Chapter 568 - Tie (1/2)

Chapter 568 - Tie

With the woman nowhere to be seen, and a battle of catastrophic proportions ready to ensue, Daniel did not panic Instead, he let out an i control over the surroundings With a siht he turned thousands of miles worth of spatial essence into the essence of time, and with another, stopped itsof such a rare type of essence, yet unable to ht Only Daniel's cha at their opponents with eyes filled with hatred

Luckily, Daniel was there, as he was the only one who could stop whatever spell the woman had used to poison the minds of his still inexperienced champions Had they been there without hiher average cultivation easily made up for their lower numbers

Before anyas going on, a cal power penetrated their mental defences, and eased any of their worries The anxiousness they had felt while chasing the woman with unknoers, the fear of punishment in case they failed, or the alertness they felt towards Daniel and his group were all washed away cleanly, leaving their minds in a completely relaxed state

Similarly, Daniel's mental power put his chaht had disappeared, their thoughts on the woman who had bewitched the at the horde of cultivators as ht

”What is going on?” Asked the cultivator in blue robes who had spoken before while sheathing his sword Regardless of how suspicious and ill-timed Daniel's appearance was, his ability to stop tih to tell him that he was not a threat Not because he lacked power, but because he hadn't killed anyone yet despite being able to do so

”You said the wo in the distance ”Wicked powers they hold This one can turn strangers into allies in a moment”

His words confused the cultivator, who observed hi, ”If you are not her ally, ardless of what his intentions were, the blue-robed man still couldn't tell for sure whether Daniel was the wo to attack hi them free to continue their pursuit

”It surprises me you still doubt that Look at h ie? We are champions of Karma, and we have just come out from isolation” Daniel said with a matter-of-fact tone

While this powerful cultivator could see which of the two armies was superior, he was also forced into a cal his muscles was immensely more difficult, his power did not follow his desire to focus into a lethal attack, and his ressive thoughts

Soht have considered this an attack of sorts, but not the blue-robed cultivator, who had participated in the last Exalted asse nized Daniel

Regardless of how important the appearance of a new aspect of existence was for the balance of the multiverse, close to two thousand years had passed since Daniel had presented hih to cause et about their existence It was only after Daniel mentioned the domain of Karma, that the man recalled the newest addition to theand ruthless cultivator

”The woman's powers are clearly of ainst by h to breach your ainst” Daniel said before releasing the surrounding space fro the horde of cultivators

Now free from Daniel's oppressive power, the ain able to control their body, power and emotions ”We appreciate the information” Said the man, aware that they had been fooled by the woman He then added, ”If you don't mind, on't waste any more of your time, and take our leave”

”I do notthe horde of cultivators solidified, locking thee ”But I have some questions I need you to answer, before you leave”

Thethe them into space was different, as space, as opposed to time, was more coe group had been made captive in such a short tihting back without suffering heavy losses, was unlikely

Left with no choice, thean escape, then asked, ”What would you like to know?”


After the end of the Exalted assembly, Daniel had decided to hide into his newly acquired universe in an attempt to discover, and nurture his powers as the aspect of karma This process had been extremely slow, to a point where civilizations had been born and died in front of his eyes And had only ended when, close to two thousands years later, he had succeeded