Vol 1 Chapter 14 (1/2)

Dark Mage KIM Jung-Ryul 42130K 2022-07-20

The reinforce all the power he had co his teeth, he hid hieHe promised he’ll be back, but he mysteriously disappeared froer that hit the continent was overcomeIt happened because of an existence that they had once expelledHowever, none of the monarchs of the Truvania continent appreciated his helpInstead the monarchs wanted to preserve their seat as nus Finally it was Crossen Magnus who shuddered

“They are rotten to the boneI will never set foot on this place again”

After Crossen Magnus finished with the war, he readied his boat without any regretHe wanted to go back to his new country of Arcadia where such ugly power struggles didn’t existHowever, an event that no one could have predicted happened…

“The Aracadia volunteer army came on 50 boats and about 10 thousand soldiers rode on itThe survivors didn’t even reach half that numberHowever when they left for Arcadia, the fleet embarked with 1200 boatsThe number of people who rode on the boats exceeded 200,000 people ”

“Huh! How did that happen”

“The people living on Truvania was already captivated by Crossen Magnus’ beliefsTo say it again, the tyranny of the monarch and the Belhazel church was too rampantIt meant those with sense all went across to the Arcadia continent in force”

Even though Shrekheihly level cleric of the Belhazel church, he didn’t hide the e parts of the church

” Crossen Magnus took his new followers and returned to the Arcadia continentTheir participation in the war became a taboo topicThis was done by each country’s nus had already become a hot potato ”

No matter how much they tried to suppress it, it was iside the volunteer arnus had saved the Truvania continent again and his tale of heroishout the Truvania continent by word of mouth

This caused people to think that this victory was achieved through hu spirit and the help from Arcadia This reason caused the Belhazel church’s power to drop precipitouslyWhen the continent was faced with a disastrous threat, the God did not give any help so people openly declared that they didn’t need God

Moreover, the fact that the colonists were able to raise a great country in the new continent became knownAfterwards, nus’ beliefsHowever, the Belhazel church could no longer interfereThe situation was radically different froo

“Afterwards, the Belhazel church’s congregation steadily decreasedNow a normal person doesn’teven attempt to believe in God”

“I can see why that would happen after listening to you”

Dok-gosong had a truly favorable feelings towards the person called Crossen MagnusAs Shrekheiure that could be called a heroAlso, isn’t he suspected as being a person froyuan?

” It has been 20 years since the War of Darkness, so Crossen must be quite old”

” YesAt that tiray-haired so he should be older…”

Dok-gosong watched Shrekheiht and he secretly looked at his knitted brows

“So you still haven’t told ht me here”

Shrekheimer smiled broadly

” My story hasn’t ended yetThe true danger to the human realm happened afterwardsIt was the 3rd disaster”

Shrekhei about the theft of the Oath Gem and his own experienceHe explained how he hid after losing strength, and how the dragons stole theeverythingShrekhiemer couldn’t hold back his eretful moment

” Our Truvania continent is in ainst the orcs who have allied theonsThose two are hard to handle on their own but the Oath Ge insult to injury”

The event happened exactly 10 years after the Oath Gem was stolenAs Belkis’ boastful talk predicted, the Truvania continent was once against swept up by the fires of warEven before they could recover from the ith the Ar point was the Kandooras kingdoeShrekheie’sexperience the desperate situation for himself

It was around duskThein the sky, but the silhouette of the large castle was hazily reflectedThe id faces of the soldiers positioned behind the wallNo one opened their mouth so there was a stale desolate air all aroundHowever, the scene in the castle shown under the ’s mind, the scene was shown as if he was there hist the soldiers were trans

It was a battle happening in the otten that they were sleepy and they busied theilantTorches were placed inside the castle and the night was filled with artificial lightOn the castle wall’s lookout tower, several people fro hard into the dark

“Are they ready?”

“The preparation for a siege has been finishedAll the soldiers are in place and ready

“What about the archery and artillery units?”

” They are all defending their positionsThe catapults and slings are also ready”


The warrior dressed in extravagant arh He seemed to doubt that the preparation was all co a full body arh the crack and it was unbecon of wearing down and he stood up straight while checking the fortification of the inner castleAt a glance, he was an gray-haired old ician in a robe next to hiician carefully opened his mouth