Chapter 438 A Similarly Different Space (1/2)
Chapter 438 A Similarly Different space
The very moment Daniel appeared, he made use of the moment of surprise of these two individuals to disable their equipment Immediately after, he used his i, leaving them in the emptiness of space with only Daniel's power to separate them from free space
Aside from a humanoid body, the appearance of the tas in no way siered hands and feet, to their external appearance Their skin was dark brown in color, and instead of covering a layer of fat and ans This layer of skin opened in specific points, allowing the bones to ee An example of this were their knuckles, from which spiked bones came out of, and their foreheads, which showed a crown made out of numerous small boney horns
The innate power emanated from their bodies was unique, and similar to human's ki, beast's essence, and Gai'ha and Lucious's Aura Yet, it was extremely weak, almost as if it had never been developed since the moment of the person's birth
The faces of the tere also extremely different fro the presence of a set of two eyes Their faces lacked a normal mouth and nose, and instead, had three consecutive vertical slits that went froht underneath the space in between their eyes, down to their chin, which ended with a pointy bone that pierced through the layer of brown skin like an overgrown petit goatee
After capturing these two aliens, Daniel's first idea was to get as much information as he could fro The chests of the two did not inflate with the rhyths, and their skin was quickly turning to a darker shade of brown
It was clear that the natural environment of these two aliens did not match that of humans, and that sooner or later, they would die
For Daniel to understand what for at the, he approached them, and placed his hand over their heads If he could not ask the
Daniel's ulfed the weak consciences of the two, and in a matter of moments, he was able to explore their memories What appeared in front of him, was a portion of their lives Born in a world that seemed to be unliveable for mortal humans, these two individuals appeared to have joined a forh talent and dedication, they had proceeded through their career until finally, they had obtained the assignment to explore the territory of the newfound civilization
What Daniel was hoping to obtain was not the story of their lives, but to at least learn the language commonly used by their civilization For minutes Daniel pried into their minds without success, as the method of communication used by these aliens was of a chemical nature, instead of a sound one The only reason why they were forced to talk when in outer space, was because their equip their natural method of communication impossible
Left with no other choice, Daniel searched for the translated version of their language, but unfortunately, the translation between their personal cheical, and did not reside within their memories
After numerous instances of trial and error, Daniel realized that the two did not havewhich Daniel was used to, but once he felt their consciences dissipate, he was left with no choice but to let the their now hardened corpses as a htly irritated by his failures, Daniel closed his eyes A moment later, his enorures that had observed the attack from within the planet's aty with an audible degree of anxiousness
A dragon's s sense was extremely powerful, to a point where its use's importance would be beyond that of a human's five senses For exa their eyes, but dragons would live in the s each of them like familiar faces The complete lack of faon, but a stressful situation to say the least If not for the familiar sy would have been the first dragon in history to experience what a panic attack was
”They brought us here while ere shi+elded fro to look at the technological components of one of the alien's suits
”How the hell did they teleport an entire planet without you or Nova noticing?!” Asked Xargy with doubt He more than anybody else knew that no one had a deeper understanding of space than Daniel, and Nova, the perfect spatial elemental
For how absurd as it sounded, however, there was an explanation for as confusing the dragon ”They opened a worh for the planet to move into, while our vision was shi+elded by their barrier, and our senses were stopped by the spatial barrier that I created to protect us from their sound attacks” Responded Daniel with a matter-of-fact tone
In reality, he was as clueless as his draconic companion It was only because he had explored the memories of the two aliens, that he had been able to understand what had happened
”What do we do now?” asked Aeron, which had quietly appeared at some point in the past few minutes
”There is a reason why those two escaped fro his arht that could be seen in the distance He then added, ”That star should be the core of the territory of these guys' group You guys stay here, while I'll try to find out how to get back”