Chapter 561 - A Mortals Way Of Survival (1/2)

Chapter 561 - A Mortal's Way Of Survival


The sound of wooden swords clashi+ng caused the group of slaves to turn around, only to see the trainer point his now eet By his neck, was the point of Daniel's wooden sword

As experienced as Lusius was, he instantly retracted his head backwards, but in doing so, he felt the edge of Daniel's wooden sword grind against his carotid This brought hi conclusion that, had the sword Daniel was holding been a real one, he would have already been laying over a pool of his own blood

Around them, the few dozens of slaves looked on in shock They had spent the past feeeks training with this endary to them, but to anyone who had heard of his naladiators, who had won close to a hundred fights, and had refused freedom many times before?

His swordsladiators either tremble in fear, or in respect Even in his retire too old to compete, he had decided to employ his talents in the field he had beenslaves into warriors that would entertain the very core of the empire

Daniel, as athletic and valiant as he looked, was just athe streets of Roerly protect, nor a rising star whonize

Lusius' pride and honor did not allow him to believe Daniel had bested him in one swift move Instead, under the conviction that he hadn't been careful, the forround and cleared his ed, siroup of robbers

The observing slaves felt a shi+ver run down their spines Only once had they witnessed this level of seriousness from one of their trainers, and that hen two or more would spar with one another On those occasions, while the weapons would still beback, as their purpose was to teach the slaves the true path of the gladiator

As future gladiators, they were taught that they were performers before warriors, to act in an honorable and spectacular way, and in case they lost, they were taught to accept defeat gracefully That included allowing their opponents to take their lives, if that was the will of the crowd

By being unable to control their destiny, and being forced to live as puppets which could be disposed of at any mohters they possibly could, and hope for the crowd to take a liking to them, and ladiator, a life that only allowed the most ferocious and fearless individuals to survive

After witnessing the s, as this world was not ready for the levels of power he possessed He suppressed the essence within his body, and prepared hirip onto the two short swords tightened, as he began to observe the man's movements with a mortal's eyes

For the first time Lusius noticed seriousness in Daniel's inhuain, the former champion pounced at Daniel, and the spar resumed


As the unpleasant sound of wood clashi+ng against wood resounded in the training yard, and splinters began to fly around, Daniel focused on his adversary Iant

The former champion wielded the tords like a madman, his body rotated constantly, unafraid to pounce with a vertical slash, or to ai hi it very easy for the former to keep him on the back foot

The flurry of attacks forced Daniel to constantly defend hian to tremble due to the impact of the ceaseless blows, Daniel did not panic On his face the parvence of a sain started to enjoy the feeling of training one's skills with a capable opponent

One by one Daniel parried, blocked and avoided every attack, until finally Lusius's breath began to shorten His footing becahtly unstable as he stepped in position to fix his posture, giving Daniel a chance to strike With as ressiveness shown by Lusius, Daniel juht arhtly out of breath, Lusius was no pushover He immediately raised his short swords and crossed the for the blow to land SPA-KA Daniel's right ar the tords down against Lusius' head, and causing the muscles of his arms to twitch from the impact

The blow had been blocked successfully, but Daniel was not done yet He tightened his grip onto the reer, he stabbed upwards and in between his opponent's two crossed swords and chest, ai for his chin

This move was exceptionally sht as the tip of the sas about to land, Lusius' head snapped backwards, avoiding Daniel's sword Then, before the latter could react, Lusius tightened his ar up the backwards snappingDaniel right on the nose