Chapter 301 A Joyful Apocalypse Part 4 (1/2)

Chapter 301 A Joyful Apocalypse Part 4

”You've done it this tilasses to Alex, which unable to say a single word, stared at the faces of his companions Fro feeling that a hu, was helplessness The group was giving up the more time passed, and it was all his fault

This hadn't been the first time that the former soldier had caused a situation like this, but never before had it happened when they were trapped with no possible way out The back of the shop had only two entrances, one inside the store, and the other to the back Unfortunately, there already were dead ones banging at both of those doors

There was no escape

The feeling of defeat roup They didn't even have the tiroup, and now they were already going to die Daniel on the other hand, was looking at the his head in disappointment

While it was true that they were doo, and that, was unacceptable for somebody who had lived in a world where cultivation existed

He reuards, or by the crianizations who used the traffic of merchants as their personal bank withdrawals and never accepted his presence in the city, or when he had to escape froht outside of the city

He eaker, had been beaten up constantly, and yet he never given up

Once hisbeen able to survive on his own, he couldn't help but think about the fact that he would have really needed a bit of help in those times So, he turned to look at the door that lead on the back of the shop, and with a sword that had appeared in his hand out of nowhere, he opened it and walked out

”STOP!!” Shouted Hannah after noticing Daniel walk out The rest of the group also looked in shock at his actions

”What the hell is he doing?!” asked Josh while dashi+ng towards the door, and pressing the side of his head against it in an atte

”fuck! If we have to die we lasses as he built up his courage and grabbed his gun from his backpack, and looked at it as if it was an escape from a painful death

Hannah turned to look at the rest of the group, which were now considering the idea of putting a quick end to their sufferings instead of being devoured alive by the dead ones The will to survive had never left her roup had survived forto end like this However, for the life of her, she couldn't think of a way to save her friends

Every second that she spent in silence, for her group, was a secondthe easy way out

”It's not even a discussion Alan's screas and sto ripped to pieces and eaten I cannot die like that” Said the lasses as two tears for form of affection

The twins looked at each other in an atte a word, they already knew that they too would have rather die like that than being eaten alive

”We can try to force our way out”on hishiry at hi this situation, yet, she looked at the faces of her co that they wouldn't discard the will of surviving right away

Natives of this city, the tins had alorked as the scouts of this group They knew perfectly well that there was no way for therocery shop was near a park, and ithin a co a holiday, and the banners of sale were all over the street There was no worse time or place for thelasses was touching his gun Moving it increasingly closer to his head as his expression displayed deeper and deeper levels of desperation and sadness

The only one that had been quiet so far, was the taller young one from one of worry to one of confusion

”What are you thinking about, George?” Asked Hannah while walking closer to hi until now, turned to look at her, and muttered ”Did he always have a sword?” These feords were enough to distract the tins froh for thecrazier by the moment

While the four were looked at each other in confusion, a sound came from behind them


The four turned to look back in horror, and there, they saw the lasses breath heavily, and treun was pointed at his head, and he had just pressed the trigger Fortunately, the shot hadn't been exploded

”FELIX!” Shouted Hannah before un off of his hand She then grabbed the collar of his shi+rt, and was prepared to give hiht, but not one word came to her mind Instead, she looked at the desperation shown by his eyes, and hugged him