Vol 3 Chapter 6 (1/1)
kiin kiin User - Kun has connected The trio looks at each other, before Bell quickly puts her right hand to her ear and starts to relay the current situation to the new arrival … … … “Nyahaha, got it” The felinoid cheerfully answers the PM before giving Rick a loud PA on his back “Good call earlier, ill fall back for now, let’s head to camp for the hting, the group takes a roundabout route back to cas I had to deal with” The black-haired young s and ropes around the re campfire The camp has already been broken doith thepacked up, sooing on?” “Hs, half-nods before walking towards so the rest of the Kun with the pair “Uncle Hank, the doctor, and the students will be returning to the Acadeerous here, and it seeh to travel now, so it’s best that we send thereement with Kun’s assessment “Also, the instructors fro the buildings around the Acadeo supervise that as well” ““EH?!”” “Yeah, apparently the buildings aren’t up to standard, the engineer that builtout, and there’s the free labour fro, so we don’t really have to spend much or bother the demihumans much” A wily ss?” Rick points to the various coils and ropes around the fire “Ooooohhhhh~ ufuhuhuhuhu~” Till laughs lightly while covering herthe a pout by shi+fting his mouth to one side “Can soive theood show, nyahahaha!” “Ready when you are, Till” “All set over here, just don’t es appear inup on the fluffy cutie that’s Sa ball of vacuum surrounded by a layer of water over the sea of trees before ht, at a large distance away, I use «Air Hammer» to crush the layer of water GGOOORRRRROOOO SSSSSSHHHHHHHHAAAAAA The sound of roaring thunder is followed by the soft pattering of water onto the tree tops bou bou bou bo bo bo bo bo shhhaaa sshhhhaaa sha sha Numerous «Fireball»s answer in reply as they rip thru the canopy before disintegrating into thin-air shortly after Mixed within are a few «Earth Lance»s and a few odds «Spell»s So ood “Be careful, there are people out there planning so as well, e -after sending the first one to Bell-ne- to the others before firing a series of «Air Lance»s one after another, concentrating nized dokkan dokkan dokkan dokkan dokkan dokkan … “Okay, Saot it?! Slon after you are about two thirds through the lap~!” KERO! “Hold on tight, everyone~!” I yell towards Sa down, letting the soft, bouncy surface take in all offace down Aover the treetop in a circle with a counterclockwise direction while I continue to fire off the «Spell»s at irregular intervals “Be careful, there are people out there planning souess that’s a given since there are soon ed «Air Lance» starts bo area “Huh?” “Eh? What the hell is goi-” dokkan “Holy shi+t! Group up, group up!” “shi+t! Help me kill this bastard first!” “You are on your own then! Watch o-AHHH” dokkan “Stay next to the trees! It will shi+eld us so at us!” dokkan dokkan Nyahahahahahahaha! Everyone that was fighting with each other afor the unknown artillery fire that’s raining down from above A few NPCs and Players are hit, but that’s fine since Till adjusted it so that it would only be enough to knock the air out of someone The tree branches and leaves made sure of that, but the explosions certainly look flashy since there are puddles all over the place on the le floor dokkan dokkan I ready ets further and further away, I will probably have a minute or two at the current rate sha sha I look at the surrounding people running about, like headless chickens, as I leap up onto a tree branch above byoon zaku I silently letoff of it, using it as an inverted springboard and stab into a player with a [Villain]’s hhhhh!” byoon As soon as the screa player hits the floor with ht shoulder, I break themy halberd out of the male human in the same motion TA SHA SHA Without delay, I leap onto a nearby tree before continuously ju on different ones as I take a quick look around before resting on a tree branch fuuuuuu I take a deep breath as I wait for my next victim I have to heavily injury as many players with a mark as possible to force their allies to take care of theth This is just like an a I can do this before I get targeted My heart is racing despite et addicted to this thrill, is this what they call the thrill of the hunt, I wonder? I alad I convinced theroup, efficiency aside, you don’t get to experience things like this unless you are in a war My lips curl up as I spot in my next descent “Be careful, there are people out there planning so as well, move at your own discretion~!” What?! This wasn’t part of the plans! Oh shi+t, oh shi+t! “Kun! What do we do?! There’s soot Till’s ist with a brain will try to do so in this situation” “Then what do we do?!” “Continue with the plan, just stay safe, if all else fails, just bail, got it?” “Alright, if you say so…” I drop ht hand away from my ear and place a trap next to the tree I stay low as Iso ot here that I already lost count There’s atrap, roadspike trap, and Kun’s ankle snare trap Unlike the snare trap that comes with my «Class», Kun’s version is devious in aa stick, before you suddenly fall over, with a chance of hurting your ankle instead of just slowing you down dokkan I hope Till wasn’t lying when she said those things will never hit us… fuuuuuuuuuuuu I breathe out a long breath and take out the s conspicuous as Iabout Just like Kun said, the fighting will stop for the most part except for the few diehards and veterans Tie of this chaos! dokkan pyu pyu pyu pyu As soon as the hters to run away, I look around toany attention to me before I release a salvo into so potential, me and my manabow aren’t anywhere near as lethal, so I can just simply fire haphazardly at anyone “Ahhh!” Pasha “What the hell?!” “Ha! There’s a duht behind you, boss!” zaku zashi+ I can only chuckle softly as the greedy mercenaries and players juers one of my traps dokkan pyu “shi+t!” I drop on all fours as an arrow narrowly misses my nose, I turn around to try and find the shooter Somewhat anti-cliroup that’s surrounded by a bigger group Without a second thought, I start peppering the larger group of people while keeping a low profile, I hid behind a tree right away and try to find another target afterthe the amount of the injured, we also need to balance out the forces whenever we can to ensure a continuous decline in power between the different sides dokkan dokkan Since Till’s bo away, I will use this chance to stir up s carefully to avoid the puddles, Iwhere the htly Soht along the edge of the clearing, cheering the two stones fro one in each hand, I crouch down and concentrate on an intense fight nearby zudon zudon The two stones fly out of htly around the trees before sla theroups “What the hell was that for?!” “What?! You guys are the ones that tried to a ‘bout? You fuckers knock out our guy here, see?” “Bro, these fuckers are con artists, let’s teach them a lesson” “Con what!?” KAN kan kan Hahahaha, such si suddenly feels heavy and iround blankly for aout a dagger from one of the many looped onto my vest, I cut at the root of the trap instead of the part that’s holdingdown Luckily I was already low to the floor and not running, otherwise I think I would’ve snapped h of relief, I slowlya low profile, after checking the surroundings It seeht everyone’s attention, otherwise I think I would’ve been ju sure that there’s no other traps, I ht, if you say so…” I start laying down another trip rope, tying one end to a suitable tree nearby I close ht hand as I gently glideit to another tree a short distance away Each length of rope that’s being used was fire-treated to remove splinters, soaked in oil, and then allowed to dry Since the plan to herd the groups directly into the clearing and let Till bombard it was altered, I decided to use the ropes in another way “Who were you talking to, Brother?” Gui tilts his head a little before scratching his neck with his hindfoot “Rick was just panicking So do you re those longear prey! Hine that you are in a corner with the water behind you and you have to escape” “… how do I run if I’ht in the eye, seeking an answer [T/L: Horrible, horrible pun that I nearlyhow the hell song and bear(熊) relates, so I looked up the word, which happens to also mean corner Both 熊 and 曲 happens to share to same pronounciation of くま/ku siet this T/L note instead :P] “No, a corner Like when the logs are stacked together for a house” “Oh” Without doing anything else, Gui walks a short distance away to avoid getting in the hile giving off a large yawn …kan “Okay, Till is on her way now, get in position!” “Call ray fox silently disappears up into a tree while Kun approaches a s It took a while for him to reach them since he had to set up the traps in relative isolation, otherwise he would be caught dokkan dokkan “shi+t! What the hell?!” “Weren’t they supposed to signal us when they start?!” “This was the so called surprise? fuck!” “Stop shooting us you moron, we are from the Royalist faction, we are on your side!” “Wait, what? Why didn’t you say so earli-” dokkan As expected of Till, knowing that there’d be people fighting in the clearing, her ai salvo As theto seek shelter froray blur drops down frorabs a pouch that was securely tied to his waist There are about a dozen people that are round or who are siht ht into the trees in a different direction from the one where he ca this?!” “We can do anything ant! Now di-” dokkan dokkan dokkan dokkan dokkan Till’s bouess she’s out of mana for now The entire area is filled with small craters, toppled trees, and thrown bodies There are a handful of people still standing, but all of them seem to barely be able to stand, let alone battle “I really have to reet on Till’s bad side” I remind myself as I shudder unconsciously as I cover the lower half of my face with a makeshi+ft bandana and rush in toward the scattered crowd of people “Well, ti before a round shi+ shi+ shi+ With several flicks of e to remove the valuables that are visible toThe elf couldn’t even understand what’s going as he rolls around weakly Not wasting any tiet to repeat the process with Next to htly even though he can’t open his eyes due to pain I opt to ignore him and look elsewhere Severalwith a singleto help some people up PA I run towards the e a little too late as I lower ht hand into a fist and driving it deep into his guts His entire body shuffles back half a step while doubling over, taking this chance, I follow through with my momentum and do an overhead chop with my left hand onto his exposed trapezius [T/L: Trapezius is the roup that that makes a diamond shape from the back of your neck to your shoulders and down theat that large lump of muscle between shoulder and the neck] The h he’s a puppet that just got his strings cut, twitching on the floor I quickly throw his spear away as I relieve hiive hi sure that he won’t beknife into the sheath that’s on the backpack and grab a saber with a wide, thick blade off the wet, muddy floor zashi+ zashi+ zashi+ zashi+ zashi+ zashi+ Since these are players with the [Murderer]’stheir throats For the last one, I swing the saber with allit “AURG! AHHHH- gugugu” The elf screams as expected, after a split second, I slash his throat as well I pick up the et access to off their corpses and shove the crystals basara basara I hear the sound of clothing er than a minute and thirty seconds since the bo to recover soon, if I had known that Till would be so effective, I wouldn’t have set up all those traps pyu KAN pyu pyu pyu pyu An arrow flies from somewhere behindfroround and roll to the side, anticipating the worst A splitovertohere I came fro the newbies to always pay attention to their surroundings, shi+T! My left leg underneath htlessness before ht is abruptly slammed onto my unprepared left heel I stuuised by floating, rotting leaves My balance is co to throw me face first onto the floor I know that if I fall doill be a goner and no one would be able to savescra to stay standing I can only clenchthe next few steps while suppressing the deafening heartbeat in my ears