Chapter 512 Live to Fight Another Day (1/2)
Chapter 512 Live to Fight Another Day
”What are you talking about? It's just the light” Responded Saha right before tilting her head to the side, and stroking her red eye with her left hand When she lowered her arm a few moments later, she opened her eyelids to reveal an eye that matched the color of her other one
While Saha's response could so women, that was not the case for Daniel, whose deed coid, and his head and shoulders had started to unconsciously inch away from Saha, whose arms were still locked around his own
”Make a move, and I will obliterate you where you stand” Said the young woman with a jovial tone that she didn't bother to hide from others
These feords were able to catch the attention of the female core disciple, who turned to look at her with suspicion, and asked, ”Who are you talking to?”
”If you could have killedboth his guardian, and her three friends He then turned his head towards Saha, and added, ”Letting out yourfor the nature of your cultivation to show in the eye of the person you are possessing You are not as adept to that skill as the first of you leeches that I have killed”
”What the hell is going on!?” Asked the young woht black hair while the female core disciple reached for the talis around her wrist, and broke it Unfortunately, when she broke it, she realized that her et past a few inches from the now shattered talis wo the elder of her sect was so that she could have never seen, as it was one of the most complicated abilities included in Daniel's comprehension of spatial essence One which Daniel and Edmund referred to as 'Borderless Separation' This ability allowed hi to create a divisory layer of solidified space, and was most useful when used to disturb weak movement of mana like transmissions of sound essence or mental power
”S her left ar women
Before she could kill them, however, Daniel removed his mask and said, ”The ability I have used does not prevent people froh If you kill them, the ancient cultivators present here will notice you And since I know you would rather kill ive me a chance to escape, I would appreciate it if you didn't”
Saha looked at the four young wo while, but in the end, since she could not argue with Daniel's point, so she lowered her arled it around Daniel's ”Here is what is going to happen The six of us will take a walk We will chat happily and stop to look at a few constructions and shops-But most importantly, ill do that with a happy smile on our faces Have Itwo portions of her power One that in the eyes of the four young women was in no eaker than that of the patriarch of the sect, and another that seeped into Daniel's body andwo power that could erase their existence before they could even begin to look for help, they finally realized that this young woh the sect as the lovable and yet untalented granddaughter of their sect's Elder Or at the very least, not anymore
What they did not know yet, was that within Saha's body was a roup that cultivated by consu humans in the name of the aspect of Sacrifice, and that possessed a power that, when compared to the society that inhabited the doroup-A position several tiher than the unranked Half Moon sect
The ability used by this blood cultivator was the same used by the Murderous God to take control over the body of a living being, but since this possession was not as seamless as the one which Daniel had witnessed in the past, the blood cultivator was unable to prevent a few revealing details fro consciousness and body, in a moment of irritation, the blood cultivator had taken over Saha's body, allowing for his cultivation to show in her eye, and for his karma to take the place of her own
It was only thanks to this sudden change in kar inside the body of the young woman that had pestered hi the terrified expressions on the faces of the four young women, Daniel turned to look at theht live to find a way out of this situation If you don't, you will die here Do you understand?”
His tone was reassuring, and carried through the air and towards the ears of the four young wo with as much mental fortitude Daniel could share froh for the four of them to snap out of their horrified state ofwoed away from the crowd, and into one of the side roads
”It took your people a while to findSaha, as pointing at the glass panels behind which different kinds of roup of four young wo suspicious
”We have always knohere you were, we just didn't kno to get to you” Said the blood cultivator through Saha's mouth with a matter-of-fact tone He then turned to look at Daniel's uncovered face, and after sing a acy shi+nes on your forehead like a star, and that is insignificant colow that my father and the rest of Lord's direct disciples see It is as annoying as it is enticing”
Daniel sighed in relief While the blood cultivator had not let out a lot of information, he had at least confiracy Or at the very least, inherit its content That was probably the reason why Daniel wasn't dead yet He was being taken to this cultivator's father, who according to what he had just said, was one of the direct disciples of the Murderous God, and as such, should be able to obtain the full Legacy