Vol 1 Chapter 2 (1/1)

table {font-family: 'Lobster Two', cursive;} Mana is present everywhere, it is the very essence of all existence It can never be created nor destroyed If that’s true, then where it comes from? That is a question that has been asked since at least ten o, and likely even before then It hasn’t been answered yet, or if it had, it was never shared But we are here for another reason, so lets put that aside that for now Mana consists of four statesFree State - this is mana in its basic form, it exists everywhere Its power and concentration is extrees and Hermits are said to be able to harness this power, but this was never verified They are reclusive beings, so it’s highly unlikely ill ever know Moving on Ever seen specks of light drifting around in the night sky? Or bursts of theh free state ht state Light State - this is the fundae]s In this state, ible results The formulas thee]s tend to use complex calculations to produce more intense results whereas [Warrior]s use it to boost their physical strength This is because mana in this state is very fluid and easy to s produce a certain amount of it in their bodies How it is used is dependent on the users, it’s coh other form of it exists Refer to other books for a ards to them Physical State - this is the state that we are all aware of Everything we can touch, see and feel is athers together, they will eventually forrains, it’s mana in the physical state Many diseases are theone’s body, that’s why it’s rare to see interes] to becoht mana Take a [Fire Bullet] spell for exaht h a formula to convert it into a fla until the mana is dispersed The scatter will either becoht mana or convert into Free hest state of mana that we, the council of San’na, are aware of We are not sure not how it’s for creatures have it Others also call it the soul Frohts” can occur The legendary talking sword, the Abysed from a combination of Ethereal mana and specially treated ores The Etherealtheir aptitudes in handling ht enerally has an aptitude for [Growth], Alfin souls generally enhance the host’s ability to use [Spells], huardless of the type of soul, we have detereable a soul becoht mana it can hold There is also a cycle ofnature Whenever there is rain, Bell is reading the [Theory of Mana] with interest while Kun is reading [Introduction to Magic] Till is leading the children, actually, officially now, students, to teach the] in the forest De’muel and Mak’ra were also on hand to teach everyone about the defenses they can use in the forest The group have decided that they will get soo out and start recruiting students As such, they were each tasked with selecting a role after one week Bell has started on going through the eable of the group Kun on the other hand focused on the more practical and hands-on subjects Till wasn’t interested in any of the books, calling the the students about the forest Rick has excused hi the week I put [Theory of Mana] away after reading it in its entirety The sun shi+nes in through the , I pace around theto catch so out Just have to endure a few more months! But those books… are all of thehtto our MP? So if one of our students have a large pool, doesn’t that ence? We should run a test for this later It’s intriguing that y, but does E=a the warmth of the sun, suddenly… “Ah!” “Huh?” pasha A small blob of water flew into e so I close my eyes on reflex A sly on my face The amount of water is quite small, I am more surprised than hurt I openunusually du water at ht he was more mature than this, did Rick’s stupidity spread that quickly? Kun drops his stupid pose, looking at his hands and me back and forth a few times with a blank expression “I think I just accidentally casted [Water Beads]” He’s alternately start turning his hands, clenching and unclenching the?” The tutorials and game manual were pretty clear, new users are restricted to the four basic class of [Warrior], [Mage], [Archer] and [Craftsman] after they advance from a [Novice] [Spell]s and [Skill]s are all divided evenly for every basic class, with [Crafts able to use inferior version of them from other classes This is on top of the fact that there is no “Kun has learned [Water Beads]” notice in the announce an aard face while scratching his head “You knohat, just do it again” Kun’s face brightens, as though he just found a new toy He reads froestures with his hands and legs, a ball of water floats in the air next to hi past lobe of water with his eyes before it unexpectedly bursts a few meters outside “Let ot out of the way after looking atit frohtly elated, slightly confused, but 100 intrigued, I notice Kun starting to shoot multiple beads of water out theall at once without those weird poses of his He has a stupidly joyful face while doing it, but I’ to tease him for that I wonder what expression I had when I went to read the book I start to do so to the [Introduction to Magic] every now and then I learned why Kun was looking so strange He was trying to gather the Lightthe for Light h a formula The formula can be physically written, mentally constructed or even be abstractly coathering, for a ball of water in front of me I finish the formula and thrust my paw out to launch the ball of water zabun Unexpectedly, the ball of water explodes toward theKun was soaked froe… there was obviously more water from the splash than as possible froot some cloth and wipe down the wet floor, wall andThe curtains will have to be dried outside We cleaned with sorins on our faces I haven’t felt this excited since doing those science experirade school It’s probably the saic discovery was shown to Till and eventually Rick Till already knew about it apparently, she just likes to shout out the spell name since she says that’s how heroes attack, at least that’s what the headmistress had told her Rick was coer to learn it until he realized he would need to read a book and so declined to do so “So ill go with this plan then?” “Why do I have all the crappy jobs?” “You were never here ere deciding, beggars can’t be choosers The [Art of Farht up your alley” “But why Phy Ed and PR as well?” “Because your body is the only good thing you have, unless you want to switch with one of us” Bell starts holding up some thick books laid out on the conference table “Fine fine” Rick back off right away after seeing the books After soh schedule to follow Bell will be responsible for theories and concepts, Kun will look after practicality and application Till is in charge of teaching things related to the forest and oversee funding administration done by De’ the students how to farm, mine, train their body, and when necessary, deal with outsiders Additionally, each of theht hatever they are good at They will adventure and travel around together when they happen to log in at the sa will of course be allowed, as long as one lesson is done every week Zinnia Academy now have 4 new principals/teachers Lessons are in place, they find that the et with their own skills They side their students Meanwhile, unbeknownst to theuilds started to ar for the rights to [Barghest Dungeon] which lies to the west, just slightly beyond Sardon No one has cleared the dungeon yet, but several [Raid]s have already eon], so it’s just a matter of time before it’s defeated