Chapter 357 Poking the Bear (1/2)

Chapter 357 Poking the Bear

To this gathering, followed a week of preparation

Strategies, pairings, roles, and tactics were discussed in secret ast the numerous members of the top hundred Until finally, the day of the test arrived

The e of ie square In front of theantic boulder Depicted on it, were nuue that had fallen into disuse, and at its feet, was the spatial for device

Standing just outside of this formation, were three cultivators Two of them were known to all of the students as Krit the Sniper the explorer who had been put in charge of the whole acade with the second man, as clad in thick plate armor, and stood quietly with an authoritative expression on his face, showing histo talk

The third individual was an old rey beard His tall and slender figure was covered by a brown robe which made him look like a hermit He was the current chairman of the Patriot Academy, as well as its first professor His job was to review the test's results, and give a more in depth evaluation of each of the candidates for the coalactic powers

This old lookinga step in front of the two representatives of the explorers and the overn fondly at the thousands of young cultivators who, for the past two years, he was forced to familiarize with the sa the group of students, were the professors which, similarly to the chairman, looked at their favourite students with prideful expressions

Ale individual who attracted the attention of each and every one of the people present, and yet, no pride could be seen in their eyes These looks were not of hate, but of a mixture of jealousy, confusion, and ad to this cultivator, and any notion he had learned within the acadeht to take pride in this cultivator's progress No one except for Krit, who could at least boast about being the one who had found this scandalous talent

He was looking at him with such fervor, that thenext to hiles Due to the competitive nature of their two divisions, to him, this expression did not appear as one of pride, and was instead, gloating

This individual was dressed in a leather armor that left him with little to no protection in the vital areas of his body This choice of ar, which had allowed hile scratch,the concept of an actual protective ar by his waist, were two single-edged swords that looked like an extra pair of deadly legs Underneath this brown leather ar to cover the dozens of scars that covered this person's arroup had been here, they would i froood looking features of a man in his early twenties, but that in reality, was closer to his early thirties

”Dear Students The next test will be theift that hasn't been granted to you, but that belongs to you A gift that will be shaped by your personality, habits, feelings, and experiences I won't stand here and tell you that you will beco talents in the universe, because in this specificlives Do your best Make us proud one more time”

This was the speech of the chairman, and only words he had decided to pronounce to these thousands of young cultivators

The very existence of a cultivator was based around the pursuit of power So stronger to avoid death, protect their loved ones, or soardless of their ift froer they would becoifts that would bind them to a life in theJerigh's progress, most of them were preoccupied with their own ascension, which would dictate who they would be for the next tens of thousands of years

The only one that appeared to be in peace with any possible outco for the test to begin His confidence wasinto theirthem the difference between him and them

After his speech was over, the chairroups of a hundred based on their ranking, leaving the top hundred for last The reason for this division was so that, unless extremely unlucky, only the students of a similar level of talent could be of a threat to each other

Nued between the members of the top hundred as they were teleported in block into another world

When the group reappeared, they found themselves on the top of the tallest s From this mountain, they were able to see a thick forests, nuht blue color of the sea, and vast yellow sand

As if on cue, the roup arrived, they turned into ninety-nine different directions, and disappeared in the distance

Before atteh However, if they simply attacked him when he are of their presence, and not burdened by his own ascension, he would end up becoe for them Just like it had happened the last time, when more than thirty had attacked him, just to find themselves covered in injuries and bruises about a minute later

The first step was to act as if nothing but their own ascension truly , they left

Before leaving, the slowest few that left the area had noticed so odd As if uninterest by what the others would do, Jerigh had sat down in the un the first step of his ascension Meditation

”What? He just sat there?” Asked the leader of this team, which after a few minutes from their departure froroup as planned

The cultivator looked back from the direction he came from, as if afraid that he could have been followed, then nodded, and said, ”Yes He sat before we could leave”