Chapter 220 We Co Gifts (1/2)
Chapter 220 We Co Gifts
”Do you have any idea where Der could have gone?” Daniel asked to Jerigh through a wisp of sound essence, receiving only a sih's head as a response He then stopped to think for a minute, and started to evaluate the situation
The shi+p was still , and they hadn't stopped, because otherwise, they would have felt it, and an announceers if they did That inal destination
Unsure of which place was set as the first destination of this crossing, he knew that if they waited for a fewit
Of one thing Daniel was clear no matter where they would end up first, if they reached that destination along with these monsters, that would likely spell extinction for the inhabitants of that unlucky world
In the end, there was only one thing that he could do He didn't knohere Der was, but since he needed to start looking somewhere, he decided that the captain's cabin was the first place to search for information
On their way, they found a few more closed doors, and whenever they were sure that there wasn't any et aith a few knocks, the two of the their cabins would mean death, and that if they really needed to, they should avoid using iether
He would generally get two different results The first one usually happened when the people that were more powerful than he was they would treat hiers were less powerful, and while they would still not believe their words, he would at least be able to forcibly pull them out of the room, and show the corridors covered in blood, and the pieces of ripped off flesh strewn all about
”These damn idiots”out of the area of the passenger's cabins, and reaching the counter where people could pick up their keys, and receive the item that they could use to lock the forht in the corridors was horrific to say the least, but here, it was actually terrifying
What was so terrifying about this hall, were not the reht thethe area like a group of headless chicken
Daniel had been in the captain's cabin once before, and therefore, he knew that there was no choice but to go through this hall There were a few more paths towards the captain's cabin, but they would take hours at the speed they were going
”We have to go through” Said Daniel to Jerigh, with a wisp of sound essence
Jerigh, visibly nervous about the idea, quickly took a deep and quiet breath, and nodded in confirmation to Daniel's plan The two then walked into the area whileas little noise as possible
Daniel did not knohat accidentally buainst of these beasts would mean, but for some reason, he knew that he wouldn't come out well either way, so, the two carefully avoided each and every one of the two hundred odd rouped in this area
While walking through the details Some of these individuals had died much earlier than others, and the remains of flesh on their body had already started to rot That meant that the flesh was not part of the body like the split bones were, as well as the fact that this mess had started at least a few days earlier
The stench of the rotting h were barely able to avoid gagging More than once both of them almost slipped and fell on a random puddle of blood, or piece of unidentified flesh, but the other was able to help the found out
Thearound at a relatively fast pace, and for the two of the to walk on eggshells, was extremely hard Daniel had more or less found a fix to his proble to himself and Sewah of how his survival was a matter of luck
There was adirectly towards thely called in his mind a 'divine intervention', a second ainst the approaching one, causing a short fight to start between the two
An exchange of lightning speed hits suddenly took place for a fewDaniel started to guess what the reason for the disappearance of their fighting intent could be, and soon enough, an idea popped in his mind He was relatively sure that the reason, was that the two ainst a 'prey', but against another est five ed to leave the hall and enter into one of the main corridors, that would then split into various paths that respectively lead to the crew's quarters, and a few other parts of the shi+p
These main corridors were relatively empty, and hardly any trace of blood or battle could be seen on the wall, floors, and ceiling Daniel and Jerigh were finally able to speed up their pace without having to worry toothe monsters in the hall
A door suddenly opened froed wo to catch Daniel's attention
The tere feeling the urgency of finding Der, and after the dangerous situation they had just been in, they didn't want to stop anymore But since Daniel didn't know if there were monsters nearby, he had no choice but to stop If one of those rerab his attention actually ended up catching up a monster's attention instead, they would be the ones to be screwed, as the woh would be out in the open in the corridor