Chapter 20 - Onion (1/1)
"Argh! My eyes!" Adam screams. The small yet pointed knife fell on the floor making a loud 'Clank' sound.
Celestia who is currently washing her face on the bathroom using a dipper in the first floor hurriedly get out, her face is still dripping some water and with a towel in hand, she scanned what's happening in the kitchen. Her heart thumping loud from nervousness.
"What happened Adam?!" she asks, checking his fingers if there's any cut like what happens in some books she had read. She immediately noticed that there's no blood or any cut,
"My eyes hurt, I can't do this anymore, help," he said, and true enough his eyes are getting watery, he even exaggerated his plea by sniffing softly acting as if he was bullied.
Who would've thought that a man 6'4 feet tall can act like this just by cutting an onion? She sighs in defeat and gets the fallen knife, the man has just finished slicing one onion, one onion is enough to take him down!
"Here let me blow them for you," she said, tiptoeing as hard as she can to reach his face particularly his eyes. She's grabbing his shirt in the process.
Adam looked at the adorable lady in front of him, and can't help but give out a small chuckle, she's obviously having a hard time, "I'll sit down" he says pitying the woman.
Celestia nodded in agreement, "Wait, I just remembered something, cold water helps" she is about to open the fridge when she remembers something, they DON'T have electricity.
Good thing there is still a bucket of water left on the comfort room when she washed her face. However, the foods she brought will not last if they are not placed in a cold temperature room immediately. 'This is like playing a survival game, inside the forest with no electricity and just a handsome man to be used as an instrument for the survival of mankind' she mentally face-palmed herself for having a childish thought at a serious moment.
She has no choice but to go downtown, get at least a load of ice and some things for camping, the mosquitoes in the forest were quite wild, a fan may be of great help.
She confirms her bad luck with things when she thought that why of all the days should her period show up, why now?
"Adam quick, get some clothes and towel plus search the three buckets, bring them, we will leave" in haste, she urged the man who is sitting comfortably to get up and move.
'But what about my eyes?' he thought as he gets up, unwillingly. What choice does he have anyway?