Chapter 278 That One Person You Cant Poison (1/2)
Chapter 278 That One Person You Can“t Poison
The idea of the bearded explorer was siroup was convinced that they deserved to receive reparation for their losses, was due to the wrong assuest individuals that the universal government had to offer
On the other hand, fros that had been sent through the wormhole to explore the unknown space on the other side to be the strongest ast the warriors of their own do individuals, and yet not their top warriors And that, paired with the assu more to see of each other's repertoire, est
The negotiation that took place during the past eight ame of arm wrestle
Naturally, they were both sorely mistaken There were thousands of explorers within the universal govern the first encounter, were only the ones that were currently free The others were all focused on theirthe various sectors of space far away from home
The bearded explorer was erous the situation currently was With both groups slaain dootiation could soon fail, and turn into an all out conflict
The only solution to this, was to deterest
Despite of the scale of the conflict, within a universe which evolved within the laws of cultivation, there was an unspoken rule that was above all others That rule said that the holder of the poas the group that was lead by the most powerful individuals, and that was the same no matter if one talked about a battle between low level cultivators, or between groups whosethis notion into consideration, the bearded explorer had suggested a friendly coroups
Theoretically, neither would have ha a reason to refuse, as the outcoest once and for all But also prevent both parties fro to suffer a massive arand judge, which was in charge of handling the entire matter that revolved around the xeno protocol, was still forced to discuss this proposal with the other grand judges After all, this was a overnment
In the end, his proposal waswith the ambassadors of the other nation, the idea had been pushed forward The plan consisted in the creation of a friendly competition, where the population of the two territories could witness the power and uses of one another Naturally, the i of this proposal, was to settle the matter by combat
Ultimately, the date was set for ten years later
Galaxy S41, territory of the Garden of Death
”Sir! We are being attacked!” said a ood looking reen clothes He was covered in injuries, but none of them were lethal, which made it odd not to think about the fact that if someone was able to leave so many shalloounds on his body, he should have been able to kill hi the company of toht mind Their eyes were dead, and it seemed that they were in some sort of trans On the table next to thelasses with oddly colored wine
”Who is it?” responded the green clothed man with an irritated tone The interruption of his subordinate had clearly spoiled his fun ”It better be urgent”
After a quick explanation, the two left the city and fleards the at man, and a masked man The first of these three individuals was the keeper of key of the planet, while the other tere, of course, Daniel and Aeron
There was no trace of Xargy
”Why are you causing a ruckus? Don't you knoho resides here?” Aske the keeper of key in anger, before turning around, and noticing the presence of the green-clothed man He then boith politeness, and sie amount of respect for this individual, as he was an elite of the Garden of Death
While the other groups did not require one of the elites to suffer in order to gain the status of elite, and obtain a gift, the same was not for the Garden of Death In the Garden of Death, the cultivators needed the courage to gaain h their faction
These individuals were the women and men that each person that ca in ballads, and told in tales The keeper of key was extremely honored to have been chosen to protect the territory where one of these individuals resided
”What is the reen-clothed cultivator with irritation By his sides, the tomen were still present
”My lord, I am not sure They simply approached an-” The keeper of key wanted to respond to his lord, but he was interrupted by the voice of an individual that, until now, had refused to answer to his questions
”You are theat the ed woreen-robed man looked at Daniel for a fewto his threat, he allowed a faint purple-black colored mist to come out of his eyes It al