A Will Eternal Chapter 309 (1/2)

Chapter 309 (Click to show ”spoiler” title)

Chapter 309: The Profound Stream Sect Surrenders!

“Profound Stream Sect, do you surrender?!” The words of the Blood Stream Sect’s arch-patriarch echoed out in all directions Simultaneously, orders were passed down to the disciples The giants powered by the Outer Sect disciples of the Spirit Stream Sect roared as they battered the spell formation, joined by the enormous blood spheres composed of Outer Sect disciples from the Blood Stream Sect

A huge boom rippled out from this first major attack The cultivators inside the Profound Strea to power the spell for And that was only from an attack by the Outer Sect disciples! The sheer numbers involved left the Profound Stream Sect cultivators’ cultivation bases in chaos

At the same time, the Outer Sect disciples shouted in unison: “Profound Stream Sect, do you surrender?!”

Their voices were like thunder that rattled the hearts and minds of the Profound Streain to do so exercises to recover, a wave of refined corpses, gargoyles, war chariots and battle beasts charged forth in a second major attack

That attack was even reater pressure than the previous one The Profound Stream Sect cultivators felt as if their cultivation bases were about to be torn to pieces Even the patriarchs were included Everyone ell aware that the attacks leveled by the two sects would only continue to get stronger!

Before they even had time to react, and almost concurrent with the second attack, the Inner Sect disciples of the two sects launched a third attack! The spell formation incarnations of the Spirit Streaic of the Blood Strea like a sharp shich slashed toward the spell formation!

“Profound Stream Sect, do you surrender?!”

Their cry caused the entire city to shake The spell formation shi+eld distorted, and the Profound Stream Sect cultivators shook violently Their cultivation bases couldn’t take much more This third attack was even more powerful than the others, and many of the pale-faced cultivators inside the for to wither up

There was no chance for any of thes weren’t over yet Next came the Chosen and peak lords from the seven mountain peaks of the south and north banks of the Spirit Streaiants At their side were their contemporaries from the four mountain peaks of the Blood Stream Sect A fourth powerful attack!

This attack was co a dagger into the heart of a dying person The spell for it froain, there was no other choice for them but to allow the spell formation to shrink

Next ca Bai Xiaochun’s Joining them were the bloodroars echoed out as they unleashed the fifth major attack!

That attack unleashed power even greater than all of the previous attacks put together Bai Xiaochun joined in the thunderous battle cry as the spell forain Mountains in the area cruer of si!

More blood spilled out of thethe spell fornificantly injured Some of them were so withered that they had to be replaced As that happened, the thunderous shout of the Spirit and Blood Stream Sects reached their ears

“Profound Stream Sect, do you surrender?!”

The Profound Strea in their chests, but before they could pull theether, a sixth major attack headed their way!

That attack came from the well over 100 pri back as they unleashed the most powerful attack yet onto the spell formation!

The spell forain, exposing the outer areas of the city More cultivators inside coughed up blood, and many of them lapsed into unconsciousness

The main emotion in the minds of most cultivators in the city was despair! And yet, another attack was already incoacy echelon cultivators erupted Trump cards were unleashed without hesitation Visually, the seventhinto the spell formation shi+eld


The dae to the spell foran to fall, revealing the exhausted, bitter Profound Stream Sect cultivators inside So the spell formation were instantly destroyed in body and soul

The area covered by the spell for many cultivators outside of its protection

Some of those cultivators had once been members of the Pill Strearitted teeth; they had no desire to be considered part of the Profound Stream Sect anymore

Then, the eighth major attack closed in!