Vol 1 Chapter 1 (1/2)

Dark Mage KIM Jung-Ryul 110580K 2022-07-20


We are living on the continent Truvania and every do the world

God created the continents then the various races were bornThe forest’s tribe Elfs, the outstanding blackse’s reincarnation OrcsThe rest were completely inferior existences which were the various monsters

Berhazel-nions to be a guard that would th of life into theth so they can control the conflict between each races This poas called Magic

After putting in place the world’s system, Berhazel-nim made the last race that was most similar to the GodHe created us, humans

Berhazel-ni the human eternally As a token, the God directly made a Tablet of Oath for each races to keep

The races who had this would always receive Berhazel-ni

Each races stored it in the deepest most secret location to cherish it

This was the most important treasure that would determine the fortunes of each racesAfterwards the races spread across the Truvania continent to lead their livesThey all lived with each other in hars between them

The ancient hu to his will, the humanslived with the si and peacefully with each otherWith the permission of the Elf tribe, the dwarves mined the mountain and in return tools that would be used to cultivate was given backThe Orcs were natural hunters and they provided each race with uments between each races and they lived in harined nowThe period was very longBut after a long period of peace had passed, seeds of conflicts were growing in each racesThis was a probleeThe problem of territory came to be on the riseTo deal with the rapid rise of the population, each races had no choice but to invade the other race’s territoryThe races who thirsted the most for the territory expansion were the humans and the orcsThey were the most prosperous and had theinto the other race’s do territories as a goal and finally it started spreading all over the continent

Belhazel-nim’s intentions were a point-blank miss recently The one who fanned the embers were none other than the humansThey started the war of conquest and the fire of ere spread to the ends of the continentIt spread enough that it couldn’t be controlledIt went on for 50 years…

The war of conquest caused many lives to fall and in the end, it concluded with the hule, the humans were able to defeat the OrcsThey were successful in driving theeThe hu the massive lands

But the price was not a ripe fruit as they expectedThis was the sorrowful punishainst the decree to live peacefully and the price was they bought the anger of Belhazel-niainst his wishes, the huuish the e the territory wars, it was arranged that the humans will face 3 major catastrophes

The first was the discord between hu and a ith his ar was so with‘The beings born to ons’ full intervention would happenOh HusThen kneel and boorshi+pThis is the only way to caler

-100 years ago, from the middle of the Great Bishop of the Brotherhood of Belhazel Firinpaulina’s ‘Warning to all the humans’

The sun is gently setting into the field

My heart is squeezing with aof loneliness and I attack it with fear to reconcile itThe surrounding was quiet and watching every-side of the scenery, it was easy to tell it was not peaceful not too long ago

Watching the scenery spread on the grassland you can summarize it into one phrase

시산혈해(屍山血海) (TL note: jeez he use really old phrases, it means the field is full of corpses and drenched with blood)

There were dead bodies in the field with their heads cut off and intestines falling outThe easily visible intestines had stea off of it and you could tell they were alive not too long agoThey all died with a broken weapon in their handsUntil the o of their weapons and it wasn’t hard to deduce that they weren’t nors from the Murim(Tl note: that’s what they call the land of the martial artist- commonly used in martial arts novel-like wuxia novels in CN)

It was the end of the Song Dynasty, many masters of martial art established countless sects that claimed that their martial arts is the bestTo verify the claih, there were direct confrontation of strength between sects, which were prevalent at this ti and they were only able to spectate the confrontation between the sectsIt was an age where the sect’s strength were at its height in the Mu-rimIf you compare the events from this period, it wasn’t rare to see bodies strewn aboutThere were countless power struggle between sects happening all over the landStill there was one thing that was strange about the corpse hereMost of the bodies had a similar mark on themTheir uniform were of different color but each body had the mark of Asura etched on their chest They died with swords within each other and froled with each other

In the whole Murim, the sect that uses the Asura character is none other the Bae-sect

They are a strong sect that is shoulder to shoulder with the leading Ma-gyo(TL note: basically evil sect-usually they use underhanded methods like poison or evil techniques) who uses very odd black arts and strangely severe martial arts

So ould quarrel against the warriors of the Bae sect? The person who could answer that question was starting to reveal his form in the corner of the cruel scene


His form showed up like he had just formed in that place and his entire body was plastered with bloodHe was in his mid-40s and his whole face was scrunched up as if he had received a serious injury

“W, wrongThe Chun-ja-hyul-Ma-Gong[천자혈마공(天子血魔功)](TL note: it’s just the na like that) is already starting to break”

His body was seen to be short and sht be a hunchbackHe had a natural air of danger that could only been seen with an absolute figure in charge of one’s sect

“Uek”(TL note: he threw up)

He shook his head after he threw up one handful of bloodThe night’s setting sun illuminated the face of the manThe revealed man’s face was, in one word, hideousHe had sli rippedHe had a bent hawk nose that was ugly to look at He had an appearance that didn’tfrom the man

But unusually the man had very clear eyesHe was drenched in blood and he was facing directly toward the setting sun so his form didn’t look like the appearance of a personOnly his clear eyes could not be hiddenIn a e filled eyes were directed at someone

“I don’t have time to be here like thisI have to escape this place before Chun-ja-hyul- breaks completely”

He was about to hurriedly move his body when his steps suddenly stopped to exaic corpse that had several swords piercing through him

The corpse can only be described as a bloody aze suddenly turned affectionate

“Jong-Li-Yung Even you”

The dead corpse was none other than the ht-hand ht hand es of the

“Jong-Li-Yung, and Su-ho-Ma-wang-Gun(수호마왕군(守護魔王軍) it’s what he called his underling/army)

This, Dok-Go-Sung, will not forget your sacrifices until I die”

Right then the silence was broken and a bleak sound rang and spread

“HuhuhuI’m sorry, sect leaderThere won’t be any incidents like that”

With him several dozens of shadows revealed themselves in this placeLike the man, they appeared like they for out of the ground/shadow)They were all burning as one with hostility and they all had the Asura figure etched on their chest Seeing the air they were peruresA in the forefront had curious red eyes If you learn a certain type of black arts to the extreme then one would develop red pupilsOne of the enemy who had a stubborn expression coldly spat(TL note:words, not saliva) at the man who still had his back turned

“The sect leader has reached unparalleled heights using our sect’s black artsSo the Juk-Mi-Dang had a hard tiWe already know truth that Sect Leader’s Chun-ja-hyul- to travel far so we staked out for couple days at this place My prediction was rightLooking at the situation, I’”

After the opponent gave a long speech, he glanced at the man to sense histheir staring through the dead corpseThe eneain

“Please don’t be stubborn and obediently surrenderSect LeaderIf you are caught by the Jung-Pa(TL note: 정파 – it’s the opposite of people who practice Ma-gong, they are the traditional sect- seen as the good guys ) then your final fate would be worse Already the whole Mu-riafter you, there is nowhere for you to hideSo don’t think about avoiding usThe Supreht until his eyes would fall out to try and rescue Sect Leader’s lifeIf you are lucky then you ht be able to keep your life”

When he heard the word Supreme leader, the man’s eyes started to fiercely burnThe Supre about was responsible ofhim like this

Bae-sect Supreme Leader Sah-Jun-Hwan!

He was able to raise the Bae-sect that was like a tiger without teeth in 50 years to one of the best in the entire Murienius achiever that ned with the Ma-gyoHe was the Sa Fa co for the Supre now considered him a simple traitorIn an event that he couldn’t have predicted, he was hit in the back of the head by the cheap traitorDok-Go-Sung never doubted his loyalty to Sa-Jun-Hwan until thenMoreover, he was like a father for hi felt all the htly of the favors he bestowed onwas a carefully calculatedand he continuously heard the enemy’s bleak voice in his ear

“There is no timeSect LeaderIt’s time for you to make a decision”

Dok-Go-Sung’s shaking slowly stoppedHe slowly turned his bodyThe gaze that almost burned was unleashed on the enemy

“He refusedGet ready”

The enemies didn’t even hesitate to follow the order even after they saw Dok-Go-Sung’s eyes

Looking at the surrendered, there was no doubt he wouldn’t have livedAfter the order was given, the dozens of eneThey were deserved to be called Bae Sect’s Dae-Wae-Chuk-Sal-Jo-Jig-in(TL note: good lord basically it’s an organization within the Bae Sect that does the dirty work/maybe the assassination branch of the Bae sect) Juk-Mi-Dang, their warriors’ body movement was very intricateAbnorIf it was a normal warrior, they would have disapproved this kind of attacksBut Dok-Go-Sung was not a nor period of tiainst the factions of the Murim-world and for the most part he wonHe was able to decorate the Bae-sect with victories and wasn’t he the figure that helped the sect reach this position?Because of those reasons, the warriors that were attacking could feel cold-sweat flowing on their whole bodyEven if it was an order, ultimately they didn’t want toEspecially the leader of the Jung-Mi-Dan who gave the order felt extremely tense in this situationHe checked the opponents reaction while sneakily taking out a flare from insideTo tell you the truth, if the Sect-Leader had in ical to think that they would winHe was tes that were directly under himHe set out on his own to have a direct confrontation but it was pretty obvious inHe only wanted one thing!He hoped that the Dok-Go-Sung would throay all his hopes and he would be caughtat the situation that possibility was almost nil

“My meritorious deed would decrease a lot but I have no choice, it is said to be prepared for any happenstance…”(TL note: jeez he finds some obscure idioms to use 만사가 불여튼튼이라)

He hurriedly pulled the flare’s lineNear this place it was filled with Go-su’s(TL note:for the Sect Leader After the flare explodes, reinforcement would cos had the ability to stall for ti didn’t hesitate anymore and pulled the flare line


A loud noise like so was accoh into the skyBut before the sound could even end, simultaneous screams exploded out



The eyes that atching the flares quickly enlargened The pupils that were swelling with red was suddenly soaked with fear

The sun had already set and countless torches were lighting up the surroundingThe look of corpses spread everywhere was the same but the only difference was that the nu the-Ju was there too Until recently he had a s on the cold earthHis chest was caved in and his eyes ide-open like he couldn’t believe what happened

“Were we too late?”

In the middle of the torches, suddenly a heartless sound burst forwardThe owner of the sound was a ed man with a very pure appearanceThe school uniform he had over his body was very natural(TL note: 학창의(鶴?衣)가-it’s what old scholars in korea used to wear)In one phrase, you could say he had an elegant look that could be called 선풍도골(TL note: has divine poise and sage like figure – Sun-Poong-Do-gol if you sound it out or 仙風道骨)He looked at the enemies’ corpses with sharp eyesEvery one of them had bled out a thick lacquer

and the corpse collapsed while drawing a concentric circle(TL note: if you fell down on dirt straight and if you bring in your leg/arm toward you body you’ll draw a circle)Several people fro

“Everyone died with one hitBy seeing the state of how they died froy”

After hearing those words, thehis head with a bitter smile on his face

“He killed one of our sect’s elite troops, Jung-Mi-Dang He killed them all before we had the time to return and fled…

His will to live is that strong?”

“Don’t we have to hurry and track him?”

Froed man shook his head to say no

“We don’t need toThat bastard is already like a rat that has been poisonedIn this place, it’s not only us but the Jung-pa(TL note: noreneral ter(TL note: some kind of martial technique if you break it down it means heaven-water-earth-net)They want to catch the person who has been officially registered as a Ma-Du (TL note:마두(魔頭)-horse headed demon)There is no place for him to hide in this world”

The person who spoke had a lot of beard on his face and he re-Fei(TL note: see Roehis skin color is earthy) and he took in the words as he lowered his head

“Of courseHowever this lay-pa(TL note: it’s a general ter both Moon-Pa and Sa-Pa, they are polar opposite with ht way, Sa-Pa is the opposite-you can use any hting until blood flies, be united?Also they are tracking down a person as a Sect Leader until yesterday”

The e-man smiled

“Everyone in the Mu-riht be eneht now is stabilityAfter driving out the thorn in the side, Dok-Go-Sung, even if they don’t like it they have to hold hands with the Jung-Pa people to keep the Ma-gyo in check”

Froht started flowing out

To take the supreme seat of the Bae-sect, he had persevered for couple decades The effort is about to bear fruit this momentHis name was Sa-Jun-HwanHe was known and adist He was an influential figure of the Bae-sect and he was the being behind in the darkness conducting every eventsWith this act, he had revealed his long hidden ambition

“Noneed to hurryIf you prematurely act then you can lose your nose in cooked rice…”(TL note: another idiom…basically don’t be careless until the end)

Sa-Jun-Han looked around his surrounding shadoith a careful gazeThese figures were all i to be like a right-handthat was in his boso-ki screen so no one could hear his word then he spoke carefully

“In not too distant future our world will startI’ll use Dok-Go-Sung as a trigger to subjugate the Ma-gyo(TL note: kind of like devil sect) and the Gu-dae-moon-pa(TL note: its 9 sects rolled into one)Bae-sect’s strongest force has already returned to me so there won’t be any problemsNow until the end of your lives, ill live in wealth and honor”

The underlings killed the noise and cheered at Sa-ju-hwan’s guaranteeThey had suffered with the Supreht in front of their eyes

“The experts(Go-su) are spread widely and searching so his location should be revealed soon
