Chapter 112 - Redemption (1/2)
The empress kept her head down if she wants the child in her stomach to grow nicely, she must first fix the knot in the present.
It is now Logan's turn to stand up, his tall frame and chiseled jaw moves, it's the finale for the wicked mother and her daughter.
"Bring him in!" he shouted to the guards outside. With them is his father, Conrad Regaleon Fergus. The former emperor obediently followed, he was caught in the act of stealing on the empire's fund to sustain his illegal businesses, a thing Logan overlooked before.
"Treachery, embezzlement of the empire's property, tampering on the emperor's memories and most of all, injecting the cure in my body without my permission, I'm sure you all know the ramification of your actions." his serious voice was the only thing that can be heard on the wide room.
"You can choose one, death or lifetime imprisonment"
The words that escaped from the emperor's lips made the three freeze in fright.
"SILENCE!" the Emperor commanded, "Anyone who objectifies will face death instantly"
Astrid's face is still overflowing with tears, the empress who was never loved by her emperor and now, is even facing death. However, she knew deep in her heart that this day would come, the day in which she will pay for the sins she has committed.
'I hope that you will live a good life for us both sister,' she silently prays.
"What will you choose?" the emperor asked impatiently, and the answer was obvious for Esmeralda and Conrad, lifetime imprisonment.
However, Astrid has other things in mind.
"I accept your judgment Your Majesty, and for that, I choose the death sentence, Your Highness" she calmly replied with traces of tears in her eyes. Everyone in the room gasp, even Celestia was left stupefied.
Esmeralda was about to oppose but Astrid continued, "However, please grant me my last wish"
Logan signaled her to continue and it made Astrid happiest at the moment, "Please let me give birth to this child on my womb,"
Esmeralda although in shock of her daughter's secret, found a perfect way to escape "YOUR MAJESTY! The empress is pregnant with your successor! You should give all of us a second chance!" she begged, almost kneeling down in front of Logan.
If this chance was granted to them, she will surely kill that cursed child of hers, Celestia.
A couple of minutes passed by until Astrid once more speaks, "Stop it mother...this child does not belong to His Highness" Astrid admitted through her clattering teeth and what she said made Esmeralda's world crumble.
This could've been their chance to survive! Yet this child of hers has forsaken her!
Unbeknownst to everyone's knowledge, Astrid Vega is the real firstborn daughter of Esmeralda and not Celestia.
Puzzle pieces start to come together and it paled Esmeralda even more, Celestia was never the traitor part of was Astrid!
And this day serves as the proof, Astrid Vega turned her back against Esmeralda and Conrad, she turned her back against evil.
Celestia nodded to Logan, "After one year, you must face death willingly" was what Logan said before deciding to leave the room with Celestia.
"W-wait!" Astrid said hastily and smiled, "I'm telling this to you as your friend Logan...since you recovered all of your memories, you also remembered Lydia....right? I'm here to warn you, she's coming again for you Logan"