Chapter 417 Stone of Mind and Body (1/2)
Chapter 417 Stone of Mind and Body
After the changes in the girl's avatar had taken place, under Aeron's suggestion, the girl had tried more than once to proceed with the process of ascension, and insert her consciousness into the avatar However, even ten minutes later,she had failed to pierce the white surface of which the avatar wasto her, it felt as if the ained a solid body that was different from her own solidified mental power, and was similar to her own immortal essence
”I can't I just can't do it” Said the girl after the umpteenth failed attempt She then turned to look at Daniel in panic, and said, ”What did you do?!”
An avatar was not only a weapon in the arsenal of a mental warrior, but also a crucial part of their ascension A body which they sculpted themselves, and which they would then possess in order to break free fro the capacity of their h she could send it away, and force it to reappear, she was unable to fully dissipate it, and when dismissed, the avatar would live in her mind like a soulless puppet with the mental fortitude that reached that of an ascended mental warrior, and a body which exuded the physical power of a newly ascended high iirl in between sobs, attracting the attention of the rest of the passersby that hadn't stopped already
”Calm down, calm down We will fix it” Said Daniel with a hurried tone before turning to look at Aeron, and saying, ”Do so before we attract evenattention to hiirl with eyes opened ith shock
While before to Aeron this avatar appeared as a common one irl's consciousness, it noas an independent and spiritless entity which had been detached by the main body, and could be recalled and summoned at will
”Create another stone” Said Aeron without turning to look away froirl's avatar
Daniel quickly followed Aeron's instructions, and after following the method implanted by Aeron in his mind, an hour later, he had formed a second translucent mental stone, identical to the first one
Before he could ask for further instructions, Aeron grabbed the stone, and approached the still upset girl He then said, ”You do not know me, and you have no reason to believe es in your avatar Now you have two choices Live under its shadow, helping it to cultivate and reach a level of power that will allow it to protect you until the day you die”
The girl understood perfectly what Aeron was talking about The feeling of detach one of your li able to use it One would still be able to squeeze their hand, but would never be able to reach out, and grab what they needed with it
”What is The second option?” she asked in between sobs
In response, Aeron i her hand open, he placed the second mental stone He then said, ”You take this, and become a student of our acadereat confusion to both Edmund and Daniel, who did not understand his intentions However, while confused, neither of the two opposed to the idea, as if Aeron had decided to offer this opportunity to the young girl, it was clear that she would also fit the criteria to join Hiel acadeer and bigger, and at the sath of the spectators started to increase
Many of these mental warriors had been called by their friends and relatives in order to observe the odd changes in the girl's avatar, and the only thing that was stopping theirl to study her, was the odd presence of Aeron, wholes and squares, he appeared like a rhombicosidodecahedron
”Why do I have to join your acadeirl with confusion
”Look around you We are the only ones here with no ill intentions We put you in this et you out of it” Said Daniel after turning around, and seeing the curious, yet serious expressions on the faces of the hundreds of cultivators that had gathered around the the fortitude of Daniel's, Edes telepathically
Left with no other choice, the girl unwillingly put the stone in her mouth, and started to assimilate its power
Unlike a normal one, Daniel's mental stone possessed a spiritual and physical power in it, which along with teh her peak ian to refine it
When the avatar had ingested it, there was no physical power that could tee in the avatar itself, which instead of being da made out of asiirl who, in possession of a physical body, felt her mind, body and spirit be refined by Daniel's power, and advance all at the same time