Vol 1 Chapter 17 (1/1)
”Wa-” Bell and Rick dash off into the tunnel where they came from, a few [Shadowhound]s have already appeared since they walked by previously ”Nya nya nyan NYAN!” With her halberd partially extended, the felinoid slashes and runs down the [Shadowhound]s in the way, opening a path koro te te te Rick drops the caltrops he had previously bought in Feia, hoping to slon any pursuers ”Wait! Are gu-” kan A voice desperately screa can be heard faintly as they run away
shi+n ”«Ice Wall»!” ”Right side is co down, Kun-ni~” ”Got it” ”«Spell Modifier»!” hyoo ”«Air Haroup of [Shadowhound]s breaks through an «Earth Pillar» froht side of the chamber, a powerful mass of air slams them into the tunnel's wall ”Reduce the amplification a bit Kun-ni~” ”You sure?” ”Don't worry, don't worry~, cast it after I shoot first though~ «Air Hairl with aqua the tunnel on the left side, breaking it into shards and stunning theit ”«Spell Modifier»!” tatata ”«Dust Devil»~” Note: Dust Devil is literally adown, the two cast spells in quick succession A miniature tornado filled with ice shards fro theht after casting toward the lone hound ka sha Striking the claw that was aiician's rod in his left hand, Kun follows the rod's h the thick, inky neck of the [Shadowhound] that ree of the «Dust Devil» [Note: Rele bladed sword] ”Eh?!” ”Eh? «Fireball»!” Without hesitation, a s ht tunnel ”Nya!” A shadow leaps to the side of the tunnel, before leaping to the ceiling and kicking off of it to land gracefully into the chanize the figure and the voice in the back ”Don't worry, we have soet rid of so her halberd with a kin ”dauys, I would be roasted if I reacted any slower” A blonde youth with singed, frizzled hair walks out fro?” Kun walks up toward the thile trying to peer behind Rick Till is focusing on the other tunnel, in case more [Shadowhound]s appears ”Looks to be a full [Raid], so likely 35 users” ”daet out first and couys teleport first, I'll stand guard” Bell nods her chin toward Till before turning around ”«Fireball»!” Kun sends another fireball down the right-side tunnel, zooht away, the youth turns and draws a pair of daggers Although he brought the arrowless boith hie is subpar and isn't useful in this particular situation ”Wait! I surrender! I'ure with its hands held up approaches the group A scratched out symbol can be seen on its breastplate shi+n ”«Ice Wall»” ”Alright, close enough buddy, stop right there, what do you want?” Rick put the pair of daggers into a reverse grip before crossing his ar one of his eyebrows The man stops suddenly and stares at the youth's unique hairstyle before giving hi the [Warp Scroll]s?” The youth slowly turns his head back toward the catwoot a problem?” Rick snaps his head back toward thethe previously raised one ”Look, there are so soet theh levels already, they don't need to die on top of that” ”Wait What? Aren't you guys blackhearted blades and uys help anyone?” Rick drops his arhtly The h ”Look, uilds were tricked, we didn't know half the shi+t the leadershi+p and their inner circle were doing until after we got wiped out the other day All of us left and grouped together to try and beat this dungeon one last time, we just wanted to raid and have fun in the first place” ”Then why do you guys have the [Murderer]'s roup, they tricked randoroups collided after ent to rescue those people, we killed some of them Did you know that you can sacrifice people's levels to bypass the first section of the cave leading to the [Boss]? And that both guilds were doing that to strangers without letting the average member know?” A bitter smile spreads across the ht it was roup's turn to wince They were tricked previously for the exact saot to level 0 in the first place, but to think they would have even tricked their own guild Kun a look, he merely close his eyes and nods She walks pass Rick, who also gives her a nod as he cross his arive you a chance Lead us to these people that you claiive you guys the scroll” pirapira Bell opens a pouch and brings out a block of stone ”This is a bo to attach it to you If you so much as try to trick us, ill blow you up on the spot” Turning toward the girl that's still standing guard ”You are in control of it, Till!” Thethe catwoman tie it to his waist ”Please hurry, I'ht They should still be fighting near the altar”
haa haa ”What what the hell are you guys?” The group ran from the 2nd safe area all the way to the entrance of the [Boss] dungeon without pause The catwo any [Shadowhound]s in the way to one side before being finished off by either the young irl would sla roup didn't slon at all when they reached the lower levels where the tunnels are narrower andthe [Orthrus], [Black Cadejo]s and [Black Shuck]s no differently than the [Shadowhound]s save for the little girl that occasionally iroup advanced at a relentless pace; what shocked the man was that these monsters would normally require a full party to take down The man had to be rescued nuroup ca rescued, desperately fending off individual monsters that would come after him, it is s from Greek myth (related to Cerebus), Black Cadejo usually appear in the for with burning red eyes and a goat's hooves, although in some areas they have hostly black dogs recorded across the British Isles Sometimes recorded as an omen of death, sometimes a more companionable ani accounts of the aniroup stopped for a moment at the entrance to allow the n on the door, re it a push, it reveals a large cha, hissing water surrounds narrow pathways that leads deeper into the cavern Kan Kan The sounds of hout the cha one another, withabout At the bottoether, being protected by various [Guardian]s, who are slowly being overwhelmed by 2 dozen or so attackers ”damn it! «Backstab»” Thethe situation Seeing that they don't knoho is on which side, the group quickly decide to focus on attacking the people that are attacking the [Guardian]s Typically, [Guardian]s have high defense, but have relatively weak offense, thusthem ideal as defenders Rick takes out his bow, unfolds it and shoots some of the attackers in the back Till uses «Air Hammer» to stun them Kun uses «Stardust» to blind the attackers as he follows Bell who is running silently toward the enemies The invisible arrows and «Air Haed to critically hurt one of the attackers with his «Back Stab» before being forced to pull back The [Guardian]s take the opportunity to forcefully push the attackers back, refor their defensive line ”Bell, toss me in there” ”You sure?” ”Yes, I will be fine, just don't send rabs Kun by the collar and turns hi, she turns Kun like a slow spinning top and then sends hi both her paws into his chest while releasing all the stored energy in her body and his originalmotion shi+n shi+n shi+n shi+n ”«Spell Ae chae ashi, he uses ”«Burst»!” to soften his landing just behind the [Guadian]s ”Quick, use these and get out of here!” He throws the an amplified «Fireball» over the head of the [Guardian]s ”Where where does it lead to?” A teenaged boy with chattering teeth starows in intensity ”What?! Anywhere else is safer than here! It warps to the entrance! Go! «Earth Pillar»!” gaaaa Kun raises an earthen wall to block an incoroup of huddled users disappear one by one as they use the scrolls to escape ”Nya Nya NYANNNN!” Swinging her halberd around like athe [Guardian]s and critically injures every one of the have escaped, the [Guardian]s break their «Defensive Stance» and start attacking back ”I don't knoho you people are, but thanks for the help!” ”Thank that guy over there, he brought us over I'll leave the rest of the warp scrolls here, get out when you can” Kun briefly talks with one of the [Guardian]s before rushi+ng out towards Bell Ene brutally bisected by the raging felinoid Although [Wind Spells] are relatively weak co nearly invisible unless one's paying attention Till, along with Rick, have been assisting Bell without anyone noticing, thus catching the back to back with Bell, the fight quickly ended as the eneet pincered and destroyed The [Guardian]s quickly spread out froo assist their allies, while Bell and Kun would rush to help anyone nearby that one of the [Guardian]s assists A surge of enemies suddenly rushes toward the ”DO IT, TILL! RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE! «SPELL AMPLIFIER»!” ”Got it Kun-ni~ «Dust Devil»!” A s the eneulfs the area around the waterspout, anyone that touches the water are burned by both the heat and the acid it holds The fights have all ended save for theon the water, if one can even call it a fight ”Holy shi+t” ”Who are these guys?” ”They are our allies, right?” ”I don't reht theathers around the altar where Kun had left the bag of [Warp Scroll]s Not one of the defenders had used it, they chose to fight to the bitter end As the defenders go about picking up the loot, the ht theht, I didn't introduce ives theether [Note: Niji's na one bit, so get out of here, the entrance got caved in if you didn't get the news” Kun picks up the bag and offers it to the man ”No, we still have to deal with the ones that went ahead We can't let theeon after doing what they did” ”Then give everyone a [Warp Scroll], if anyone's about to die, just go We will help you with these sons of bitches Howexpression as he i the floor with Keely, Tabeus and everyone else that wronged them ”Um they had 4 raids e spotted them, 3 raids already went in, we had 2 raids e encountered the last raid and the victims” ”So they've 2 raids in here then? Since one cauys want to keep going? We have barely 1 raid here including our party No offense, but you guys are pretty weak” Bell has a deadpan expression as she calculates the odds as she cuts the bomb off ”We are ashamed of ere part of, we need to do this to clear our conscience” ”Alright, let's go then~”
shi+n ”Alright, this should work thanks, Kun, «Ice Shell»!” ”Stay lo~ «Gust»~” The reuild members and Bell's party advance seon This particular section has no monsters whatsoever, but the environular nature The stea the odd foothold here and there beyond the narrow paths near the altar Slipping into the water, getting sprayed by a rando stranded on a foothold would usually spell death for all involved There's a path above which can teleport people down onto the narrow pathways, but it seems to be accessible only if you approached froeon [Note: As in, it's an exit teleport only as a shortcut to get out] To counter the environ a path of ice while Till keeps any splashes away fro Rick's spell while Bell is responsible for any sudden changes and to coe]s within the raid on where and when to apply ht why did they have to sacrifice people?” ”Maybe none of theht of this ot splashed, causing a panic before breaking the ice fro out the entire raid” ”Why didn't they just get someone to stop the splashes?” ”Huild did yours?” ”Actually, you are right, we didn't have one as well We thought they were a useless class Who knew” The variousthemselves as they easily coet in the h [Guardian]s! Box for off the ice onto the shore ”Just how big is this dungeon, for it to have a small lake and now a hill” Bell ponders as she follows Niji's instruction Groups of [Orthrus], [Ahuizotl]s and [hellhound]s appear seely at rando up the hill These eneer than the eneht consists of the [Guardian]sa «Defensive Stance» to absorb the initial attack, collapsing into a tighter forhters the eneroup then runs back behind the [Guardian]s when they get pushed back This alloar of attrition while spreading the da-like, its waterproof fur often clu up to create spikes (hence its name) The ahuizotl has hands capable of manipulation and an additional hand on its tail The ahuizotl is feared due to its liking for human flesh, especially nails, eyes, and teeth It is said to live in or near the water and to use the hand on the end of its tail to snatch its prey, dragging the person into the depths to drown him or her (Wikipedia)] After about the 10th battle and nearly losing a man, Bell speaks up ”Niji, can you do ht and left and ill handle the front and back” Recalling how the the party of 4 eon so fast, the way they fought and the way they dealt with the first section, Niji accepts the request ”Go ahead, [Guardian]s, two columns!” ”Two columns?” ”Here?” ”This catlady here has a plan! Get in for them into formation ”Rick, you and all the melees are with me to the front Kun and Till, you two take the back with the ranged” ”Right away, your fatness” Bell smacks Rick in the head with a kon as soon as he walks up to her ”Tihts co up with the usual war of attrition, one [Warrior] ended up dying by not running behind the [Guardian]s in time Finally, a frontal assault occurs ”Melees! Attack once then fall back behind a [Guardian], make it like a pinwheel and let the one behind you attack! Range! Save your shot for when a melee is about to strike! [Guardian]s! Fore, 2nd row, don't let the enemies move freely, don't e can hide behind!” Rick shoots arrows at the various canines before falling back as they get close, Bell rushes up to the first one, hits it with a heavy swing and runs back with the hters follow the saet out Since the ranged fighters are attacking just before a s landobstacles, whenever a canine engages one, a hter would take the chance to attack it Since the daher, the battle becohter as opposed to a war of attrition There are no significant injuries froroup ht starts with an attack fro out commands before some of them even become aware that they are under attack ”Make a 2 man deep V, [Guardian]s! Melees to the flank and hit and run back when you have the chance! Range, heavy fire, focus on center, fire after Till! Go for it when they are in range Till «Spell Modifier»!” HYOO pyu pyu pyu pyu buo buo buo gaa ”«Air Lance»!” ”«Rapid Shot»!” ”«Fireball»!” ”«Fireball»!” ”«Fireball»!” ”«Earth Lance»! So down the hill and just a few re Unfortunately for thereeted with spells and arrows Theback behind the [Guardian]s This process repeats itself a few more times and only once did a [Guardian] need to intervene This fore With their roup eon