Chapter 433 Consequences of Greed Part 1 (1/2)

Chapter 433 Consequences of Greed Part 1

Planet Spira, Anialaxy, territory of the Spiritual Faction

In the depths of the spiritual faction, was a deserted planet called Spira A planet which, despite its lack of inhabitants and resources, was still considered an extremely valuable celestial object, which for the Spiritual faction, was of invaluable historic significance

What made this planet so important, was the fact that it was alien to this dimension, and had entered the known universe from a tear between the then unknown spiritual plain, and the empty space

The first person to discover this planet, an unregistered white rock that roaalaxy, was none other than the person who in the future would be called the Spiritual Emperor In this planet, he had discovered a connection between the two dimensions, and thanks to it, he had been able to create a path of cultivation which could rival that of the mental factions, and the factions whose cultivation path revolved around the use of innate physical powers

After e the powers of the spiritual plain, the Spiritual Ees between the two di his overly powerful connection to it, leaving the abandoned planet of Spira as a relic of old fit for the cultivation of spiritual essence However, that was not the only way this planet was used

Its belonging to a different dimension allowed the spiritual faction to control it si it a perfect space to conduct secret operations One of these operations, was the imprisonment of the faction's enemies

Hidden in the depths of this small planet, was a facility completely made out of ownerless spiritual essence, which was kept in place by multiple formations These formations would forcibly convert the spiritual essence into the kind of mana required to create the facilities, and prevent the apart

In one of these facilities, usually occupied by captured outcasts of the spiritual faction and only a few guards, were now so nanified entities shrouded in white clouds, and covered by a brilliant glohich, if seen by an ignorant mortal, would cause theh ranking spiritual warriors were ascended spirits Huical power paired with a common mind, and a mortal body

These otherwise busy entities would usually spend their ti on the secret plans of expansion of the spiritual faction, but now, they had been suht behind a co woman

Around this woreen pearl attached to a simple thread A necklace which anyone with a basic conize as a mental formation which would cause its wearer to enter a state of permanent mental tiredness A state of mind which could only be cured by a deep sleep

Despite the clearly weaker cultivation of the young woreat interest for the spiritual warriors, who looked at her with confusion, while chatting with one another ”How can this be possible?” and ”hoe get the inforest topics of conversation, which were repeated over and over again due to the lack of a satisfactory response

”I think it's ti we have” Said one of the glowing figures with a high pitched and unpleasant voice which clearly belonged to a woreements were to wait for the others to arrive If we break theht be left out of whatever the others discover” responded a second feminine, yet pleasant and melodic voice

To interrupt the conversation between the tas the husky voice of an old , we still have the ground advantage”

The group of spiritual warriors observed the girl for various hours, and the more they looked at her, the more impressed they felt Her body e to each form of human essence at the sa one another, were , was the fact that this pohile not purely spiritual in nature, connected them to the spiritual plain just like theirs did A connection which drew the purest form of essence from the spiritual plain, and that until now, could only be drawn by the members of the spiritual faction

”If this power is what I think it is If we cannot obtain it, ill have to destroy it before it falls in the hands of the government” Said one of the spiritual warriors An old e, and whose feords had caught the attention of each and every other spiritual warrior present

What this oldSuch a pure form of poas unth, they could feel that nobody at the sa in possession of this power Not when a single cultivator had the ability of three

Between theovernment, they were the ones that in case of a cooperation, would have the least ae at their disposal After all, they were not the ones capable of reading minds, and while their control over the spiritual plain would allow theoverne