Part 48 (1/2)
”It's a good deal like hunting for the proverbial needle in a haystack,”
”Where did you see the bear last, Phil?” questioned Luke
”Just about here,” was the reply, and the shi+powner's son pointed with his hand ”I think he went in that direction,” he added
The boys spread out in a long, straight line, and in this fashi+on proceeded through the forest for the best part of a ht they saw a deer in the distance, and Roger ht have taken a shot, but Dave i if ant to get close to that bear,”
announced our hero ”Bears are very scary creatures, and if you make too much noise that beast will run for miles and miles before he stops”
Late afternoon found the boys still on the search They had seen nothing to shoot at, and sohtly, having caught his foot between a crevice in the rocks
”Ito eat,” announced Ben, and this suggestion was quickly seconded by the others Then, when the sun ell down in the west, they decided to turn back toward the bungalows
It was a tra in reat care
”Such a hunt!” gru”
”Which puts me in mind of a story!” cried Shadow ”Oh, this is a short one, so you needn't frown at it,” he went on quickly, glancing around
”It's about a felloho ca in a lake 'How's fishi+ng?' he asked of the old man 'Couldn't be better,'
was the answer 'Catch anything?' 'No' 'Then what do you ood?' 'So it is I didn't say anything about the catching'” And at this a grin went around
”We ought to be getting in sight of the bungalows soon,” reh rocks and alking through a dense patch of the forest
”Say, this is a fine place to get lost in,” reht lasts,” answered Dave ”I ae of a clearing, on the other side of which were a series of rocks with vines and brushwood The boys were about to advance across the clearing when suddenly Shadow's arms went up into the air
”St--st--stop!” he spluttered, in a low tone ”Dr--dr--drop down, all of you!”
The others saw that he was much in earnest, and iazed inquiringly at the former story-teller of Oak Hall
”It's the be--be--bear!” spluttered Shadow ”Sa--say, don't you think we had be--be--better run for it?”
”The bear! Where is it?” de the rocks yonder,” returned Shadow ”Say, he looked like an awful big fellow!”