Vol 3 Chapter 16 (1/1)
Re with a friend o and then he disappeared on me? Well, he's back, sorta, he's still stuck in the boonies soot internet and is alive, so I'll be doing this original series on the side with EC as the main This seems to be a LOT easier to deal with since it's strictly traditional chinese unlike the triple whammy that is EC, also a lot less headache and way less research required (at least I hope so, everything I read so far I knew right aithout needing to look it up, so o o/ /o/ huzzah!) Now if only I can son with his potato over there >> Without further ado, here's 財神 - 道明 / Great Merchant - Dao Ming “No! Let o! I’m innocent, it’s all those peasants’ fault! I’M INNNOOOCCCEEEEEENNNNNTTTTTT!” A deep voice screaed into one of the nu cross-legged on an elevated pedestal behind a low-rising table On top of the pedestal sat aerect, with its two rounded rectangle winglets in perfect position “““Huuuooooooooo””” [T/N: The “elevated pedestal” is referring to that raise platfore sits at with his table and is above everyone else in the court It LITERALLY doesn’t have an English word to describe it despite our efforts in trying to search for one The English Architectural terious (namely, Christian churches) floor plans Just think of it as a little stage with steps where the judge works on, for those that watched Bao Zheng or period draistrates, it’s that part where the servants step up onto to give so huainst the ancient stone floor court, a scholar holding a golden scroll and an elegant brush pen calls out “Next!”, bringing in the next person to be judged A handsoold robe is pushed into the court, just before the pedestal where the steel-faced judge sits - who finally opens his eyes to stare down at the new arrival “Na up fro Illanis (Ye’lan’lik’si)” The tall , pointed ears answers in an aloof tone “Na Illanis, Leader of the Great Elves of Plamor’an (Pa’lam’or’an), Protector of the Hundred Million Li Forest” The e-secretary before hi his head, slowly lifting his right hand before dropping it Iuards armed with lacquered rods step forward from the side of the court, their space immediately filled in by their comrades Without the need for further couts, the second strikes him behind the knees, the last two cross their rods from behind the man’s head and pin him to the floor in a ko position The entire series of action took less than two seconds as though it’s routine to them “Alika’na Mosa (A’lai’ca’na Mo’Sa), is that correct?” The judge-secretary reads fro the man to scowl “How do you know my name?! Is this some sort of human sorcery?!” The et up, only to be uards “This is the Afterlife, you’ve died and are awaiting judge-secretary folds the scroll before placing it into the sa his hands and bowing slightly towards thesilently on the pedestal “Afterlife…? But I was… my bedroom… isn’t the Afterlife in the Ethereal Forest?” The man stammers while his eyes shi+ft back and forth “Ah, the Ethereal Forest, a place, I went there for a work-vacation, that place is nothing short of a paradise If you qualify, I’ Yanlou,” he cups his hands and bows oncehis shoulder a bit, thefroht hundred seventy nine years plus fifty seven years… Ruled his people i for unprecedented expansion of the Plamor’an Duchy into an unrivaled Empire that controls 3/5th of the Osiris (Ao’sai’li’si) star Oh e-secretary shakes his head slowly “Responsible for the death of 129,788,877,183 souls… oops, make that seven hundred and fourteen” [T/N: Since it isn’t quite clear and people have asked, and even our editor didn’t know, I’ll make a note here The xxx year +/- YYY years means xxx = actually lived years, YYY = years different fro Yanlou’s facial expression turns evena word “There’s no way I… wait… you es?!” The judge-secretary nods once, “those are included in the figure” “I killed the humans in the name of justice! They enslaved our kind and treat them as livestocks!” “Even those that ca the allies that fought with you and your men shoulder-to-shoulder?” “They are traitors to their own kind, it’s merely a matter of time before they stab us in the bah-!” The elf’s words slurs near the end, as his tongue feels nu Yanlou, in folklores within the CJK region, King Yanlou hate liars Children are told that King Yanlou will co “You know that wasn’t the case, you were just too lazy to deal with an Allied Kingdom and wanted a Vassal State after the war” “Pah! So what if I did, they would do the saiven the same position!” The elf shi+fts his eyes away and looks to the side King Yanlou closes his eyes without saying a word “Then what about the Lizard our precious forest! Their overpopulation was turning the forests back into filthy swa e with hatred in his eyes “By what right do you judgeyou additional work! I savedthe Yanlou’s hand picks up the commandment tablet and sla into a scowl Soon after, trails of blood drip from the elf’s mouth [T/N: And here’s part two of that reference] “Oh, by the way, King Yanlou rreeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllllllyyy hates liars, especially unrepentant ones Those lizard the landscape to its natural state as was determined by their sha space and food production at the cost of everything else You know that hundred billion plus nu because of the ecological disasters your willful policy has ainst the landkeepers, you are killing your own people” [T/N: This is why I need an editor, seeave hi land into forests can indeed cause ecological disasters You are literally changing the water cycle, the bio fuel for uncontrollable fires, etc… When a disaster strike, it will strike HARD You don’t have the natural barriers that would otherwise be there Ie With swamps, wetland and barren plains, they act as natural fire buffering zones Natural watersheds and so forth “Wait, what?” The anger in the man’s face is replaced by confusion, then shock as he recalls the nu in His eyes are shi+fting left and right, panic starts to seep in as he looks at King Yanlou’s face “That isn’t my fault, hoas I to know this would happen?!” “WILLFUL IGNORANCE DOES NOT EXCUSE YOU FROM YOUR ACTIONS, BEGONE! 14TH CYCLE, 3 DEMERITS” King Yanlou’s boo voice reverberates within the hall of the court “Wait! 3 de?! What’s the 14th cycle?!” Thehi before You could’ve also asked when I asked for your name and read out your deeds Here’s a hint, not that it would help you, King Yanlou hates liars, especially ones that can even lie to thee-secretary shakes his head softly “The 14th cycle is the samsara of domestic beasts, you will either be a beast of burden or so raised to be consumed Complete your lot in the next life, I hope you can achieve some merits in the life after that” The uards starts dragging the onceYanlou’s left, the elf’s screa away The court resets itself as though nothing has happened “““Huuuooooooooo””” Dadadada “Next!” A scrawny, yet scholarly white-haired ure is obvious as his rough, heles off of hie and the judge-secretary respectively, his deant, just a sincere, unadulterated respect to one’s equal His body enity “Na, lifespan… Nineteen e-secretary’s voice drops off as he quickly expands the scroll endlessly, wordlessly reading the text in a trancelike state “Ah… this ives a wry, bitter shtly downcast ”I will lessen the trouble for you various ht to hell” He cups his hands oncehis head in deference ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translator's Note: King Yanlou is probably better known as King Enma by those of you that read japanese series (also known as the King of hell) Translator's Note 2: I will be stealing borrowing RWX's inal chinese phonetics in these brackets) for the first time it appears