Chapter 75: Mold Magic (1/2)
Benladann managed to conjure a ”spell”.
Well, when you conjure magic and make something out of Mana, I call it a spell.
Even if that spell was just what we called now a ”Mold Bullet”, Benladann's first spell, which is, quite literally, a little ball of mold which she shots like a bullet through using pure mana to push it into the air.
Unlike I who needed Wind, Benladann can control the mold telekinetically to an extent, so she was able to throw it… but this power she has over the mold goes away quickly, so she only has about a second to launch it, if she doesn't do it before that, she will lose her ”telekinesis” over it.
It's quite weird that I cannot manipulate ice telekinetically as she does with mold. I cannot make it float in midair or anything of the sort without using wind to maintain it afloat.
But Benladann can make her mold float for this little window of time.
Strange… no, not really.
Perhaps this is due to her mental connection with it? She did say that the mold to its full extent gave her all kinds of superpowers, one of them was… well, telekinesis, mind-reading, mind-control, and so on.
But they were all related to her Mold, she can manipulate mold through telekinesis but not other things… and quite possibly, if she masters this enough, she could infuse mold into other objects and easily control them in midair.
Benladann glanced at the little ball of mold which began to fall into the floor, rolling towards her slowly.
She swallowed her saliva as she extended her hand towards it.
The next step after summoning it was to control it.
Just like I explained previously, she needs to harbor this Fungo-kinesis ability she possesses and force the mold to obey her will.
Her mind was put into the task, as she infused her mana into her mind and will, and then began to order the mold.
The simplest order was…
”Stop.” She said, putting all of her will and mana into the task.
The ball of black mold continued to roll, however.
But I was able to see through my eyes, Benladann's golden eyes were flashing with mana everywhere, as the waves of blue-colored energy came out of her eyes, flowing towards the mold.
After several seconds, these waves finally were enough, and the mold suddenly stopped moving.
It stopped.
She did it!
Benladann's eyes glanced at it, the mold was pulsating, but it had stopped… it had obeyed her will.
”It actually… obeyed… me…” she said.
”See? It is your talent, if you were able to control it before, you should be able to control it now, even better, I would say. Thanks to Mana and the Mana Manipulation technique you learned from me, it should become fairly easy… See? You simply needed to do it,” I said.
Benladann smiled back at me, her eyes seemed to shine with hope.
”You're right… I just have to… trust myself a bit!” she said.
”Only a bit? You have to always trust yourself, Benladann,” I said, petting her.
”But I trust you more than myself, Drake…” she said.
And she goes and says something like that…
”Is that so… Well, that's no good, you have to trust yourself way more! What if… I just decided to eat you up? You have to prepare!” I said.
”Hehe, you're a good person, Drake, you would never do that!” said Benladann.