Chapter 8 (2/2)

Limitless Dream N/A 30530K 2022-07-20

“It was a success”


It can cure any disease, and it granted a person with eternal youth and i a dead person

Of course, the one Hahn-suhjin made wasn’t the real ElixirIt was an inferior product that could i to even call it an Elixir

It couldn’t give eternal youth and immortalityIt also couldn’t raise a person fro able to cure any diseaseThere was a liredients Hahn-suhin could actually acquire

His other self couldn’t e

Hahn-suhjin’s blood held the presence of a King The blood was able to tie the ingredients together, and it was able to adapt it into an Elixir

“The blood itself isn’t anything…I hope the self inill-advised with the blood ”

The blood itself didn’t have any special propertyHahn-suhjin and the King was the same person across the drea

“I stopped my death within the drea to fruition”

The King relaxed a little bit

Hahn-suhjin woke up feeling refreshed

His body felt light as if it would fly away The inter from his midsection wasbarely there

His appetite was back He easily emptied his bowl of rice, then he went to thebeef to grill and eat at homeHe ate 3 lbs of beef in a flash

“How strange I’ry”

He was a bit worried, but he thought this was better than his previous state where he wasn’t hungry at allHe thought his bodyto recuperateHe continued to eat until he was full, then he went to sleep

He repeated the cycle of eating and sleeping for the next 4 days

When he looked into the mirror, Hahn-suhjin immediately noticed his coht within the past 3 days

He once again went to the hospital where he got his first diagnosis

“Are you here about your prescription painkillers?”

“NoMy body strangely feels better nowMy appetite is ihtPerhaps I’m on the mend?”


“I want you to test ain”

The doctor let out a light sighIn Hahn-suhjin’s state, he could do nothing for him In his near future, this man wouldn’t even be able to walk freely by himselfWhen that happened, he would have to be ade his pain

He felt better, because the patient ishi+ng for it ferventlyHe was deluding himself The doctor hid his expression of pity

“All rightI’ll run the test again”

The tests took several hours to complete

After changing into a hospital garb, he was moved into a MRI machineHahn-suhjin readied his heart

‘I’m sure I’m all better now’

The light was turned off, and Hahn-suhjin closed his eyesHe could clearly hear his heartbeat

After a long time, the test ca in front of the doctor

However, the doctor’s expression was very seriousHe stared at the charts and records

“The test result is very surprisingAhThis is almost unbelievableThis makes no sense…”

“Did it get worse?”

“Worse? No It’s actually the opposite!”

The doctor excitedly turned the monitor, so he could see the resultsThere were several photographs on display

“This is a picture of your previous state If you look over here, you can see the large mass has already invaded the intestinesHowever, look at today’s photograph! The cancerous one now!”

The doctor couldn’t hold back his emotion as if he had witnessed a miracleHe threw out his calmness to the curbHe was happy

“The cancerous tuone!It happened within a month, and you weren’t subject to any treatments!This is a miracle!”

The diagnosis happened one o, so the doctor assu the past month

Truthfully, his recovery started only four days agoMoreover, hoould this doctor react if he found out about the Elixir’s existence?

“Will I be able to live now?”

“Will you be able to live?Of course!At this point in time, I can say you will make a full recovery!”

‘I did it!’

Hahn-suhjin was so happy that anted to jump