Chapter 475 I Will Protect You From the Shadows (1/2)

Chapter 475 I Will Protect You Froht

Anima was a constructed planet, and as such, it did not possess a night and day system which would separate its opposite sides into two different tiround and sky, the time of the day was carried by a forht during the day, and relobe to fall into the faht

Despite this odd detail, neither night time or day time appeared different than that of any other planet, and yet, while Alesia looked at the expanse of grass that extended far away into the horizon from behind her roo her uncomfortable were not the nu her dress on her body, nor were the looks of hostility that she had had to bear for the last few days What washer feel weird was the unnatural silence caused by the complete lack of animals and insects

Trapped in her own mind, she had tried to take comfort into the beautiful scenery, just like she used to do after a long day of training on Daniel pocket dimension, but for so sound was produced by the constructed planet, and the otherwise noisy night was now uncomfortably quiet

”Please, do notto adjust the waist of the dress, which so far, looked like a crude olden threads

Alesia had become dull to other people's interactions, and at this point, she had decided to live these days in her ownto her body Not even when one of the seamstresses had erroneously pierced a needle into her pale skin, and sewn the dress onto her body, did she react, causing the seamstress to panic as soon as she noticed the bloodstain ruin hours of work

Her dull expression was only disturbed once by a faint shi+ne that caht behind a treeline thatof a thickly constructed forest However, this faint shi+ne disappeared as soon as it appeared, leaving her to guess what its origin could possibly be, and a few seconds later, back into her estranged state of ht where Alesia had seen a shi+ne of light, was now a crowd of cultivators whose appearances were covered by large hooded robes This croas divided into different srouped up in a clear patch of ground in thean important matter

”Why are you here?” Asked a talleyes that shone through the shade produced by the hood Despite his disguise, all of those present were aware that thiswith those that followed him close behind, were the members of a faction called 'Dark Crawler', a forh the consuht

”We are just enjoying the majestic view We don't have many chances to enjoy the work of our Ehtly more refined black robe She was the leader of a sroup of spiritual cultivators that since the day of its creation, had been subjected to the spiritual e talents spiritual cultivators for the faction to accept as apostles

After giving a vague answer, the woman turned to look at the leader of the Dark Crawlers, and asked, ”What about you? I aroup of ki warriors to wander a planet constructed by spiritual essence”

”Oh, you jest Darkness is the moment in which we are the most comfortable If we could have wandered this beautiful planet during day ti weakened, ould have” Responded the tall and pale man with a s and pointy canines

Si between the leaders of enuous excuses to justify their presence However, no matter how clever or reasonable these excuses were, all of them knew that they shared the same objective As part of those visited by the first bishop, after listening to his words, they had decided to try their luck, and gah the limits of their universe

However, there was only one Alesia

While these groups stood in a stalemate, perched over a tree branch a few kilometers away from this odd asse in wait for hours, and now, he had finally found the first wave of cultivators who had decided to fulfill the request of the first bishop

Since he could not use his senses to feel his surroundings, Daniel had decided to observe the entire continent with the use of some boulders he had collected froht after Yuto's visit These boulders contained his power, and with them, Daniel had created a net of satellites hich he could observe the entire area around the castle where Alesia was being held

After discovering the group of cultivators, Daniel did not act, and instead s would evolve If he was lucky, the various groups would see toodiscovered, and would soon disperse

But, alas, his incredible luck was not high enough to counter the desire that these cultivators felt towards changing the destiny of their factions, and after no longer than twentythe possible rewards they would obtain by giving Alesia's body to the envoy of the soul clan

When Daniel saw theh his teeth He then looked at the dark sky, and pointed his opened hand towards it

In the dark sky, where the individual lights of thousands of stars could be seen, a few of these lights started to behave abnor color frolow

The assereenated assassins to kill Alesia, the leader of the Dark Crawlers turned to look at the sky, ”What is that?” He asked with confusion