Chapter 28 - Part 3: Will you be my Eve? (1/2)
Celestia gave off a warm smile, she knew that the people from the Theavarian Empire is not aware of their country's, Thusha's, concept of love. They don't even know the importance of wedding, the real meaning of kissing someone and the reason why a person's heart beats faster only when it comes to a specific person.
The Theavarian Kingdom may never know what true love feels like, why it can make a person lose her rational thinking, well not really, the person who's in love knows what's the best choice he or she must do yet oftentimes they chooses love over any material thing or status.
It's not being dumb it's called following one's heart, and that for Celestia, is the most wonderful thing, to fall in love, to grow in love and most of all to fight in love.
"Love Adam is when a mother sees her new-born child for the first time, love is a responsibility with the willingness to do it. Love is still loving another person even though that person is unable to reciprocate the same feelings just like what I feel towards my father... and even to my stepmother and sister, my family, I love them dearly yet sometimes it's better to go away so that no one will get hurt. "
Adam listened attentively, this is the first time Celestia opened up her reason for leaving her house and staying with him.
"At first it really broke my heart, I even thought of getting revenge but you know what? Now that I think about it, I have my mistakes too, there's really no one to blame." Celestia continued, reminiscing what happened, time really heals a person's, broken heart. Not that it means everything is okay but it is more of understanding beyond and looking directly at the heart.
Thusha is a kingdom of love and tough love is also a kind of love.
"There are many kinds of love in this world Adam, too many and each one of them has their own unique characteristics. But you know what's the most beautiful kind of love?" she asks, a smile still plastered on her face, she swam closer to him, leaning on his broad chest, listening to his heartbeat with eyes closed.
Her head on his wet shirt.
"It's when two different people. like Adam and Eve, came together, finding the lost piece in each other" she faintly said.
Everything went quiet, their breathing matched each other as the water continues to fall, Adam is letting all the information sink in. The realization hits him. Hard.
"Then, are you Eve?" he breathes heavily, his heart in havoc, his pupils dilated and water is still dripping all over their body.