Vol 1 Chapter 15 (1/1)

”Good job Mak'ra, De'h the parch the loot inside an officer's quarter in the Orlleell barracks lent to her by the guards Bell, Rick, and Till were carried into the quarters while they were logged out They would've been happy to wake up in the caravan, but it seems the captain wouldn't have any of it and said they should be treated as i their spoils of ith the help of 2 of the oldest students Till had sent a few students back to the Acade toward Ashentor when she went to deliver the uard Mak'ra and De'muel were expressly transported to Orlleell to take an accurate inventory of their haul Although they were slightly delayed since the fliers had to rest, they still ed to make it to the city before the Feian troops returned froiven all the instructions by Till, so there was no issue when the Feian lances froold, silver and various equiped and will likely needed to beand tries to walk ahen he hears that ”What did you do, Rick?” The two look at their sensei curiously ”Uht have tried to set the” He has a sheepish look about him ”You tried to set metals on fire?” ”Yes?” The youth scratches his cheek with a finger ”Thank Gods you are stupid, didn't you know metals don't burn? At least not with the usual fire Well, thanks to that, we have-” Bell looks at the docued silver and a bunch of Magic class or up cloth arold and silver and repair the equipments, but it's still a small fortune” ”Wah?” He has a dumbfounded expression on his face pachi The two students clap their hands Their sensei's stupidity never ceases to amaze them, and there is really no insult or malice in their belief - they honestly think Rick's screw ups will soe the outco others' ih they aren't old to enough to start their own family, they know the is ”Your screw up saved us alot alot alot ofthe words ”There's still the ive theuards' assistance and Sardon soe we've caused, we are stillin monies from the stray loot, but that pile of treasure that you didn't destroy, that's icing on the cake” ”Actually, about that” Rick furrow his brows ”I think we should clai the attack, or even as thefor him to continue ”I mean, if they find out that it was just us that took down their guilds, they wouldn't hesitate to hunt us down, even take over or burn down the acade does strike twice Did you hit your head last night Rick? You are actuallyas well They've seen the foolish behaviours of their sensei, but they've also noticed that his intention is never , actually trying to do so, it makes one doubt reality Rumours about the spars and hunts he had done in Feia had spread to theuards dropped by on their way to Ashentor If they didn't know their sensei personally, they would think it was a different person Rick shows a soft sht, he realized that even if he's stupid, there are still things he's capable of Using Kun as a guide, he realized he's beyond lucky If he keeps thinking that stupidity is what defines him, there'd be no future for himself If he can't do it by himself, it doesn't uilds was proof of that As the saying goes, people can change like water can flow, even with approaching difficulties, it can be overcomed if he has the resolve and tenacity to plant hiround This already happened once when Rick traveled with his diplomat parents to a far off country in South A with Bell's fae in mindset allowed his he's good at Making friends, warding off jealous, petty bastards, understanding relations, and last but not least, his charisurehead to help the truly s you a storives them a mischievous wink ”So, let's revise the payout a little, I'll go see if the captain and the guards will agree Check if Till or Kun have any objection though” [Note1: The saying and the surrounding sentences have been inal is a lot shorter Note2: ”Lightning can strike twice” and ”Hopefully I'll bring you a storlish equivalent, let inal if too many ppls doesn't understand it, even if it's even more aard/troublesoe, what's different fro «Spell A «Fireball»s into the sky, but it is nowhere near as powerful as the ones froth, but it's only slightly more powerful than a normal one I should save some MP just in case I stop my experiment and decides to wait for Till I've respawned somewhere in the [Field of Ashes], I can't see the outposts, but I can faintly see the hills to the east Respawning can be dangerous since you won't knohat situation you will appear in, it is not unheard of for people to respawn in an area that's filled with ain as a result Lucky for me, I'm somewhat close to a fort that was reclaiht] to concentrate their force at the outpost Till is currently on her ith some of our students, so I just have to stay put until they arrive A dead user will respawn tens of kilometers away from where they die, in a random direction away from everyone else There is a liain, they will be completely locked out from the system for the 42 hours The revived user will spahatever gear they've left on the that was taken, destroyed or randoot sucked into the fire tornado, so I didn't lose anything of concern But it seems all the equipments I had on me were burned after I died since I respawned naked save for the clothing that's part of my avatar I also lost a chunk of experience, but that's to be expected ”Kun, Rick and I are thinking about asking the Feian guards to take credit for the battle, got any objections?” Lifting ood idea, but there's so else ill have to discuss” ”Eh? What's the et there, I think I see Till See you in a bit” ”Okay, ill set things up on our end then” A small white dot approaches fro it in the air The dots in the air drop down to the white dot and they starts heading this way It seems like I was spotted shi+ shi+ sha The white furry blob glides? and stops in front of me I honestly don't kno it propels itself, I don't see anything rese to Rick, it's unbelievably coet sobred that is ”Kun-sensei” ”Kun-ni” ”Good work everyone” I take a look at the blob known as Sa it a pat It flattens itself to let me hop on Guess I won't have to ride on the inside ”Were you fighting birds Kun-ni? We saw the fireballs fro them out Seems like the fireballs doesn't want to co that battle” ”Hm Bell-ne would know better than ives Saets up and dashes to the east The 4 student escorts are givingus on the way back, I'm not quite sure what to make of it

”Are you for real?” A blonde youth paces back and forth next to the table A little girl and 3 de nearby ”It's just ru an eye on the foru in” ”Well, our plan failed in the first place, this is someithin expectations Nevertheless, it's troublesouilds would disband and the reuilds to take notice of the dungeon, I didn't see that co theeon?” Rick makes a complicated expression ”Is that even possible?” ”Actually how about a cave in?” ”Will that work?” Kun can already iine what Bell has inthe others fro? There are multiple ways to make the entrance unusable We can even ht! You are with thatmachines?!” The youth chirps in excitedly, he had seen one of these behe, he had alanted to see one of them in action Unfortunately, the lack of a reliable source of power that's both strong and stable enough have made those machines inoperable That is, except for the ones in Antarctica and the Arctic due to the continuous sunlight during their respective Light season [Note: Light season is referring to the season of 24/7 light particular to the polar regions The opposite would be the Dark season where it's dark all day] ”No, but we can make a smaller version It looks like it's a Karst system, but we can have Dosnak help us check it out It should also suffer soroundwater issues since it's in a swamp We can create a few false entrances and fill the fires in theraphy is a landscape formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks such as liround drainage systems with sinkholes, dolines, and caves (Wikipedia) It wasn't fun looking this up since the chinese characters ritten wrong by a few strokes ==] ”Will that even work? Does carbon monoxide even exist here?” ”De'as well?” The tere listening attentively, even if they only understand part of the conversation But in regards to stories, they've read and heard plenty ”I'm not sure about stories, but the headmistress did teach us not to sleep with a fire when deep inside a cave” ”Or inside a building without an opening” ”Yep~ that's also why the workshop was made the way it is with so e as well, but none of us kno to use one, so we just left it as it is” Bell smiles ”Look like it is probably there Any other proble this?” Kun mumbles to himself ”No, wait, there are no rules we have to play by, and it's not like we are hurting anyone by sealing it off” ”Sensei, hoill you cause the cave in though? Wouldn't it be crawling with immortals like yourselves?” ”We can just cause a commotion inside and cause a panic” ”Or we just randoeon~” ”Okay, this sounds like a plan I will log out and get some blueprints ready, I will probably need you afterward Kun Till and Rick, sort out the things in regards to the loot and the Feians We will be short on tiuilds would only need a week to reach us Considering that we pretty ht's funds, they will need a few days to regroup The other users can't clear it anyhow, so it's a race against ti off to do their own things

”«Ice Wall»! Everyone, get ahile you still can!” Aloudly within the cavern ”«Air Haer! Eek!” A little girl in a witch costu away at the ink-like, black canines that hadon?” A burlyhim are 6 othersince the dungeon never runs out of hs as he spots the half dozen or so [Shadowhound]s ”You two need so to be afraid of little lady, I' over there” Thea hound off with his staff ”«Entomb»! Run!” The hoodedtoward the entrance, followed by the girl pa pa pa The laughingoff his strength ka ”What are you doing, Ed?! Run!” One of theabout, then he spots the black shadows that are co the view behind the wall of ice ka ka ka shi+n The wall of ice cracks, allowing dozens of [Shadowhound]s to spill into the cha man's face pales and immediately starts to run ”«Net Shot»!” One of the e arroith an attached container A net of rope bursts forth fro so the inky mass Well, it slowed theh ti on?!” The burlytearoup turns a bend, following the icians, unfortunately, the one known as Ed steps on a piece of stone, falling face first into the wall The ives an ”EEEEEK!” as a [Shadowhound] aims for his face with its dark, opened maw ”«Ice Wall»!” ”«Air Hammer»!” A wall of ice forain blocking off the hounds The one that's nearly on top of theinto particles of light The stunned man held his helpless pose with both hands in front of him ”Move your lily ass Ed!” The [Traps down so that he's safe, he flushes pink and gives his teae cha, with connections to tunnels in all direction ta ta ta ta tatatatatata ”Oh shi+t oh shi+t oh shi+t!” ”Oh my Gods! Run!” Out of another another tunnel, a dozen or so users caroups look at each other with dumbfounded expressions for a ed looking youth with blonde hair runs by them as he runs in froht after uuuu uuuuuuuu garuru The [Shadowhound]s' growls emit from the tunnels ”This way to the entrance! Hurry!” The blonde youth runs toward the tunnel where theup the tunnel, ones that were already running continue to follow the youth The ones that were duot their sense back and run after the the burly man ”Hey! What happened?” ”I don't know! I heard that soot wiped out, the lone survivor panicked and started running all over the place and ended up training all the mobs in the lower levels!” ”Can't we just defeat them? Think of the experience!” ”You do that! I don't want to die here, no way anyone can take down that(or drawing the attention) of monsters enthe enemies intowhile running It wasn't long before the light fro froht looks almost divine in their situation ”Hurry! We will try to hold theician readies his staff ”Wait, I'll help too!” ”Me too!” ”«Ice Wall»!” ”«Fireball»!” ”«Firewall»!” ”«Icicle Squall»!” The [Mage]s a spells toward the back of the tunnel, thinking that with a group of spells, they should be able to at least take down a majority of the hounds shi+n Bou Hyuuuu ka ka ka dokan ”Wait 'dokan'?” The users react with a confused look ga ga gau The ceiling of the tunnel starts cracking ”Who was the du?!” ”Why did you bloody attack at all?! Walling them off would have been fine!” ”It was free experience! Like you wouldn't have done the saiven the chance!” ”Shut up and RUN!” The users are running straight out of the tunnel as the ceiling shakes, unbeknownst to theicians and blonde youth from before are nowhere to be seen