Vol 2 Chapter 13 (1/1)
In Earth time, it has been aluard That means within the world of Amoatlz, a year has al the 3rd day of the Highhell onceits eather The suion, while other villages are rotating their crops to match the season In this warm, comfortable weather, the entire upper echelon of the city of Feia presents itself at the Zinnia Acade of deuards As the carriages and carts stop in the large field before the ers start dise from the various vehicles In the mean time, so back in colourful unifor swords strapped to their belts [T/N: 夏成 - 潼月三日 , Suh Month Third Day, doesn’t h it does make sense in kanji Each of the seasons andas well In this case, itcaninoid -with half of his right earthe Elders of Feia! Present, ARMS!” The colourfully dressed squads behind hi sides, becoidly at attention in perfect unison As though on a silent cue, all of the the swords high above their heads ““HA!”” shi+ ““HA!”” shi+ ““HA!”” shi+ … Starting froe, each pair shouts before slashi+ng their swords doard, bringing the sword to their left side, within an inch of their neighbour Echo guides an elderly, wrinkly, s man toward the path created by the caninoids in special uniforuards stands on the opposite side, fitting in perfectly Behind theht Further behind, the rest of the entourage are looking left and right as well, in obvious awe of the escorts, as they st themselves “Headmaster Rick, this way please” A de both Rick and Till ere si the unexpected cere position, he starts rubbing his knees from the unexpected jolt after he confirms where the voice cas one by one after rubbing the knees “What is going on anyways?” The demihuman tilts his head “These are the rulers froifts and such The students here informed us that the Acade it as an iize if we are inadequate in our presentation” “Wait, what, who told you to do that?!” Rick starts scratching the back of his head rapidly with an incredulous face “Just go along with it Rick-ni, this looks cool~!” Till’s eyes are shi+ning Although she is said to be a prodigy and knows s, she is still a child at heart Since she was often isolated or ill, she never had a chance to see a parade in her life With such an unique sight appearing before her, even though it’s technically small, how can she not enjoy herself? “Gaaahh! Fine! Lead the way!” Rick gives up in frustration before turning to the deood-naturedly Till is led elsewhere by another dely follows as she keep her eyes on the colourful troops that move in sync, with beautiful, elaborateElder walks past theht to the end of the caninoid path under the guidance of the demihuman The first Elder slowly makes his way towards Rick, if one were to look carefully, they would see tears gathering at the corners of his eyes Next to hi a stern, but pleasant, expression Around the last quarter of the way, Sekn appears out of nowhere and waits a few steps behind Rick and slightly to the right side Likewise, on the left side, stands Till, who is bea as she slowly rotates her left ar at the elaborate, delicate-looking glove and vaerless and only covers the back of her hand, there’s a finely carved ring for each of the four fingers -which is connected to the deep blue fabric on the back of her hand by a fine mesh of extremely thin, almost translucent wires- which anchor the cool fabric in place Starting at her wrist, the vambrace -made with fine silvery wires and sapphires that depicts a scene of the sea- anchors the other end of the fabric with a series of woven chains In the center of the fabric, a series of clear aquae an illusion of a full ether on the inside are up and down the length of it to amplify mana conversion rates, especially those of Water mana This is a replica of a tool Sekn received froinal, it isit while constricting the flow of h the entirety of the accessory co the individual to learn to control their mana output and exert detailedeinally made by Alfina and Sekn’s father for practice: [ED: Here’s a , just i the back of the hand] The Ring of the Peacock, a series of glass pris the mana in a cone-shapedof the Crystal Mirror, a series of zircons set on the ring redirects the flow oftheof the Dancing Fae, a plain looking silver ring with hidden runes engraved on the inside, adds rando it in a wide area in an unpredictableof the Desolate Fortress, limits the expelleda shi+eld consisting of the ician] can do on their own, although wearing them will still help the individual refine their techniques sos, individually, are not all that valuable save for their sentiether, combined with the vambrace’s unique properties, inners Once they e of the tool, they will be able to shape their mana and control the directions of their spells at will An «Earth Pillar» can becoet - or just as easily become a pit of spikes that attacks wildly as if it’s alive A «Fireball» can become so sh its target without the target realizing it until it’s too late - or just as easily beco armour that burns those around the caster The invention of this tool is one of the minor achievedoiment’s blacksmith as well as Dosnak, who knows Till’s exact measurements and h it does not coive Till so to reacy and creations see Of course, Sekn didn’t tell Till about the ringsAlfina poured her blood and sweat into, which is the undeniable truth “Presenting, First Elder of the Free City of Feia, Bartholomew Markus!” Echo announces with fanfare as the sound of tru appears fro his hands and shaking theround and starts kissing Rick’s feet “Wait! What are you doing! Get up, get up!” Rick backs away at the sudden unexpected gesture “You are undoubtedly a living God, paying respect this way is a given” The old round, with his head bowed “I’-” “Elder, Headreetings” The Elder remembers the proreed to help them in the first place, that it must be kept a secret He makes a horrified face, “I’ive et up before approaching Rick onceone of his hands, and bows at the waist until his forehead touches the hand Markus stands up after a few ies repeatedly Rick can only smile aardly The cere thetheir forehead to Rick’s hand after clasping it These Elders are introduced one after another, before being directed to their pre-detere look on with smiles or reverence, while a handful shows a dark, sullen expression By the ti sunset Two roups of people shows up unexpectedly as soon as the cereroup consists of 14 ray Cadejos es, with a few children, uards, keeping a keen eye on theroup has business with Rick, and the presence of the cadejos cause the delances with each other The second group has i led to the on here? It’s like you have an arreets the two casually as he co the Elders to furrow their brows in displeasure Some members within his party waves and s the first time the [Cerebus] was defeated “Sir, you and your partythe” A deives his two parties of seven a quick nod, before getting off his mount as well More demihumans show up to help lead the cadejos to the stable “U here?” Rick asks back as he can’t think up an excuse in time “damn, why are there all these visitors, did blue birds circled the house when I wasn’t looking?” The youth startsNiji the question [T/N: I’ve no idea what 青鳥 represent to, but according to Chinese folklores, they representa house often represent death, but that doesn’t see that birds circling a house , which I think is the likely interpretation of this line On the other hand, 赤い鳥 (red colour bird) circling a houseto be a fire… I will amend this if soets back to ood o the house and decided to go there because blue birds are n of happiness it see orto hold ointo and that blue bird could raise theircircled by it] “I sent you a PM earlier, said I’d drop by for a duel since ill be heading for the Tralan Duchy for a quest to deal with so, if you don’t h… you never did send a reply, did you?” Niji makes a “oops” face while he scratches his cheek “Oh? I? Excellent! Hey! Everyone, the Ier Elders starts riling up everyone “What?! Immortal duel?!” “Did you hear that? A duel!” The news spreads like a rapidly falling line of do its way all the way to the people in back, before Rick can even make a reply “I don’t th- OOMMPH” uuuu “What was that for, Till?” The blond youth rubs his ribs that got suddenly visited by the elbow of a certain little girl Till reaches up and drags Rick’s left ear to herin a hushed tone “The duel is a good way to show off, we can get ht~” “But Bell and Kun aren’t here” “Don’t worry~~ Just follow my lead” Till releases Rick and turns to Niji “Sorry~ there’s only 2 of us logged in at the estions?” “Eh, I don’t mind, we are just here to see how far we’ve come As you can see, we have beaten the [Cerebus] 13s to look at Sekn… who is nohere to be seen They can onlyback, since Niji and his party have no idea the deal Sekn had theround is in organized chaos as people vie for a better viewing position for watching the duel The de up some braziers, they familiarized thea before chairs and tables were prepared for the Elders while the rest of the people are forced to sit on the floor in the front and on logs in the back However, no one is co, the duel between the Headmaster of the Academy and the Captain of the Guards became well knoithin Feia In fact, quite a few of those watching noatched the duel within the barracks There is even a betting pool going on with those in the back and a a little different, let’s have a 14 vs 14 fight with non-lethal weapons, just make sure you don’t seriously hurt our students They will drop out as soon as they lose half their health, okay~?” “Then what about you two?” “Oh, try your best to kill us if you can~ Oh, and don’t worry, ill return everything even if you die~” “Oy, watch it little girl, I wouldn’t be so cocky if I were you” A scruffy looking teen with a head of dirty blond hair marches hi Niji grabs the teen before he can get any closer to Till “Woah, Sable, chill out” Niji turns to Till “Sorry, he didn’t mean any offense” Till narrows her eyes and beams a wide smile “None taken” Rick in thehis te up and down his spine, like when he’s about to be attacked by Bell He turns to look at the s face” frouess ill have to wait until they are done before we can deal with the elders” Cori directs the kids and Gui to a spot that was made for them to spectate in … “Are you ready?” Echo asks everyone within the duel as he looks left and right “Re the children They are out if they exit the field or if they are on the ground” The people on Niji’s side nod their heads, the newerher s side a so look The selected students make minute adjust a proper fight, the training they did never taught thee their nervousness - which requires experience rather than training “Start!” Echo shouts while backing away to a safe distance He’s going to be refereeing theaway since his instinct is screaet away “«Air Lance»~!” A thin, powerful breeze brushes by Echo as soon as the er with the tords “«Rising Tempest»~!” fuuuu “«Rain of Ha backward, before getting tossed upward into the air As he approaches the edge of the field in a daze, multiple condensed «Air Ha hiawking newbie! Gather around!” “““«Earth Pillar»””” Niji reacts quickly as their [Mage]s set up a series of defensive earth barriers He already considers the party of four as monsters, so he wasn’t surprised at the sudden attack, but the power and speed of the attack still leaves hiets into a defensive stance as the pity becomes completely apparent on his face “Poor bastards probably don’t know Till was ht with [Cerebus] and has been training ever since… this is what happens when you poke a sleeping tiger…” The youth mumbles to himself as he half-heartedly prepares hiht not have much to do