Chapter 431 What Is Yours Is Mine (1/2)

Chapter 431 What Is Yours Is Mine

For the following three days, Aeron sat next to Daniel's unconscious body, and used his powers to prevent Daniel's brain fro him up before he could properly rest At the end of these three days, Daniel woke up fro reborn

With wobbly legs, he turned to look around, and quickly recalled where he was, and what he was doing before falling asleep He had painstakingly ed to reach the core of the artifact thanks to his oer, and in there, he would be able to refine it ”How long?” He asked in between yawns

”Three days” Responded Aeron with an es This action had no purpose, as Aeron's being was entirely ue only existed mentally If not out of habit, he would have not bothered with doing it

”Three days” repeated Daniel with a pensive tone He then said with a hint of annoyance, ”Are you sure you couldn't have just removed the artifact's cultivation beforehand? This took forever”

As if bored with answering the sahtly and responded by saying, ”For the last time You can't remove the artifact's cultivation You can only replace it”

”ALRIGHT!” said Daniel before taking a set things when you are trapped in et this over with”

After they finished speaking, the talked towards the house that was still present in the middle of the fifth layer In it, were the measures taken by Akkah, in order to trap his former host for all of those years A torture which he enjoyed inflicting on hiot tired of it

Daniel had already witnessed how Aeron had refined the artifact, so instead of standing around, he walked to the s crossed He then closed his eyes, and focused on the space around hi akin to the one he had felt when trying to force hi hi properly

The only thing that saved hiolden rope whose end wiggled in front of hiness until it escaped Daniel's sensing ability, ht, Daniel's consciousness reached for this rope, and as the tere about to touch, the rope unravel into thousands of little threads, which surrounded Daniel's consciousness

On these threads, Daniel could feel the presence of Aeron, as the last one to have refined the artifact However, contrary to what Aeron had felt during the process, his presence welco away as Daniel pushed his own consciousness into these threads

Aeron observed as the threads which only he could see, and were connected to the many elements of the artifact, started to disappear In the span of two hours, Aeron connection to the artifact was erased, disappearing completely only moments before Daniel stood back up on his feet, and opened his eyes

Contrary to what he was expecting, there was no happiness in Daniel's face, and there was a reason for it If he had tried to read into his mind, Aeron would have seen a s inside Daniel'sdifferent than most of those he had seen before

”What is it?” Asked Aeron, wondering if so

”Take a look at this” Responded Daniel, allowing hi


The wielder of the Karmic System has successfully stolen an alien system's (Mental) artifact

Artifact already present in the Kar options:

-Destruction: Will award the wielder with one trillion kare the two artifacts (75 chance of mutual destruction)

-assimilation: Will add two random effects of the Mental System, to the Karmic System


”This answers a portion of your questions” Said Aeron, recalling when, during one of theirthe children of Iewah, Daniel had wondered what the purpose of such an innate war behaviour was It was only now that he had learned the truth

While many believed the children of Iewah to be needlessly violent, there was an actual reason for why they could recognize one another, and couldn't help theht theyears in which Iewah's faction had existed, none of his sons had ever learned about this If they had, the wars ast one another would be even hting against one another was an enjoyable sport, while beco this sport into a bloody race for power

”What do you want to do?” Asked Aeron with slight disappointment He then added, ”assimilation seems the most reasonable choice”