where is she planning to escape to?

..Ester. [Allen]

The ikemen who was only able to watch as she left, murmured from the other side of the door.

Sophie-chan gently held his fist that was clenched up on his knee.

.Allen. [Sophie]

So-Sophie, I. [Allen]

(Rinkage: The original text is Boku wa Ester o. which indicated that he wanted to say I love/like Ester but since the love/like word is not present there and the grammatical structure of English and Japanese is different, I left it as it is)

Even if you do, I dont mind it. [Sophie]

!.. [Allen]

They stared at each other in silence, locking gaze.

I was expecting him to go after the blonde haired loli but, whats up with that? Im currently detecting a strange love field around them. Sophie-chan was seriously a bold woman, more than what I had imagined. Taking Allens male whore state into account, this kind of accident is likely to happen in ten or twenty cases.

(Rinkage: Male Whore = Original word is actually yarichin , a vile slang for man who has sex with many women)

Thanks to that, the present time carried on once again, giving my mental an enormous blow.

This is no longer possible.

My heart couldnt take it.

It wasnt possible to continue with my meal anymore.

The sense of schadenfreude ended.

Following the blonde haired loli, I got up from the edge of the bed as well.

Allen who noticed it, called out to me.

Aa, Tanaka-san.. [Allen]

This seems like a good time to end this. Please excuse me too. [Tanaka]

.Im really sorry for the trouble. [Allen]

Though regrettable, I should withdraw from here too after the blonde haired loli.

However, even after he has fallen into such predicament, he still responded to me like a proper gentleman. Hes unmistakably a great man. If I hadnt brought the blonde haired loli along, this wouldnt have happened to him. Honestly, I was bracing myself to receive at least a criticism from him but, he ended up apologizing to me instead.

His good points are clearly evident. Its not surprising that hes popular with girls. He possessed such a straightforward nature. Im certain that his lower part can stand upright immediately too.

I wonder if the curvature of that place be rectified.

I went back to my room and rolled around on my bed.

It must be a straight impact. My body became unexpectedly exhausted. After returning to the room and lay on the bed for just a few moments, I lost my consciousness unknowingly. It must have been a pretty deep sleep because all my fatigue has gone completely when I realized it. What time is it now?

I went to the deck from the cabin to take a look.

Upon stepping out, a beautiful morning glow of sunrise greeted my sight.

Uwaa, its amazingly beautiful. [Tanaka]

I was moved.

I was deeply moved by the scenic view.

This alone was well worth the dragon extermination trip.

Somehow the mountain-ish scenery around gave me a sense of Dun dun dun dunnn! from the other side. The sight of the rising sun behind, casting its rays on the mountain, gradually exuding a luminous glow from the peak gave off the best feeling. I would like to take a photo of this.

Youve slept for a considerably long time. [Fahren]

Eh? Aa, hello. Good morning. [Tanaka]

Umu [Fahren]

When did he make his appearance here? Without realizing it, the noble mage was already standing right beside me.

My eyes that were originally cleansed by the spectacle of the morning glow are now tainted by the appearance of this ossan.

This person couldnt possibly have stayed up all night at the deck, could he?

..did you perhaps not get any sleep? [Tanaka]

The automatic piloting speed dropped in the middle of last night. The knight whom you have brought along was standing guard too after dark so we can deal with it just in case. [Fahren]

I see. If that is the case then its good but. [Tanaka]

Mercedes-chan stayed up for two nights straight!? Will she be all right?

One can always manage their own health so there is no need for you to worry about it. I could make it fly the entire night too if I wanted to. The place that my feet can reach, extend as far as the Dark Continent at the least. [Fahren]

I was just slightly curious about it. Apologies if it had bothered you. [Tanaka]

.I wasnt actually bothered about it. [Fahren]

If that was the case then Im glad.

My sense of guilt was slightly stimulated.

Since I had gone to sleep comfortably by myself.

Considering the return trip, it might not be a bad idea to teach FitClarences daughter the method in steering the airship too. Ill give her the guidance once I find the appropriate time. Doing so might possibly achieve more distance. [Fahren]