Part 5 (1/2)
Edward Wilson, surgeon
Francis Clemens, boteson
Adrian Motter
Bennet Mathues, a land man
Nicholas Syms, boy
Silvanus Bond, couper
After Hudson was put out, the company elected Billet as master
Abacuck pricket, sworn, says the shi+p began to return about 12th June, and about the 22d or 23d, they put away the master Greene and Wilson were e at sea combined to steal away the shallope, but at last resolved to take away the shi+p, and put the master and other important men into the shallope
He clears the now e of this co of the putting of the master out of the shi+p, till he saw him pinioned down before his cabin door
Francis Clemens, Adrian Motter and Bennet Mathues say the master was put out of the shi+p by the consent of all that were in health, in regard that their victualls were much wasted by hiainst the master, and yet for safety of the rest put aith him, and all by those e thethe victuals by a scuttle made out of his cabin into the hold, and it appears that he fed his favourites, as the surgeon, etc, and kept others at only ordinary allowance All say that, to save so, they were content to put away so many, and that to o, or who tarry, but as affection or rage did guide them in that fury that were authors and executors of that plot
Instance & Prize Records (High Court of Admiralty) Examinations, &c Series I Vol 42 1611-12 to 1614
Die Sabbto XXV'to _January_ 1611
EDWARD WILLSON, of Portesed xxij yeares sworne and exae of His Matyes High Court of the Ade at sea in the Discovery of London whereof Henry Hudson was M'r for the Northwest discovery sayth as followeth
Being demaunded whether he was one of the companie of the Discovery wherof Henry Hudson was M'r for the Northwest passage saythe by vertue of his oathe that he was Surgion of the said shi+pp the said voyadge
Beinge asked further whether there was not a e by soainst the M'r, and of the manner and occasion thereof and by whome saythe that their victualls were soe scante that they had but two quartes of meale allowed to serve xxij men for a day, and that the M'r had bread and cheese and aquavite in his cabon and called some of the companie whome he favoured to eate and drinke with hie and ave bread and drinke unto, the begynning whereof was thus viz't One William Willson then Boateswayne of the said shi+pp but since slayne by the salvages went up to Phillipp Staffe the M'rs Mate and asked hiive meate to some of the companie, and not the rest whoe aunswered that it was necessary that some of theayne and told one Henry Greene what the said Phillipp Staffe had said to the said Willson Whereuppon they with others consented together and agreed to pynion hie as Quarter M'r and put thehte have stayed still in the shi+pp but he would voluntarilie goe into the said shallopp for love of the M'r uppon condition that they would give him his clothes (which he had) there was allso six more besides the other three putt into the said shallopp whoe thinkeinge that they were onely put into the shallopp to keepe the said Hudson the M'r and Kinge till the victuals were a sharinge went out willinglie but afterwards findinge that the coayne into the shi+pp they desyred that they hte have their cloathes and soe pte of them was delivered them, and the rest of their apparell was soulde at the ive oodes was made and their land and deducted out of their wages that soe boughte thee asked ere the pties that consented to this mutynie saythe he knoweth not otherwise then before he hath deposed savinge he saythe by vertue of his oathe that this exet never knewe thereof till the M'r was brought downe pynioned and sett downe before this extes cabon and then this examinate looked out and asked him what he ayled and he said that he was pynioned and then this exte would have coest them and they that had bounde the M'r said to this exte that yf he ell he should keepe himselfe soe and further saythe that neither did Silvanus Bond Nicholas Siainst the M'r of this extes knowledge
Beinge demaunded whether he knoweth that the Hollanders have an intent to goe forthe uppon a discovery to the said Northwest passadge and whether they have anie card [chart] delivered thee the said discovery saythe that this exte for his parte never gave thee of the said discovery but he hath heard saye that they intend such a voyadge and entlemen and merchants of London that are interessed in this discovery have shewed divers cardes abroad w'ch happelie e asked further whither there bee a passadge throughe there he saythe that by all likeliehood there is by reason of the tyde of flood came out of the westerne ptes and the tyde of ebbe out of the easterne which may bee easely discovered yf such e and knoweth the e the northerne e
Beinge asked what became of the said Hudson the M'r and the rest of the companie that were put into the shallopp saythe that they put out sayle and followed after them that were in the shi+pp the space of halfe an houre and when they sawe the shi+pp put one [on]
more sayle and that they could not followe thehte of them and never heard of them since And more he cannot depose
Rich: Trevor Edw: Willsonn
I certify that the foregoing is a true and authentic copy
JF Handcock, assistant-Keeper of the Public Records London, 9th _June_, 1909
Admiralty Court Oyer and Terminer 6