Chapter 457 Old Enemies and Lost Friends (1/2)
Chapter 457 Old Enemies and Lost Friends
The three entities stood in silence, observing the e to happen, and soon enough, after no more than a few minutes, a bloody portal opened in front of them From this portal walked out the Brutal who, covered with superficial cuts, showed to the three only a fraction of the entity of the original injuries
On the Brutal's face there was no trace of the pride of Iewah's children, and instead, was only fear With shoulders lowered, and his line of sight pointed at the feet of the Murderous God, the Brutal opened his le word could soainst his head, and his entire body was turned into a n of Corruption did not appear to be bothered by the death of the Brutal, the parasitic king shrieked back in shock, and was only able to stop hi his arinary slap he was assu the Brutal
After seeing that killing the Brutal had satiated the anger of the Murderous God, the Parasitic King composed himself, and forced his arms down the sides of his body However, he was unable to stop his hands fro With the corner of his eye he tried to find con of Corruption, but he was disappointed, as he quickly noticed the latter's detached and calm demeanor
The mist of blood that had now expanded to a point where the microscopic droplets of blood could not be seen anyether as a result of the Brutal's failsafe ability These droplets quickly turned into larger drops, which soon alob of dark red liquid
Once every last bit of blood had joined back into this bubbling red glob, its shape began to change, and in a matter of just a few seconds, turned back into the body of the brutal, who treht that Murderous God could still be unsatisfied by killing hiain This time once and for all
”Speak” Ordered the Murderous God, sending a shi+ver down the backs of the parasitic king, and the Brutal, who instinctively floated a few centi abruptly
Still terrified, and yet slightly reassured that he was allowed to live a bit longer, the brutal lowered his head respectfully, and said, ”M-Master, I couldn't complete my mission It is not possible forivable, please punish me as you see fit”
In the last few millions of years, the Murderous God had reaped an uncountable anificant reason To kill as a way to vent out his anger was not only acceptable to hi the powerful instinct of sending another slap that would end the existence of the Brutal once and for all, he cal back at hih for the chosen of Iewah to gasp for air ”Your inco at the Brutal's body up and doith disgust He then let go of him, and with a cal any better from you You are only alive because you can helpon your performance Now, find them for me” An expression of reassurance appeared on the face of the Brutal who, for soratitude
Before letting his unforgiving master repeat himself, the Brutal closed his eyes, and used his systeeneral tih, and his brother the Swordsly aware of when the Brutal had completed his task, the Murderous God turned to look at the two faction leaders who stood behind him, and said, ”You till capture the to the Murderous God's assignn of Corruption remained completely cal, who felt an indescribable feeling of worry erupt froain looked at the Sovereign of Corruption for support, but once he saw that he his expression was devoid of any form of reaction, he muttered, ”My lord I am afraid that we-”
”Quiet!” Said the Murderous God with enough power to force the next words down the throat of the once powerful and proud Parasitic King He then added, ”I know perfectly well that you two ave the two one last look of disgust before reaching for his blood red belt, which was keeping his loose robe fro his body coolden bell that was hanging from the belt, which to others appeared to be just a decoration, he tapped his fingers over it
The er touched the bell, an extremely thin thread of blood came out of it, and reached for the two factions leader, only to stop about ainto a sed two clean pages
”Follow this method to the letter, and if you will still be unable to coave you, I will kill you” Said the Murderous God before turning back towards the i his back to the two cultivators
The Parasitic King snatched one of the pages with enthusiasan to read every word that ritten on it He ie was covered in words written in dried up blood, only the first paragraph was readable, while the rest of the words were blurred beyond recognition
Despite theraph as quickly as he could, and after bowing respectfully to the Murderous God, he said a feords of gratitude, and left
On the face of the Sovereign of Corruption, however, was a different expression While his face was still mostly devoid of emotions, his eyelids had narrowed into two slits the moment he read ritten on the sheet of paper
When the body is spent and the soul is tired,
Find comfort in the purity of newborn's blood,