Part 33 (1/2)
'Steady,' I cried; 'they may try to rush us at any , and shoot at the first sign'
For nearly half an hour by my watch aited in that queer white world, our eyes suns seerown deathly quiet Blenkiron's squeal, as he knocked his wounded leg against a rock, made every man start
Then out of the h, penetrating, and sweet, but it spoke in no tongue I knew Only Sandy understood He ainst a blow
The speaker calacis a yard or tay Mine was the first face she saw
'I colish 'Will you per except take off ainst the parapet, was cursing furiously below his breath
She clihtly as a deer Her clothes were strange-spurred boots and breeches over which fell a short green kirtle A little cap skewered with a jewelled pin was on her head, and a cape of so froauntlets on her hands, and she carried for weapon a riding-whip The fog-crystals clung to her hair, I rearht of her as beautiful Strange, uncanny, wonderful, if you like, but the word beauty had too kindly and huhtened colour, her eyes like stars, her poise like a wild bird's, I had to confess that she had her own loveliness She ht be a devil, but she was also a queen I considered that thereby her side into Jerusalerave and set She held out both hands to hi softly in Turkish I noticed that the six Companions had disappeared froht on the farther side
I do not knohat she said, but froed that she was pleading-pleading for his return, for his partnershi+p in her great adventure; pleading, for all I knew, for his love
His expression was like a death-id
'Madam,' he said, 'I ask you to tell your business quick and to tell it in English My friends must hear it as well as me'
'Your friends!' she cried 'What has a prince to do with these hirelings? Your slaves, perhaps, but not your friends'
'My friends,' Sandy repeated grimly 'You must know, Madam, that I agering stroke What she had thought of his origin God knows, but she had never dreaer and more lustrous, her lips parted as if to speak, but her voice failed her Then by an effort she recovered herself, and out of that strange face went all the glow of youth and ardour It was again the unholy mask I had first known
'And these others?' she asked in a level voice
'One is a brother officer of iment The other is an American friend But all three of us are on the same errand We came east to destroy Greenmantle and your devilish ambitions You have yourself destroyed your prophets, and now it is your turn to fail and disappear Make no arment into a thousand pieces and scatter them on the wind The people wait today for the revelation, but none will come You may kill us if you can, but we have at least crushed a lie and done service to our country'
I would not have taken 's ransom I have written that she was a queen, and of that there is no manner of doubt She had the soul of a conqueror, for not a flicker of weakness or disappointment marred her air Only pride and the stateliest resolution looked out of her eyes
'I said I cah they are other than I thought For the fat American, I will send him home safely to his own country I do not make war on such as he He is Ger fiercely onbefore dusk'
Never in e at last This woled me out above the others as the object of her wrath, and I almost loved her for it
She turned to Sandy, and the fierceness went out of her face
'You seek the truth,' she said 'So also do I, and if we use a lie it is only to break down a greater You are of my household in spirit, and you alone of all men I have seen are fit to ride with me on my mission Gerreatest career that mortal has known I offer you a task which will need every atoe Will you refuse that destiny?'
I do not knohat effect this vapouring uor of soarden; but up on that cold hill-top it was as unsubstantial as the mist around us It sounded not even impressive, only crazy