Vol 1 Chapter 6 (1/1)
Formulas are limited to physical, o through the user In theory, we can probably make an ultimate skill if we can somehow make the spell reactionary and control it instead To be honest, I was scared, scared and excited the day after getting splashed with his [Water Beads] I couldn't sleep that night and woke up to figure out the for to decipher the formulas, especially since there is no information whatsoever on ”Second Phantasia” related sites or even on the internet at large Then one day, Kun said he figured how to make new skills His e chunks and justthe forebra equation and just throw in known values into the working parts I guess this is what they call unable to see the forest for the trees In his explanation, the [Source] section determines the amount of mana used from the caster, then you have the [Conversion] sequence to convert the Light mana source into the desired state Lastly, the [Action] sequence to determine how the converted mana should act A normal spell consist of [Source] + [Conversion] + [Action] = [Effect] The more complex the [Conversion] and [Action], the er [Source] The larger the [Source], theeventhe [Source] even more My «Chorus Strike» used that fundamental rule to boost its attack power It consists of two formulas, the first one uses a considerable aht e quantity of ht mana produced fro attacks into a bigger attack of enious, but then «Starrise»!! Instead of going for more power, he went for efficiency! The first version of «Stardust» he showedBullets» as basis He used the [Source] and [Conversion] part of «Light Spear» and then repeated the [Action] part of «Ho the radius The result was a continuous speck of lights that chases you and blind you on every i duration, a more powerful second [Spell] can be used to finish off the opponent while they are blinded I thought that hat he was going to do when he used it during our spar, but no it went coht he intended to boht in one decisive volley when he suht that it was a delayed spell? I was ecstatic, I got to see so new that others have never seen before! I spent even ure how he did it, I tried rewriting numerous formulas to iave up and wrung it out of Kun It seems Kun used two formulas of his own The first «Stardust» was to produce a mana source for the second forrains to be placed around Since it's only condensation, the amount of mana required for [Conversion] is low since it reht mana state The [Action] part of the forrains of Lighthis sword to follow it to strike at rains to ”decoht The side effect of that is that it creates a ” ht mana Apparently he wanted to add a third forht mana, but he said his head couldn't handle it so he decided to use a physical attack instead ”There's always anotherinto think up of a neays to use mana There's probably only the four of us aside frothe envelope in terain! ”bel! Isabel!” ”Huh?” I lift e table and roll toward the source of the voice without lifting my head off of it ”What is it? My break isn't over yet is it?” I bringthat I still have half an hour, I drop ues that are standing in front of ainst company policies to have romantic relationshi+ps on the base, but what can you expect when you have people stuck here for months at a time? I even heard the chief ht It's already aold base no ood the pay is I round all year round in the middle of Antarctica? ”We heard you play Second Phantasia, so anted to ask you if it's worth it to have soht, this petite, chestnut-haired, ement team ”To be honest, we are pretty interested in it as well” The bespectacled, beanpole of a er than her by quite a few years, but I've seen stranger things, one has to account for taste as well Oh! Maybe yes this is doable! ”You knohat, why don't you two coe!” I wave downpsych a hand on so ie for now” The burly blond man in a white lab coat turns around, flicks and points his two index fingers atht, follow me” I lead them to my private rooots! You think the enemy hile you rest on your lily ass?!” A lean, ures in ca rhyth down or laying flat on their back, catching their breaths ”Gui and I caught soive us a bit” shu Kun turns his back toward theupside down froetations The man beams and lifts his brows for a s in the area Kun and Gui head toward the roup of trainees built ”Alright you ots, you heard him! There will be snacks! Whoever fails the next set won't receive any!” A chorus of groans answer in reply as the figures force the Kun through so their trek, the gray fox and Kun would occasionally dash off into God knohere and corab see on the with plants and insects By the tied while the young roup looked at hi as if it was theto escape the ropes every now and then ”50 more pushups!” Their instructor bark orders after orders, before all of the other orders ”50 squats! On the double!” The tantalizing scent of roastingunconsciously in response ”Focus! 10 suicide dash, GO! The last one won't get anything!” WAAAAAA! After an ear deafening shout, all the figures got a sudden burst of energy as they run back and forth between two lines, diving to touch the line on the last dash Walking up to the last”You! Nothing! Stick with your rations!” Walking back a bit to address the rest of the group ”And no sharing! If you want extra food, either catch it yourself or don't coot here!” ”Sir yes sir!” ”Disroup slowly e fallen logs as chairs and tables ”Everyone go grab a ration and then line up, and I mean everyone” Kun points toward the s back behind the makeshi+ft blinds for the kitchen He rips entire roasted rabbits apart and starts seasoning theroup did as told and lined up obediently right outside Kun grabs soetable and plants he had prepared previously, using therab a piece of the prepared s after receiving their share The last individual, the , arrived last with a sullen look Kun points towards thehis mouth wide open and points at his own head The rab a sreens and tosses it into the er on his lips and move his eyeballs toward the instructor that's slowlythethe tidbit of food before sing Kun gives him a nod toward the exit and say in a clear voice, ”sorry buddy, nothing for those that end up last” This is a ruse devised by Kun when his uncle was co the trainees two years or so back Hus, especially when they are tired Nothing seasons food better than hard physical labour, so Kun used this to , he would cook so the trek, he would prepare the The so into overdrive and they would put out their maximum effort, especially when there's the penalty of the person being last receiving nothing For the record, er The eventual loser will receive a bite to taste it, it looks as if Kun is acting in goodwill, but it's really a cruel tease If the loser never got a taste of the reward, hoould they knohat they are ? When the next mealti last again After going through this for 2-3 weeks, any nor oodwill” only applies on the first day baku baku Gui walks into kitchen after giving hi out thole rabbits, which lays on top of ain front of his uncle, with Gui sitting hi in, that's until the usual chatter a the trainee becorr grr Gui licks his lips after finishi+ng a piece of roasted rabbit before growling at the s Their instructor stops eating, giving a the down at you! If you want more food, either find your own or help theh to share his food with you!” Gui starts nuzzling the ain Most of trainees look down in sha since finished the greens and h and excessive, but it is toWar is still fought with swords and shi+elds, with arrows and siege engines providing long range support Logistics are unreliable at the best of ti a drawn out battle Soldiers need to be able to survive on their own if they ever become cut off, so self-sustenance is extremely vital The revival of hu blocks By the late 21st century, fossil fuels and other resources have been co the apocalyptic Aurora events, even radioactive materials have pretty much ceased to exist As such, humanity had to rely on their oer, that of beasts and nature for energy The Aurora events have left a deep scar in the minds of humanity, each tinite, causing indiscrie of Recovery, a certain nation in Africa tried to reinvent gunpowder forAurora caused the nation to be filled with craters There were other nations that tried as well, whom met similar fates After a while, no other nations bothered to research guns and explosives As such, even in ht with huy reached the point where ancient relics can be accessed once rew by leaps and bounds There were attempts to utilize more complex weapons recorded in the relics, but none were able to reconstruct the key resources This leaves the world in a curious situation of an advanced race fighting wars in a priical shi+ft caused the focus of any war to lean toward capable soldiers instead of technology With the assistance of his dead father's war buddy, Kun has turned his isolated piece of land at the eastern tip of the Jervis Inlet into a top notch training facility ”So Hank, what do you think of the plan?” ”If what you said is true, we could be running this all year round With the winter portion as 'Mental Training'” ”Also, I'” The scar-covered man raise one of his brows ”You are serious?” ”Yes, I really think it ork out, thereto expand, ill need some help Especially from those with experience, we can't hope to handle all of it ourselves, right?” The trainees are cleaning up after the into the shades There's a period of rest before the next training session begins Hank shi+fts his eyes left, then right, then left again, as though he's arguing with himself inside his head ”We can always fire them if they prove useless, but I think they deserve a chance” A wide s Kun's shoulders with his slightly greasy hands, ”You really are your father's son” pero pero Gui, not wanting to be left out, starts licking Kun's face ”The to the veterans that had returned permanently wounded fro his fellow troops to this very site for a suroup had shrunk over the years, eventually even his dad was gone But there are quite a few reh the country provides living allowance for these veterans, they are often une liurement There's always those reestures to placate theto help those who suffered in the war for the sake of the country With a feeling of helplessness, this had often ended up with the veterans either addicted to one thing or another, some even committed suicide, others saw their families fall into poverty or they end up completely shattered The country doesn't really care since it would be saving them on expenditure, if there weren't any backlashes, it isn't unthinkable for the country to euthanize theht, let's finish up, you still have to wring those guys dry” Kun bashfully uses a readily available excuse to escape Hank's praise
Sender: Bell Subject: Another source of inco the Acadeet soold, tellin the next week or the week after, XOXO
Sender: Kun Subject: About that plan I mentioned before Guys, I had discussed withfacility into ”Second Phantasia” I know it's an untested idea, but I think this can really work I know I didn't really share this, but I lease outthat for a little over two years So ill never be short of students, even if it's a slightly different kind Don't worry, they won't cause trouble, or uys soon