Chapter 191 An Old Feud (1/2)
Chapter 191 An Old Feud
”If you want to survive, crawl into the water” Said the red carp with his usual pleasantly deep voice
Heimart and Roley looked at each other orry and uncertainty, while Jerigh slowly grabbed the hilts of his swords in preparation for a fight
Der, which was the st the thee bird-like beast
Without thinking twice about it, Der grabbed Heimart and Roley by their clothes, and juh followed hied to enter the water, a multicolored blur flashed past him and the small patch of water where Heiuests?” Said a penetrating voice which was able to pierce through the water, and reach every living being within the large pond This voice was carried by the wind, and it seemed to come from many different directions, all at the same time
From under the surface of the water, Der and the rest were finally able to see the full body of the ancient red carp, which was er than what they could see froth was of at least thirty meters, and was almost completely red colored with a few exceptions for a fehite curved lines that went froill to the tail, and a few black and white scales Its fins were soft-rayed, and long enough to float in the water like the end of a red dress
The four of theed froin with, and waiting quietly on the top of one of the large palms next to the pond, they saw an hawk-like beast
The colors of its pluested, and instead, only a large row of feathers that stood straight behind his back like a crown, possessed a rainbow-like variety of colors The rest of his feathers, were of a bluish-green color that becae of the barbs
Clawing tightly against the treetop, were a couple of large and sharp talons, which by the sheer sight, looked like they could take away a huge chunk of the red carp's body if the chance ever presented itself
This bird-like beast observed the four unfah his extre to do with you” Responded the red carp with a calm tone It was clearly not the first time that the two had encountered each other
”Don't be like that Just because I constantly try to kill you, it does not ht?” KWAH KWAH KWAH
The bird's laugh was so powerful, that Heimart and the rest couldn't help but cover their ears in pain in a desperate atteh's penetrative power
After the red carp noticed the effect that the bird's laugh had on the four huly rotated his body by a hundred and eighty degrees, and waved his ie bird
A massive jet of water shot from the surface of the pond and dashed towards the bird, which instantly rose up fro, and disappeared in the air
The jet of water was controlled in e again with the relatively large body of water, the bird appeared in front of it and waved his huge wings towards it, causing a squall of wind to push the water away from the pond
”No no no Come on now If you want to waste your water to protect these huet it back” Said the bird with his usual penetrating voice
Roley, which observed the scene quietly, turned towards the red carp, which before he could say anything, turned back to look at the four of the force then dragged Der, Heiht before they could go out of the reach of the bird's powerful cries, they heard it say ”Oh, you're no fun”
The pulling force followed the red carp's motion, which swam towards an underwater cliff, and into an entrance which was large just enough for the red carp to h
The cave was dark, and they were currently swiainst a natural current that h many small holes on the wall that formed a labyrinth of tiny rocky tunnels
For two full h thousand of meters of corridors, until finally, the dark corridor opened into a large subed cave
This cave was not coe pocket of air which Heimart and the rest could use to breathe
The e rocky platform that extended from one of the cave's walls
”What is the deal with that beast?” Asked Heier He couldn't help but re power that the bird's cry possessed
The red carp, whose head was only a tiny bit out of the water, responded by saying ”It's just An old feud Don't bother yourself with it” Then, without waiting for Heimart and the rest to ask any more questions, it turned to look at Roley, and asked ”Can you show it to htly by surprise, but quickly caught up with the red carp's words, and took the high-level water sphere out of his spatial ring once again
The red carp carefully observed the sphere for the better part of a minute in complete silence, then, interrupted the quietness of the cave by saying ”That's strange It feels so ”